Date: February 2, 2016
Date of Senate Meeting: January 29, 2016
Number on council: 14
Number present: 14
Prepared by Kyra Johnson
Amanda Dietlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, called the Senate meeting of the
2015-2016 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at
4:03pm in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
All present
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to approve last meeting’s minutes.
Second: Senator Anderson
Vote: Unanimous, last meeting’s minutes have been approved.
Call to the Audience:
Chair Dietlin: Welcome all clubs and organizations here today. Today’s meeting is
going to be brief due to the event, for human sex trafficking awareness week, that
we are having afterwards. So what is going to happen is when I call your clubs name
you will come to the podium and tell us a little bit about the club and what you hope
to accomplish/ bring to the NAU community.
Unfinished Business
New Action Business
Item A- Club Recognition: Laughter Club
Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item A- Club Recognition: Laughter
Second: Senator Carr
Discussion: Hi, this is Michelle and I am Sierra. So laughter club is what it
literally means. We want to use laughter as a tool to connect people together
and distress from life. We hope to provide a positive energy across NAU’s
campus. Have you ever been laughing with your friends and find that it is
contagious? Since they find it funny, you find it funny and that is what we
want to bring. We are going to do so by having events like comedy nights,
watching old comedy movies and other events through the semester. We
have a goal to have a laughter carnival that includes prizes at every booth.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A- Club Recognition: Laughter Club has been
Item B- Club Recognition: Lumberjack EMS
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item B- Club Recognition:
Lumberjack EMS
Second: Senator Anderson
Discussion: Hi, I am Carlton and I am Marcus. Lumberjack EMS wants it to be
more than a club, we want it to help the school and the community. We want
to have it be a service to the students and include lectures for premed
students. Our main goal is to get everyone educated in CPR and AED usage
and have better signage for more awareness. We have already started
working with club advisors and public health department chair of NAU to see
how we can accomplish our goals.
Vote: Unanimous, Item B- Club Recognition: Lumberjack EMS has been
Item C- Club Recognition: NAU Disc Golf
Motion: Senator Davis moves to vote on Item C- Club Recognition: NAU Disc
Second: Senator Sowerwine
Discussion: Hi, I am Troy and this is Josh. We are from NAU Disc Golf. We
have had the club approved by club sports, but wanted to get it approve by
you as well. Disc golf embodies the city of flagstaff as well as the NAU
campus. We already have a course and want to create a club to compete and
teach people how to play. We hope to make it a valuable asset to the NAU
Senator L’Ecuyer: Just a question what do you mean in the by-laws that all
elected officers are apart of residence hall association; I am just confused.
Presenter: That is a typo, sorry.
Chair Dietlin: We will fix that to reflect the correct information.
Vote: Unanimous, Item C- Club Recognition: NAU Disc Golf has been
Chair Dietlin: Awesome, congrats to all the clubs here, you are now official.
Presenter: How would I go about getting approval to use NAU branding with
our club?
Kristine: Come talk to me.
Chair Dietlin: So we will now be moving into officer reports and you are all
welcome to leave. No not you guys, just the audience, we still have time.
Executive Reports
a. President- Alexandria Buchta
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Allison Kelley
- Dallas and I have been working on diversity week, we are going to kick it
off with our speaker and continue into the next week. I met with our
sustainability interns, set their hours, and talked about how to make our
office more sustainable.
C. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Amanda Dietlin
- So I went to the academic committee meeting last Friday. They want to
change the add drop date from 8 days, which teacher are concerned
about, to 5 business days. It is unfortunate, but if you miss more than a
week of class it is really hard to ever catch up.
Senator Sowerwine: Is this something we can voice our disagreement on?
If so I think it should be longer.
Chair Dietlin: Its just adding a new class not dropping. Dropping is the
same length, which is like 14 days, it will stay the same.
Senator Sowerwine: Oh okay.
Senator Moore-Sharp: So it’s 5 days after the first day of class?
Chair Dietlin: No, the first day is included in the 5 days.
Senator Carr: What if it is a Monday class, but by the next week can you
still add it?
Chair Dietlin: If you add it within 5 days. If you want to be overridden into
a class, that is still an option. I will send you all the materials so you can
see all about it. So for appropriations and legislative it has been
impossible to find times where everyone can meet, but appropriations
will be Mondays at 5:30-6:30pm and legislative will be 7-8pm. We are
going to need people to switch committees, because I had to keep
appropriations at a time where the students can come.
Senator Carr: Does diversity count if we can’t make it to either one?
Chair Dietlin: No.
Senator Rosic: So can I contact clubs for next Monday?
Chair Dietlin: Yes, please remind your clubs.
D. Vice President of Government Affairs – Vanessa Pomeroy
e. Chief of Staff- Lauren Stebbins
Staff Reports
a. Student State Affairs- John Bower, Jake Gavin
b. Public Relations- Reed Emerson, Connor Wandersee, Korrin Snow
- We are just working on stuff for diversity week. Please keep sharing
stuff on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
c. Special Events- Amy Edgerton, Taylor Wesner
d. Information Technologist- Chantz Spears
NSG- Hali Wetzel, Kali Morris
-Hali: So I don’t if you guys know this is NSG president, Jo. We had the
canned food drive social for Cowden. We gave them all pizza which
apparently was the biggest turn out they ever had. We have our spring
kickoff for new members on Thursday and every one is welcome to come.
NSG is really important, because this is their first introduction into
ASNAU. Its going to be really fun and right after senate at 6pm. We also
are going to the national leadership conference from February 12-14th in
Tucson and we are taking 6 members.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator L’Ecuyer
B. Legislative: Senator Carr
C. Diversity: Dallas Diaz
-I haven’t meet a lot of you yet, but hello I am Dallas. I am working on
diversity week and might push it up 1 day to get a film screening in. It is
going to be structured from one Wednesday to the next Wednesday. My
office hours are 8-11 am and after 3. I am working on booking different
diversity trainings for the office. I have seen your concerns about being
able to make it to next weeks one and I am working on creating another
session. We will be having a D-MECCa training on February 14th from
11am-1pm. Diversity committee will be next Thursday after senate. After
diversity week, I hope to start a Facebook page to help repost things
hosted by other diversity clubs.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Abbey Matthew-We talked about having another donuts with
the dean, because last time they couldn’t attend.
b. Stefan Rosic- Same
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Brooke Graham- NR
b. Gabriella Nunnally- BSU is having Step Afrika come to NAU. It’s
very educational and it’s on Monday and it’s free!
c. Drake Ridge- We will discuss planning another meeting with
our dean.
College of Health and Human Services
a. Alex Roos- NR
b. Ashley Beghtol- Question, I emailed you about changing my
Chair Dietlin: Yes, talk to Ali.
College of Education
a. Alyssa Anderson- NR
b. Kyle Davis- NR
College of Business
a. Lauren L’Ecuyer- I also emailed you.
Chair Dietlin: Email Ali about any scheduling stuff, she made it.
I haven’t seen anything that wouldn’t work.
Senator L’Ecuyer: I was going to ask about appropriations.
Chair Dietlin: Next week we will vote to approve them. Oh guys,
this is Warner and he is our new senator.
b. Senator Sivage: NR
College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences
a. Madi Sowerwine- NR
b. Stella Carr- We reached out to our dean’s secretary, but we are
still waiting till we finalize our schedules to set up a meeting. I
also attended a meeting for green jacks and they are looking to
raise the green fee from $5 to $25. They talked about how
beneficial it will be since half of their funding has gone to the
San Francisco parking garage solar panels. Just to compare, U
of A’s fee is $25 and ASU’s is $12. They will be in next week
looking for our support and there are petitions going around.
University College
a. Marc Moore-Sharp- So last semester I had a reoccurring
meeting with my dean each month, but we have a change in
our schedule and are looking to find another time.
Advisor Reports (Cindy Anderson and Kristine Heflin)
Cindy Anderson— I want to say welcome back everyone and I am excited to
go to your first event.
Kristine Heflin— Ditto
Discussion Items
Senator Rosic: So I know Lauren (Senator L’Ecuyer) and I talked about having
forums last semester. I wanted to see what your thoughts are for this semester. It
says in our job description that we are suppose to have one each semester so I was
thinking half of us can help with a diversity one and the other half work on one
about being transparent about funds.
Chair Dietlin: If we want to form subcommittees for them… I will just include a sign
up for it with the residence life committee email.
Senator Nunnally: Do you want people that went to that drugs and alcohol
conference be on the committee?
Chair Dietlin: You are not required to be, but it would be appreciated.
Dallas: To go off the forum topic, I am planning one for diversity week and would
love help.
Chair Dietlin: Keep in mind you have a line in the budget for forums so it will not be
taken out of anywhere else. I also want to point out that today we are all casual, but
keep in mind we shouldn’t be in jeans; we need to be dressed professionally. These
sneaker thing isn’t working. Wear shoes that are nice. Wedges are fine if they look
dressy. We are not doing flip flops.
Important Dates
Motion: Senator Mathew moves to adjourn meeting at 4:31pm.
Second: Senator Moore-Sharp
Vote: Unanimous, meeting has been adjourned.