ENGLISH 2336: INTRODUCTION TO MULTICULTURAL LITERATURE SPRING 2014 MIDTERM-EXAM I. BRIEF ANSWER IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS. (25%) Please answer the following using 25 words or less for each part. In Edward Said’s essay “Reflections on Exile,” the author writes that “some distinctions can be made between exiles, refugees, expatriates, and émigrés.” How would Said classify the following people and why? a. The speaker in “Hometown” b. The father in “My Two Fathers” in the U.S. and also S. Korea c. The speaker in “Freeway280” d. Oka e. Emiko II. BRIEF ESSAY—100 WORDS (25%) “‘[O]ne is human only by, with and through others.’” .Discuss what this means to Elise Sprunt Sheffield in “The ‘Gentle Wholeness’ of Home.” III. ESSAY—500 WORDS (50%) Write a critical analysis essay on one of the following topics. Include the following: title thesis (issue statement) supporting evidence paragraphs with clear topic sentences provocative conclusion [not merely summation] Use a minimum of two quotations from each primary source. ESSAY TOPICS Analyze setting in And the Soul Shall Dance, “Freeway 280 and “Going Home.” Hint: For instance, you may want to consider the duality of the temporal settings in the works. What other observations can you make about this complex element of literature in these three works? Choose one character, author or speaker from any three of your readings and discuss in what ways family for each one is crucial to the development of the respective work. Discuss how each author uses shifts in time to develop theme in “A Pair of Tickets,” And the Soul Shall Dance, and “Hometown.”