continuing student evaluation form

During each academic year following a student’s admission to a Department of Mathematics and Statistics graduate
program, the student’s advisor, with input from department faculty and staff, will evaluate the student’s progress in the
program based upon the criteria identified below. If a student exhibits a weakness (rating of needs improvement or
unacceptable) in any of the criteria, the student’s advisor and student, and Department Chair, will develop a
Professional Growth Plan (PGP) to remediate the weakness. The advisor will evaluate and report to the Chair
successful completion of the PGP by the student. If the Advisor and the Chair determine that the student has met the
objectives, activities, and timelines of the PGP, he or she can continue in the program. If the student has not met
completed the PGP successfully, the advisor reports to the Chair who will then make the determination that the
student has not met the objectives, activities, and timelines of the PGP. If it is determined that the student has not
met the objectives, activities, and timelines of the PGP, he or she will be denied continuance in the program.
Student ID #:
M.S. Mathematics
Cumulative GPA:
M.S. Statistics
M.S. Mathematics Education
M.A.T. Mathematics
Evaluation Date:
Cumulative Hours:
Please respond to the following questions concerning this student:
1. Have courses in the program been completed as scheduled? If not, explain reason for non-completion, and
detail the steps anticipated to complete the courses in a professional growth plan.
2. Is performance in the courses satisfactory? If not, explain steps anticipated to correct unsatisfactory
performance in a professional growth plan.
3. Has student conducted him/her self in a professional and ethical manner? If not, provide details
and explain steps to be taken to correct unprofessional behavior in a professional growth plan.
4. If student is a GTA, is the student carrying out instructional responsibilities in a satisfactory manner?
If not, explain steps anticipated to correct unsatisfactory performance in a professional growth plan.
5. If the student is a GTA, is the student participation in GTA training activities satisfactory? If not,
Provide details and explain steps to be taken to correct unsatisfactory participation in PGP.
PGP Plan (check one)
(If yes, please attach plan to evaluation form)