Sylliby for 1551 Fall 2013.doc

Houston Community College System
Fall 2013 Semester - CRN#66786
CSME – 1551 Artistry of Hair Theory/Practical
Instructor: Mrs. Saldivar 713-718-8039 Email:
Classes held Mon.-Thurs. (10:08 am-12:43pm)
Office Hours are: Mon-Thurs (10:00-10:30am by appt. only)
Dept. Chair: Dr. Rudy Solis
Course Description
Credit: 5 (2 lecture, 8 lab)
Note: The instructor reserves the right to modify the assignments, grading procedure,
and other related polices as circumstances may dictate.
Course Description:
This course concentrates on: instruction in the artistry of hair design. Topics include
theory, techniques and application of hair design. This course is a combination of 2
lecture and 8 lab hours (160 contact). Upon successful completion of the course the
student will be awarded 4 semester hours.
Course Focus:
The focus of this course is to develop the competencies necessary understand the
theories, principles and techniques of hair design. The student will learn to compose
hair designs.
CSME 1401
CSME 1405
CSME 2343
CSME 1291
CSME 2401
CSME 1453
Course Goals (includes competencies, incorporation of SCANS, etc.)
This course is designed to assist the student in attaining the following competencies:
A. Know the theory of hair structure.(SCANS)
B. Form hair by shaping, constructing and securing a variety of pin curls.
1. Finish by combing out constructed, dried pin curls.
2. Identify, describe and analyze factors that affect the selection of a hairstyle and
the forming and finishing techniques suited to achieving the selected
3. Wave and curl hair using a combination of forming and finishing techniques
including: Pin curling, Roller setting, Iron setting, Finger waving, Blow Drying (Air
4. Demonstrate basic competencies for performing all forming and finishing activities
in a safe and sanitary manner.
a. Demonstrate the ability to produce long hair designs using design principles.
b. Demonstrate the ability to execute uniform and graduated form hair sculptures.
5. Identify and outline the design principles in hair design.
Performance Objectives:
A. Given the specifications, guidelines, the student will identify and describe the
structure of the hair, its composition and chemical qualities in compliance with
course competency 1. Performance will be satisfactory if the student can successfully
outline the composition and chemical components of the hair consistent with the
guidelines given.
B. Given the specification, guidelines and demonstration by the instructor, the
student will design, develop and execute the hair designs in the assigned projects. 8.
Performance will be satisfactory if the assigned projects are completed consistent
with project guidelines and in the assigned time frame.
Textbook Information
Required Texts:
My Lady Textbook & Workbooks (pracftical)
Lab Requirements (if any)
Students enrolled in this course are expected to participate fully in and complete the
lab exercises assigned to them. They are to read and follow instructions carefully
especially in relation to safety and sanitation precautions.
This is a skill intensive course, students are expected to stay on task at all
time and complete ALL LAB assignments. A lab project will be assigned to
be completed by mid semester. Failure to complete lab assignments will
result in a reduction of semester grade.
Students in the cosmetology program are expected to be self-motivated individuals
and to stay on task at all times. Students must be dressed professionally and
appropriately in accordance with the department dress code and must wear a black
lab coat at all times. Students who are not dressed in the proper uniform will
not be allowed to clock in.
Students with Disabilities
"Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric,
vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must
contact the Disability Services Office at the respective College at the
beginning of each semester. Faculty are authorized to provide only the
accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office."
If you have any questions, please contact Disability Counselor at your college or
Donna Price at 713/718-5165.
Academic Honesty
Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in
fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be
initiated by College System officials against a student accused of scholastic
dishonesty. "Scholastic dishonesty" includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a
test, plagiarism, and collusion. "Cheating" on a test includes:
Copying from another student's test paper; Using materials during a test that are not
authorized by the person giving the test; Collaborating with another student during a
test without authority; Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or
soliciting in whole or part the contents of an unadministered test; Bribing another
person to obtain a test that is to be administered.
Attendance and Withdrawal Policies
You may be dropped from a course after accumulating absences in excess of 12.5
percent of the total hours of instruction (lecture and lab). For example:
For a three credit-hour lecture class meeting three hours per week (48 hours of
instruction), you will be dropped after 5 days of absence. For a four or five credithour lecture/lab course meeting six hours per week (96 hours of instruction), you
can be dropped after 12 hours of absence.
Departments and programs governed by accreditation or certification standards may
have different attendance policies. Administrative drops are at the discretion of the
instructor. Failure to withdraw officially may result in a grade of F in the course.
Course Requirements and Grading Policy
A. Practical examinations
B. Written Examinations
C. Weekly progress achievement charts
D. Individual or group class projects
E. Situational observation by instructor (i.e. attendance, ethics Conduct, and
Attendance 40%
Mid-term 10%
Final 10%
Unit Exams 10%
Clinic Participation/ Skills 30%
A (90-99/Excellent) 4
B (80-89/Good) 3
C (70-79/Fair) 2
D (60-69/Passing) 1
F (Failing) 0
IP (In progress) 0
W (Withdrawn) 0
I (Incomplete) 0
Make-up policy
There will be no make-up for missed unit exams. Make-up for a missed mid-term or
final test will be permitted only if the student informs the instructor in advance. The
student must make arrangements to take the missed test no later than 3 days after
the original test date. It should be understood that the make-up test will not be the
same as the test given to the rest of the student body. Check with your instructor for
his/or her classroom policy on late lab projects.
Projects, Assignments, Portfolios, Service Learning, Internships, etc.
Check with your instructor for this specific class. Students will be required to prepare
a portfolio of daily lessons and projects. A research topic will be assigned and a
research paper of no less than 2 double- spaced typed pages will be due. Online
tests will be given every week. In addition a hairstyling portfolio will be
assigned and due the week of mid/final semester exams. Due Date will be
given by your Instructor.
Course Content
Content of this course includes:
1. Hairstyling Theory
2. Thermal Styling
3. Wet Styling
4. Long Hair Styling
Course Calendar with Reading Assignments
Course calendar and outline to be provided by each individual instructor the first day
of class.
Other Student Information (clubs, tutoring, web resources, etc.)
Texas Cosmetology Commission web site:
Related web sites:
Mrs. J. Saldivar’s Course Outline
1551 Artistry of Hair
1. Orientation Rules and Regulations
2. Ch. 17 Hairstyling (My Lady Textbook) Finger
waving and Pin curls Styles
3. Ch. 17. Roller Placement & Blow Drying
Techniques 4. Ch. 17 Thermal Styling 5. Ch. 17. Thermal Straightening 6. Ch. 17. – Wet Styling
7. Review for Mid-Term
9. Long Hair Styles
10. Work on Notebook Project
11. Before & After Notebook Project Due
12. Videos on Different Hairstyles
13. Hairstyling Contest Preparation
14. Hairstyling Contest
15. Final Exam Review
Tools Required for CSME 1551
This course include theory for TDLR and state exams
All students must have their supplies in assigned bags
Due date is January 21, 2013
3 manikins (included in hair coloring)
Tail combs (6)
2-Brushes (round or flat and regular nylon bristle)
Towels (cloth and paper)
Shampoo cape
Hair styling cape
Style combs (Large tooth and regular)
Pin curl clips
Manikin holder
Roller Clips
Shears and thinning shears
Razor and blades
Hair coloring tools
Jar/bottle of Gel
Setting lotion
Holding spray and sheen spray
Bobby pins (brown or black)
Hair pins (brown or black)
Rubber bands (black)
Blow dryer
Thermal irons (2 sizes)
Flat irons
Clippers ($9.95 at Walmart)
New Binder for Hairstyling Project
Notebook or loose leaf paper for Theory