October 1st





Date: October 6, 2015 Number on council: 14

Date of Senate Meeting: October 1, 2015 Number present: 14

Prepared by Kyra Johnson

Amanda Dietlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, called the Senate meeting of the

2015-2016 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at

4:06 pm in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.

Roll Call

All Present

Approval of Minutes

Motion: Senator Carr moves to vote on approval of last week’s minutes.

Second: Senator Beghtol

Vote: Unanimous, last weeks’ minutes have been approved.

Call to the Audience:

Chair Dietlin: So for all the clubs’ here today, if you are here for recognition when we call your item you can come to the podium and explain a bit of your club, why you want to be recognized, number of members, events, etc. If you are here for funding do the same thing but about why you need the funding.

Unfinished Business

New Action Business

Item A- Club Recognition: Fossil Free Northern Arizona University

Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Club Recognition: Fossil Free

Northern Arizona University.

Second: Senator Ridge

Discussion: Hi, I am Johnny and this is Jack. We are a local branch of a worldwide movement. We represent a big step in have sustainable communities. Fossil Free NAU aims to eliminate the college’s investment in the top 200 fossil fuel corporations in the next five years. We would be happy of your (senate’s) approval in moving forward with this.

Vote: Unanimous, Item A Club Recognition: Fossil Free Northern Arizona

University has been approved

Item B- Club Recognition: International House Student Club

Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to table Item B Club Recognition:

International House Student Club

Second: Senator Sowerwine

Discussion: Presenters not present

Vote: Unanimous, Item B Club Recognition: International House Student Club has been tabled

Item C- Club Recognition: NAU Collegiate DECA

Motion: Senator Ridge moves to vote on Item C Club Recognition: NAU

Collegiate DECA

Second: Senator Roos

Discussion: Hello everyone my name is Amy. I am from DECA which is an association of business students. We are currently 15 members strong and are hoping to soon attend a conference in New York. We will be involved with other collegiate members and have competitions against other chapters.

We raise money, participate in community service and apply what we learn into our daily lives. DECA is also available to all majors not just business.

Vote: Unanimous, Item C Club Recognition: NAU Collegiate DECA has been approved

Item D- Club Recognition: Northern Arizona Unaccompanied

Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item D Club Recognition: Northern

Arizona Unaccompanied

Second: Senator Nunnally

Discussion: So Unaccompanied is a mixed gender a cappella group that goes and sings around the state. As some might already know we will be competing in ICCA. We have 7 members so far, but hope to gain more next year.

Senator Moore-Sharp: What is going to be your means for getting new members?

Presenter: Auditions for voice parts.

Vote: Unanimous, Item D Club Recognition: Northern Arizona

Unaccompanied has been approved.

Item E- Club Recognition: NAU Beach Volleyball Club

Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item E Club Recognition: NAU Beach


Second: Senator Mathew

Discussion: Hi, I am Maddie and I am with NAU Beach Volleyball. The club is really to help people understand the game of sand volleyball. We want to raise the level of competiveness of this sport in Flagstaff. This year we might even have enough people to have a travel team.

Senator Sowerwine: How many members are you thinking?

Maddie: 50-100 people for rec and less for travel.

Vote: Unanimous, Item E Club Recognition: NAU Beach Volleyball has been approved.

Item F- SB 28-9: Delta Sigma Pi

Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to vote on Item F SB 28-9: Delta Sigma Pi

Second: Senator Copeland

Discussion: Hello, I am Nicole. I have been a member of DSP for the past seven semesters here. I am asking for a refund for my travel to the grand conference. I was the delegate and another member was the alternative.

While he learned about leadership, I got to attend sessions about how we run

DSP. For example, one of the sessions we talked about changing our ritual, but it didn’t pass. The funding would help cover hotel, lodging, registration and transportation which in total is $1569. The fraternity provided $400 if I attended all sessions, which I did, and it will be put toward our next conference.

Senator Graham: What is DSP?

Nicole: A professional business fraternity open to FCB and HRM students.

Cindy: Do our policies allow you to reimburse for travel?

Chair Dietlin: Yes, if is in the same fiscal year

Vote: Majority Rule, Extension: Senator Carr, Item F SB 28-9: Delta Sigma Pi has passed

Item G- SB 28-10: Racquetball

Motion: Senator Nunnally moves to vote on Item G SB 28-10: Racquetball

Second: Senator Mathew

Discussion: Hello I’m Kevin. I am the president of club racquetball. We are asking for funding to bring in a professional to teach a one-day course for our members. We want to have Rhonda Rajsich, who is #3 in the world for racquet ball, come and teach us the basics. We met her a little while ago and she offered to come up and do a teaching workshop.

Vote: Unanimous, Item G SB 28-10: Racquetball has passed

Item H- SB 28-11: Beta Alpha Psi

Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to table Item H SB 28-11: Beta Alpha


Second: Senator Davis


Vote: Unanimous, Item H SB 28-11: Beta Alpha Psi has been tabled

Item I- SB 28-12: Society of Physics

Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item I SB 28-12: Society of Physics

Second: Senator Rosic

Discussion: Hello, I’m Mia. I am president of our organization. We are a physics club and we do activities as outreach/tutoring for students. On

October 16 th we are attending the American Society of Physics Four Corners

Conference in Phoenix. We have around 15 members that want to present there and support those who are presenting. We want NAU to be the largest body present.

Senator Sowerwine: Are all 15 students undergrad?

Mia: Yes

Vote: Unanimous, Item I SB 28-12: Society of Physics has passed

Chair Dietlin: For all the clubs/organizations here we are going to move into reports you are welcome to stay or you may leave at this time.

Executive Reports a.

President- Alexandria Buchta

- I have another faculty senate meeting Monday and will give full report the covers the past two weeks next meeting. I had breakfast with regents and faculty this week. We had a conversation about how to maintain the

NAU feel, like small class sizes. Also ABOR and president Cheng are super excited about us creating a diversity position for ASNAU. I had a conference call with ASU and UofA student body governments on how we want to unite and maybe do lobbying at capital. Next week at senate we have a presenter coming about the 10-year vision. If you have not yet filled out the survey sent to you please fill it out. Next week I am setting up a meeting time with president Cheng. b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Allison Kelley

- This weekend is family weekend! Thank you for everyone who has signed up at NSG to run Jacks Fest. We will be handing out proud lumberjack buttons at the tailgate. ASNAU will have own tailgating spot with drinks and food; so you can spend time with your families there. We had a diversity workshop planned but they had to reschedule. If anyone has any topics that they are still interested in let me know. As for safe zone training most of you have let me know you can’t make it to the set times so I am setting up an ASNAU one. Diversity committee met this

Thursday and talked about the diversity director position and what it will entail. We also had a discussion about a petition to have gender neutral bathrooms in every building on campus; so we are working on writing that and finding out which buildings don’t already have neutral bathrooms. We are also looking to partner with diversity clubs to have more support for the petition.

C. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Amanda Dietlin

- RHA is looking for someone from ASNAU to sit in on meetings and bring them the filers. The meetings are Mondays so let me know if you can attend. Ashley (Senator Beghtol) won the pillow for minutes this week and Stefan (Senator Rosic) got a Reese’s in his cubby for last week. I have been in contact with the university in Colorado about our introduction to college course. Our “sister university” wants to use our course as a template for creating a similar course at their college. Ali (President

Buchta) and I have been contacted to have a textbook exchange on campus. Senate bills are coming across my desk but the club/organizations they are not coming to appropriations; it is your job to contact them about it. I do have people who are coming to my office or emailing me on how this whole process works, please be the liaison.

Academic standards committee and will let you know about new syllabus.

ASNAU family game night is this Friday; who is willing to help Friday 7-

9pm? We need 2-3 people to volunteer. Senator Roos is willing to work, anyone else? Senator Rosic. Anybody else? Senator Ridge, perfect.

D. Vice President of Government Affairs – Vanessa Pomeroy

- It’s On Us week is right around the corner and I am extremely proud and excited to launch all of the events that John, Heaven, and I have been working on this past month. I will provide in depth information on each event at the next senate meeting, but to keep it short this week I will just give you an overview of what we have planned. Monday- Coffee and Consent Tuesday- Book Reading and Signing with Dr. Laura Gray-

Rosendale Wednesday- Screening of the Hunting Ground documentary and question and answer panel with NAU Administration Thursday-

Know Your Rights regarding consent and sexual assault with Matt

Friday- “A Slice of Safety” presentation about alcohol and sexual assault from health promotions with pizza. This week we are filming our It’s On

Us video which John will go into more detail about. He and I had a meeting with Athletics this morning and they have shown interest in showing our video at all sporting events up until November 1 st when they launch their own It’s On Us video! In addition, they would like to offer community service to athletes to participate in our events, and I have reached out to club sports to see if this is something they would be interested in as well. Next week we will be meeting with counseling services, bars, and taxi companies for potential participation in the campaign, which John will go into more detail about. ASNAU has received a tremendous amount of support for the campaign from

President Cheng, administration, and the Regents at ABOR this past week. I believe that this is going to be a very impactful and successful campaign and I hope you all are just as excited as we are to launch it in less than two weeks!

E. Chief of Staff- Lauren Stebbins

- NSG had great meeting and we now have an executive board. The next thing is that we will be working on the homecoming float. There is a new

PR system in terms of a google doc that has been emailed out to you. You really need to use it, especially with your donuts with dean event.

Senators are in charge of doing the request; they will send need to send in proof when it is done. There are a lot of advertisements that the team is working on and this will help them manage everything. Special events have worked on getting prizes for carnival games. ABOR went really well.

This is your last chance to tell me that you cannot work the carnival. I need a ton of people to work from 4-10pm.

President Buchta: If you have talked to us we have your name.

Lauren: We have two shifts

Senator Nunnally: If we have a preference should we tell you?

Lauren: Yes

Senator Roos: When is the carnival?

Lauren: October 22th

President Buchta: Senate meeting will be cancelled.

Senator Roos: About PR, is any student allowed to ask about using PR?

Lauren: Yes, but not last minute. They would be coming into our office and they will fill out the form if they want one and I will decide if we will do it.

Reed: If someone in your club talks about it to you, you would fill out the request and be the contact. PR would email you about the request and you would cc the email.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Isn’t the bystander training Thursday?

Lauren: No it is a different date

President Buchta: If you have any issues with training email myself or


Lauren: I think that is all. Also thank you Drake (Senator Ridge) for standing up to be on the advisory board.

Staff Reports a.

Student State Affairs- Heaven Pollock, John Bower

-Hey I am John, the new SSA. We are focusing on Its On Us, the campaign we will be running. We have a deal with the local cabs and they will be offering student $5 rides if they have on an It’s On Us t-shirt for the week.

We are meeting with counseling to see if they can provide two free counseling sessions. Also working on a possible deal with the bars. We have started the video for the campaign and are working with lots of clubs on campus to be a part of it. We are also working with athletics and they said they would play our video before their video at the games.

Senator Rosic: For the video can we have subtitles with it?

John: Of course we will do that. Also ABOR went great last week. b.

Public Relations- Reed Emerson, Connor Wandersee, Korrin Snow

Reed: I hope everyone hung up the signs I put in your cubbies. I know you guys didn’t ask your friends to like the Facebook page since we only had like 50 more likes. Invite all your friends! We are also

working on the Its On Us video. We are having the girls’ soccer team be a part of it. Executive team, please make sure your PR information gets to us as well.

Connor: Just been pumping out the designs for It’s On Us.

Reed: Anytime we post on the page please share it because it’s only us liking it. The more people that follow you and the more you post, our messages will get out more to the students. If you have Instagram or

Twitter follow us as well. c.

Special Events- Amy Edgerton, Taylor Wesner

-Amy: Worked on carnival stuff, finishing it up. We had a small issue with

AZ Bounce Around and we are moving forward with contracts. We are just focusing on a few more things.

Taylor: I got the family weekend stuff done and reserved the spot by

Chick-fil-a. d.

Information Technologist- Chantz Spears

No Report e.

NSG- Kali Morris, Hali Wetzel

We had our meeting this week and had 21 people attend. So our attendance is still up there and we also had elections. We picked our committees and are trying to establish a shadow program. Some of them (NSG) are coming to our tailgate and meeting next week.

Committee Reports


Appropriations: Senator L’Ecuyer

- Went really well. Bills are looking better this week.


Legislative: Senator Carr

- We worked on a draft for director of diversity and we planning to vote on that next week so we can bring it to senate. We are also working on creating a sustainability position which would be unpaid and fall under the VPSA position, as well as director of diversity. We are going to meet with green jacks on what we should do/ include in the position.

Senator Reports

College of Arts and Letters a.

Abbey Matthew- Went to legislative and diversity committee this week. We have also been working with our dean. b.

Stefan Rosic- Donuts with the dean, we kind of have a date and need to talk to special events (November 3 rd @ 11-1pm liberal

arts). I met with Chantz for the forum about concerns and going to meet next week on what website to use. External link.

For the gender neutral bathrooms, I met with some clubs.

There are some people working on it already just have our role be a part of it. Gabby and I sent out an email for everyone’s input on the director of diversity.

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences a.

Brooke Graham- No report b.

Gabriella Nunnally- I went to legislative and diversity committee this week. We are working on finding out where all the gender neutral bathrooms are on campus. Trying to see if any of them have showers as well. I created the student diversity duties and want everyone’s input. We are still working on meeting with our dean.

Senator L’Ecuyer: What is the definition you are looking for?

Senator Nunnally: Well when we think of diversity, of diverse populations that aren’t necessarily the dominant hegemonic white male positions in society. Like different stand points so we are also including disability resources, gender studies, ethnic studies, everything like that, transfer commutator connections.

Senator Graham: Why the showers in the bathrooms?

Senator Rosic: For residence halls. There are gender-neutral bathroom on 1 st floor of the buildings, but there are no showers in those bathrooms. That way it is safer for those students. We are working on getting the numbers of assaults that go unreported or pushed off because of the politics on this campus.

Senator L’Ecuyer: Our funding goes to the whole student population and you can’t allow the funding to go to exclusive group.

Chair Dietlin: Point of order

President Buchta: The fact that ABOR and president Cheng is very excited about the position should be enough.

Senator Rosic: The position would elevate the voices. It’s learning more about standing for inclusiveness on campus.

Chair Dietlin: Point of order we are in the middle of reports.

c. Drake Ridge-No report

College of Health and Human Services a.

Alex Roos- No report b.

Ashley Beghtol- Alex and I have got a date, October 19 th for our dean.

College of Education a.

Alyssa Anderson- No report b.

Kyle Davis- No report

College of Business a.

Amanda Copeland- No report b.

Lauren L’Ecuyer- No report

College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences a.

Madi Sowerwine- No report b.

Stella Carr- I am working to confirm a date with our dean for the donuts event but it probably won’t be till December. We also have a meeting with our dean the next week.

University College a.

Marc Moore-Sharp-I didn’t make it to legislative this week since my nephew was in the hospital. Had to reschedule meeting with dean; we are meeting tomorrow.

Advisor Reports (Cindy Anderson and Kristine Heflin)

Cindy Anderson— For those who have been paying any attention to social media, you know about the college shooting. As of right now ten are known to be dead. I was hoping we could all have 30 seconds of silence to honor them. The shooter was on social media the night before talking about his intentions; I just would hope that if you saw that post that you would let someone know beforehand. People that do devastating things have tell signs that we need to look out for. The same thing goes for the student connection program, people who commit suicide are not known to campus authorities. I don’t know if could be prevented but social media is a really powerful place/tool and I am asking to let people note. Mark October 15 th on your calendar as campus safety and lighting walk. I want to commend your efforts for looking at gender-neutral bathrooms.

Senator Moore-Sharp: For the petition thing, is it surveyed or will the thing just happen?

Senator Rosic: We want proof of support.

Senator Nunnally: Since there is a lot of construction going on and we want to show them students want gender-neutral bathrooms in those building.

Cindy: You (Senate) need to look at other things as well. What about the HLC locker rooms? You need to work with RHA about the structure of the bathrooms to be taller or shorter or whatever. Could the shower be added to the already there bathrooms? Effected change for the legislative process is good for outreach and what the students want.

Kristine Heflin— I have been working with Lauren and special events for contracts. I am looking forward to family weekend, please wear your nametag. I just want to let you know that most problems we have with family weekend are not with students but with parents. If you have a problem with a parent come get on of us or police.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Should we wear our polo’s at tailgate?

Allison: Polo’s and nametag, please.

Senator Nunnally: For the blanket presentation should we wear polo’s too?

Allison: Yes

Discussion Items

President Buchta: Regent Killigan resigned today, he felt he had a conflict of interest so that’s why he left. The student opinion survey and I am going to read this to you.

A Student Opinion Survey Working Group was convened in in spring 2015 to identify/develop a questionnaire to be used for the end of term student opinion survey. Committee members include Bruce Fox, Galen Collins, Robert Horn, Susan

Smiley, Wanda Costen, Steve Palmer, Shadow Armfield, and committee chair, Denise

Helm. We will solicit feedback from various stakeholders (e.g., faculty, students,

ASNAU, etc.) as we develop the survey categories and questions. Once categories are identified, the next step will be to draft questions for each category, then get feedback on those to build the survey instrument. From there, we’ll need to test validity and reliability of the instrument. We hope to implement the final instrument beginning spring 2017; however, the specific timeline will depend on feedback from stakeholders. This, survey is one part of a larger project that the Faculty Senate

Council on Learning is working to evaluation of teaching more comprehensively.

Senator Carr: An official rate my professor, the teacher don’t receive the change.

President Buchta: Teachers have been fired over the surveys result and they are looking to find the best way for the students to take them

Senator Rosic: I would like to know is it better idea for 10 year or 1 year bases.

Senator Davis: How does the survey effected 10 year teachers?

Chair Dietlin: That question was already asked.

President Buchta: If you have any more thoughts or questions, let me know.

Senator Roos: I really need help to win this competition that I am in. It’s to win

$1000 scholarship to go to Thailand. It doesn’t work on the schools Wi-Fi for some reason but if you live off campus there is a link on the Facebook page. I would really appreciate it if you all could vote for me.

Chair Dietlin: So this point of discussion, I want to revisit the diversity director position, because we had somewhat seemed to be some hesitance when we were discussing reports. I want to preface this conversation with that upper administration at the president’s office and ABOR were very excited about this position, because this position will allow us to better represent all students on campus. Right now the students that are apart of diverse populations are slightly under represented especially through ASNAU and it’s very very important. Leg committee would like your opinions as far as creating the duties that you guys would like to see; keep in mind that this position is not taking away anyone’s job it is strictly to grow our team and allow us to better represent all students across the entire campus. Are there any comments? Yes.

Allison: Also just kind of going off of that, the same way the SSA directors fall under

Vanessa that is what this director is going to look like. We did table having an intern for a while and the reason we decided to not go that way because what we are asking of them is a lot more then something someone might want to do on a volunteer bases. And because of the amount we are asking them to do, the amount of involvement in ASNAU they would have we want them to have a compensation for their time

Chair Dietlin: Is there any input or questions or clarifications that need to occur? Yes

Senator Carr

Senator Carr: I just want to clarify, I know that for like most of us that may not view ourselves as part of a diverse population, the committee or in the position aren’t meant to victimize or segregate anyone. It’s like those who don’t necessarily a under identified population can still be working with that, so I don’t think it is going to be signifying any group or giving money to any specific types of people. They would be working to get all students to participate in their events then take it, it will kind of reach as to be a voice for the students, I want to make sure all students have a voice within our organization and our campus.

Chair Dietlin: Senator Moore-Sharp

Senator Moore-Sharp: I think we just need to keep in mind the course surrounding this issue and you know what would encourage someone to voice a concern and whether or not on depending on how they felt about the issue and whether or not they felt like they were what’s the word for it, allowed to speak based on certain things. So I feel like in the process of this we need to be mindful of this cause that the elephant in the room and that’s something that no one wants to acknowledge that we need to be mindful of that when we discuss this.

Chair Dietlin: Yes I also want to say that no one is trying to victimize anybody with this conversation. And if you have concerns that you don’t feel comfortable expressing in here, the entire executive board is willing to work with you guys and express those concerns in an anonymous manner if that is something that you wish to do. We are looking to unify senate so that way we can come together as a united front especially with the sense with a sensitive issue such as this. Senator


Senator Sowerwine: So I am going to start this with I am super uncomfortable talking about this, but I have an idea. So I understand that we want a diversity position and I think that’s wonderful, but my question is why does it need to be a position that is funding by ASNAU? Instead of a representative from, I am not even sure what it is called when all the diversity groups come together and form that club, why couldn’t they have a representative come and like be a part of us without being funded by


Chair Dietlin: Senator Nunnally would you like to clarify?

Senator Nunnally: So the director of the diversity position will be working with the united diversity council, the only issue with that is for this like diversity events and diversity awareness, multi-cultural clubs don’t necessarily have the fund or power that ASNAU has. ASNAU has excess to the entire student body list server, that’s a really big point and another point is like Allison said we are asking a lot out of this person and the people that are in the multi-cultural clubs were involved in every single multi-cultural thing on campus. That’s why it’s time consuming for those people and we also want the director to act as a liaison between that and maybe even a senate chair of diversity to act as a liaison for that also.

Chair Dietlin: President Buchta

President Buchta: So just so you guys know we are almost a little bit behind the times on creating this position. There are student government, I was speaking with faculty member and he was part of student government in Iowa and he served as the diversity chair and he was the link between diversity and faculty and administration so those students felt they had a safe way to communicate with administration, so just putting that out there. There are other student governments that have this position, it’s not just us.

Chair Dietlin: Senator Anderson

Senator Anderson: I really would like to learn more about this position, but the place where I am confused is like the distinguishing of what this person will do opposed to what Allison is doing and what the committee is doing as well.

Chair Dietlin: Senator Rosic would you like to clarify please?

Senator Rosic: Well actually in the bylaws was the VPSA position does nothing that says diversity in that position, so it has kind of never been formalized goal for that position. And that I think Allison has done a wonderful job at like really trying to diversify and I respect that and I respect your support, but basically if you look at the bylaws diversity isn’t on there and we are trying to make it a goal of focus like president Buchta said we are behind the times, the way its organized, its organized that like the way ABOR wants to focus on it is similar to, to the eras of the 50’s and

60’s. That has to change we are going to try to make that its central focus.

Chair Dietlin: Senator Graham

Senator Graham: Since we are like in week 5, like is this something that you want to vote on now to start next semester or something that will start right away?

Chair Dietlin: Allison

Allison: It depends on the timeline, if this passes, if the senate choses to past it, we are hoping to bring it, I think our goal timeline is to bring it to senate next week to vote on it and then hopefully have at the latest the position hired by next semester so they can already be hired before the semester starts.

Senator Graham: But it would like start now?

Chair Dietlin: Keep in mind that the entire student body needs to vote on this change so after it’s voted on here in senate the student body will decide if this position occurs or if it does not occur. They are ultimately the voice because we, we would be using their fee dollars to pay for this salary. President Buchta.

President Buchta: When the vote so it gets passed here when the vote goes out I would likely put a disclaimer that says effected immediately on there; which means that would put that back on exec to start like put out applications for the hiring process.

Chair Dietlin: Senator Ridge

Senator Ridge: I want to add that another benefit of having this position is that it is a appointed, hired position we can ensure the person that is going to be in this position is familiar with diversity club on campus and is familiar with diversity issues. While Allison is doing a wonderful job in her position that doesn’t mean, that you know next year further down the road, that someone can be elected that isn’t as diversity aware and doesn’t since it is not in the bylaws isn’t really contractually forced to have the emphasize on diversity events. So this is just ensuring that diversity students are going to get representation in ASNAU.

Chair Dietlin: Senator Rosic

Senator Rosic: If you are concerned about the budget, I understand like where you are coming from, like if you are not sure if it’s going to address some students, but right now we are not addressing the diverse population and I think in our 1.2 million dollar budget we can find room to create a paid position for one person.

Since we already are paying every single person in this organization, I don’t see a problem in finding a spot to fund that position.

Chair Dietlin: Senator Moore

Senator Moore-Sharp: Two things, maybe I am just being a broken record, but I really just don’t see how it can’t be pivoted with the current student affairs director,

I just don’t. Also too, I heard senator L’Ecuyer say something about the bylaws, like a violation of the bylaws for exclusive funding or something like that to just clarify would it , is that correct or ?

Chair Dietlin: So what Senator L’Ecuyer was bringing up, in the bylaws we can’t technically can’t fund anything that as far as senate bills, fund anything that would be better suited or create anything that would be better suited for another club organization, that what you are referring too. Yes Senator L’Ecuyer?

Senator L’Ecuyer: More the fact that you can’t exclude on specific group of people from what you are doing.

Chair Dietlin: Senator Nunnally

Senator Nunnally: For clarification this position isn’t meant to exclude anyone, it’s meant to give a voice to people that have been excluded in the past. As we all know in leg committee, this is the first time we have ever had this discussion for diversity in ASNAU. Making it a priority and it is very important to continue to do just because there are people of color, there are LGBTQ students, there are students with disabilities, transfer students and many more students that don’t fit upper-class or middle-class hegemonic ideals that society holds.

A lot of the people that have been have a very strong voice in the past and currently have a lot of privilege and so we are not trying to oppress anyone, not trying to segregate anyone, not trying to exclude anyone, this is just to help everyone because we do represent all the students.

Chair Dietlin: Allison

Allison: Going back to senator Moore-Sharps question, about the purpose on why I just can’t do it. I think a large part of it is just because I am only 1 person and I do have a lot of pother focuses that do fall under my position. So to have someone that can be focused specifically on diversity because we do have so many people that are passionate about seeing this become a position that I can’t do it all on my own and

have someone that is there to help me do all the detail oriented like set up the logistic side of the events that we already do plan as ASNAU.

Chair Dietlin: Keep in mind that diversity is a goal for the entire university, Northern

Arizona University is trying to incorporate diversity in all areas so the fact that

ASNAU is supporting that goal and working towards that goal with the university is really important. Hence why we have such strong backing with ABOR when we brought it up at ABOR last week, saying that we were looking to create this and when Ali had conversations directly with president Cheng, so this is an entire goal of the university. Senator L’Ecuyer.

Senator L’Ecuyer: I completely agree with that and I think that, but I would suggest looking over your definition one more time then after what you just said, it’s not meant to exclude anybody I would look over your definition and I believe it is in the minutes.

Chair Dietlin: Great. Senator Davis

Senator Davis: I have a question about what the administration is doing. I personally have not seen much out there from the administration.

Chair Dietlin: President Buchta would you like to clarify, please.

President Buchta: I don’t know if you have ever been down stairs in the union there is a whole leads center down there that is multi-cultural. That’s not meant to sound rude to you; they also have star program for students who are, who the university recognizes as being from a lower socioeconomic status so they can come to school early and they can feel like they are part of the NAU community to keep them retained and make them feel like they are a part of NAU. So if you like don’t see as a student , there are a lot of things that I am sure Gabby and Stefan like do notice that the administration does do at NAU for diversity students and for the recognition.

Chair Dietlin: Reed

Reed: Is there a clarification too with the bylaws issue, with funding if you think of what SSA is doing everybody is invited and welcome it’s a student body event that anything that the diversity. I don’t know what the position is called, anything they put on would be completely open to every single student so it’s not excluding anybody and it’s not an exclusive club.

Senator L’Ecuyer: I don’t think that’s been brought up yet, that everyone is invited.

President Buchta: Anything that ASNAU holds, every single student is invited.

Chair Dietlin: Senator Sowerwine

Senator Sowerwine: So I just have a general question then, if we are thinking of putting in a diversity chairman have thought about putting in a sustainability chairman or

Chair Dietlin: That’s what Stella

Senator Sowerwine: a religious beliefs chairman? Just because I know we are focused on one very specific group of people, I think if we are going to do that focus we need to focus on the others as well.

President Buchta: We need a close session

Chair Dietlin: Can I get a senator to vote for a close session. Senator Ridge.

Senator Ridge: I move to vote for a closed session.

Chair Dietlin: Can I get a second. Senator Beghtol

Senator Beghtol: I second

Chair Dietlin: Is there any discussion about voting for a closed session? Yes.

Senator Rosic: I think it’s important we keep discussing this as we have on the minutes.

President Buchta: A closed session would continue the discussion.

Allison: It would just be with senate not

Chair Dietlin: Is there any other discussion?

Senator Rosic: I think keeping this open is important.

Chair Dietlin: Cindy?

Cindy: So I just want to say if it is a closed session your advisor would have to leave too.

Chair Dietlin: No

Cindy: oh okay

Chair Dietlin: Yes Caesar

Caesar: I think that some of us here are students that want to know what is going on.

Chair Dietlin: I mean this is a preliminary discussion about this position and there will be more discussion about it next week if you would like to attend that at senate meeting.

Chair Dietlin: Is there any other discussion? All of those in favor of a closed session, all of those opposed, kay. Any abstentions? No okay.

President Buchta: Than this conversation needs to be wrapped up.

Chair Dietlin: Senator Rosic

Senator Rosic: In reference to exclusion I think it is important that we like take a second to look, if we are talking about exclusion like look at the whiteness that dominates this organization and this campus and Arizona in general and that’s why we need this position to like give a voice for people who aren’t included in this conversation specifically. In this organization ASNAU, so that’s the whole point it’s not about exclusion what we are doing right now we are excluding the voices of certain students and not paying attention to them when we are planning events disability things whether its students of color.

Chair Dietlin: Okay I appreciate your comments this is a really difficult conversation obviously we have kind of gone back and forth for quite some time, Senator Carr as the chair of legislation will you please add final comments and then we are going to close this discussion, take a deep breath and move on to something else. We will revisit this next week, when we have more input and Gabriella and Stefan flush out the changes to the constitution and the bylaws we are going to be proposing and then we will continue conversation.

Senator Carr: To go back to what Madi asked about this other positions, to diversify we are looking into and internship for sustainability which would be unpaid because it wouldn’t require as much work as a director position would. So that’s why we think it would be a good opportunity to bring another voice for students which is big issue at NAU as diversity is so we are talking about that too. The diversity issue has just been the first biggest concern that leg has talked about so as we have more school year ahead of us I am sure other issues to diversify not to racial or ethnic sense just student issues sense of our student government. I think we will continue to come up with those ideas as sustainability is the next issue on our agenda and I understand that everyone is really, this, we can feel the tension in the room and just as we don’t, those of us that are white don’t know what it is like to be from an ethic minority, those from an ethic minority don’t necessarily know what’s it’s like to be white. In our society we are all humans and we all have a right to be who we are so I don’t think that anyone should feel victimized because this is to make sure that we are all represented on our campus. Maybe some of the language which has made those who are from a represented population feel

victimized or feel like their bad for being or white or any of that but don’t feel that way because this isn’t about us it’s about the 20,000 students on our campus. So we should just put our differences aside and focus on them and what we can do to better them.

Chair Dietlin: Thank you Stella.

Allison: Can I say something real quick?

Chair Dietlin: Yeah

Allison: So if any of you feel comfortable saying anything finite feel free to come to me and I will be at leg on Monday and can anonymously give your comments if you guys didn’t feel comfortable.

Chair Dietlin: You can also come to me or any other exec member.

Lauren: We will stick around

Chair Dietlin: We will stick around and be in the office for quite some time if you need to come into our offices and shut the door if you feel the need to discuss this issue farther. Senator Graham.

Senator Graham: It’s not really about this, like in general when someone says something like don’t attack them for saying what they say. Like I think that’s a big issue, not like in just this topics but anything.


Chair Dietlin: Golden pinecone this week goes to Senator Nunnally and Rosic for drafting the duties of the diversity chair and looking over the constitution and bylaws for it.

Lauren: Remember come talk to me if you can’t work the carnival.

Senator Nunnally: You all received a poster for the coming out event and if you didn’t get it there are more in the leads center. I think it would be a great educational experience for everyone here.

Important Dates


Motion: Senator Graham moves to adjourn meeting at 5:31pm

Second: Senator Mathew

Vote: Unanimous, meeting has been adjourned.
