Emergency Medical Services Training Programs Summer 2015 Catalog Description: EMSP 1501 Emergency Medical Technician – Basic (Credit 5 semester hours Lecture 3 Lab 7) Prerequisite: Documentation of 12th Grade Reading Level or ASSET or Compass Reading level, HS transcripts or copy of diploma or GED scores, CPR Completion: (AHA - Health Care Provider, ARC - Professional Rescuer), all Immunizations, background check, drug screen, physical exams are required for admission to the HCCS EMSP Program Learning outcomes: 1. Integrate knowledge and skills to pass course final exam and NR skills testing 2. Practices interpersonal and team work skills. 3. Formulate appropriate written and verbal communication skills. Course Description: The Emergency Medical Technician – Basic (EMT-B) course is the entry level into the Emergency Medical Services career field. This program follows the current Department of Transportation (DOT) EMT-B curriculum and is approved by the Texas Department of State Health Services. This program trains EMT’s to work in the prehospital emergency medical environment. For students in other allied health careers, the EMT-B training provides valuable assessment and treatment skills for emergencies in the prehospital setting. Purpose and Rationale: This prehospital training course provides lectures and skills practice for the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) as an entry point into the medical field. This course along with the corequisite EMSP 1160 provides classroom, clinical, and ambulance experience for the management of medical/ trauma patients at the basic life support level. Graduates of this program will be eligible to take the National Registry EMT certification examination which will also lead to Texas Department of State Health Services certification upon successful completion. This training program is the first step in acquiring the Paramedic certification. Exit points in EMS training occur at the EMT, EMT-Intermediate, and Paramedic levels. Students must successfully complete EMSP 1501/EMSP 1160 to be eligible to interview for the EMT-Intermediate course. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS – CPR card / completed immunizations / full background documents / HS diploma or GED / Physical exam / Tetanus / TB skin test / 10-panel drug screen (all items that were owed by end of week 1 from check-off sheet) Student will have the above documents completed and turned in to instructor by the end of week 2 of class – date will be given by the instructor. If not compliant on said date student will not be allowed to continue to sit in class until this has been accomplished. Student can only miss 10% of the class – once time is exceeded the student will be dropped from the program. SCANS Competencies and Foundations: Information: Acquires and uses information. C8 Uses computers to process information Interpersonal: Works with others. C9 Participates as a member of a team: Contributes to group effort. C14 Works with Diversity: Works well with men and women from diverse backgrounds. Technology: Works with a variety of technologies. C18 Selects Technology: Chooses procedures, tools, or equipment, including computers and related technologies. Basic Skills: Reads, writes, performs arithmetic and mathematical operations, listens, and speaks. F1 Reading: Locates, understands, and interprets written information in prose and in documents such as manuals, graphs, and schedules F5 Listening: Receives, attends to, interprets, and responds to verbal messages and other cues. F6 Speaking: Organizes ideas and communicates orally. Thinking Skills: Thinks creatively, makes decisions, solves problems, visualizes, knows how to learn, and reasons. F11 Knowing How to Learn: Uses efficient learning techniques to acquire and apply new knowledge and skills. Personal Qualities: Displays responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-management, integrity, and honesty. F17 Integrity/Honesty: Chooses ethical courses of action. Course Textbooks: Required Texts: Recommended Texts: Grading Scale: Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, 10th Edition ISBN: 13:9780763778286 – Textbook Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, 10th Edition ISBN: 13:9780763794057 – Workbook JBTest Prep: EMT-Basic Success ISBN: 9780763794057 90-100 80- 89 75- 79 Below 75 A B C F Skills Testing: Skills testing will be conducted utilizing the following NREMT / TDSHS skills criteria: NREMT Mandatory Skills: Patient Assessment – Medical Patient Assessment – Trauma Cardiac Arrest Management/AED Bag-Valve-Mask – Apneic Patient Oxygen Administration Spinal Immobilization – Supine NREMT Random Skills: (ONE ONLY) Immobilization Skills - Long Bone Immobilization Skills – Joint Injury Spinal Immobilization - Seated Bleeding Control / Shock Management TDSHS Skills: Vital Signs Epi – Pen Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garments Hand-held Metered Dose Inhaler Bronchodilator Administration – Small Volume Nebulizer HCC skills Traction splinting Mouth-to-Mask with O2 Supraglottic Airway Device Courses are web based NREMT / TDSHS skills sheets will be provided within your course online shell. Grading Policies: Grade Calculation: Daily Quizzes Chapter Assignments Affective grade Major Exams EMT Final Exam NR/TDSHS EMT Skills 10% 10% 10% 35% 35% Pass/Fail Chapter assignments: In his or her own handwriting the student will be required to turn in coursework that is assigned by the instructor Face-to-Face student - assignments will be turned in to your instructor at the time directed. Hybrid student - assignments will be turned in weekly on a date and time set by the Lead Instructor. Assignment scoring - each time turned in: 100 if complete 50 if partially complete + 0 for Affective grade 0 if not done + 0 for Affective grade Daily Quizzes: These tests may consist of multiple choice, true/false, completion, & short answer questions. Affective Grade: This involves several components. Code of conduct compliance (uniform maintenance, personal appearance and grooming standards), punctuality, class participation, neatness, respectful participation, preparedness, and remaining mentally alert during class. This is an all or none grade. This is a daily grade if any component is not met student will receive a “0” as a grade for said day. Major Exams: Students are required to have a passing grade on major exams. Students that do not have a minimum average of 70% on their major exams after the fourth (4th) exam will not continue in the program and receive a failing grade. These tests may consist of multiple choice, true/false, completion, & short answer questions. Final Exam: HESI This test may consist of multiple choice, true/false, completion & short answer questions. This will be a comprehensive exam. The content will come for the course textbooks and class notes. The student MUST score 75% or better on this exam and have a course average of 75% to successfully complete the program. HCCS EMSP Quiz/Major Exam Review Procedures: Daily Quizzes / Major Exam’s may be reviewed by appointment only. Students MUST contact the Lead Instructor to schedule an appointment. THIS IS A REVIEW ONLY. Students will review the quiz/exam on a clean desk (no books, packets, etc.). Students will have 30 minutes for the review process, and student selections will not be discussed or changed during the review process. Written Retesting: Students will be allowed one (1) retest of the EMSP 1501 final examination but ONLY if the student’s initial final exam is the HESI exam. If the HESI test is not taken the student will NOT be given the retest option. The student must notify the instructor within the next college business day if they wish to retest after they receive the overall course grade average. The maximum overall score for the course the student may receive is a 75% (regardless of how the student scores on the retest). The student who misses a major exam or pop quiz(s) will not be allowed to make up the exam and its value (0) will then be added to the percentage of the final grade. The student must score a 75% or above on the final exam retest and must have a 75% overall average or above to successfully complete the program. Failure of a final retest constitutes failure of the course. Skills Retesting: As per the National Registry EMT-B testing booklet: If a person fails up to 3 NR skills during NR testing they may retest those skills. If they fail 4 or more they fail the skills test out right and as a result fail the course. Skills failure constitutes failure of EMSP 1501. Skills retraining before retesting: Regardless of the # of skills failed (1-3) the student will be offered one hour of retraining before the retest. All skills retested must be passed or the student will fail EMSP 1501 and not move on to EMSP 1160. EMSP 1160: EMT Clinical/Ambulance Assignments: Students WILL NOT be assigned to clinical/ambulances without a 75% or higher on the final grade in EMSP 1501 and successfully complete all NREMT/TDSHS skills tests. EMS students must maintain a 2.0 GPA in all EMS courses to be eligible for enrollment in future courses. Immunization records must be current prior to enrollment in EMSP 1160. Students must attend the clinical orientation. All Clinical rotations must be scheduled through the HCC EMS Office. If a student attends a rotation not previously scheduled through the HCC EMS Office, the rotation and paperwork will not be accepted and disciplinary action may follow. If a student does not go to an assigned clinical rotation and / or leaves the clinical site prior to completion of the rotation and does not contact the clinical coordinator he / she will be considered Absent without Leave (AWOL) and may be dismissed from the program immediately pending Lead instructor and Program Director decision. Clinical/Field training will be provided to students based on availability. Students are expected to attend all scheduled clinical assignments. Any problems must be reported to the Clinical Coordinator using the clinical number provided on the student schedule. All clinical hours must be complete with Preceptor signatures to satisfy TDSHS requirements. Attendance Policy: Class Attendance: All lecture classes, labs, and clinical require mandatory attendance. Class/Lab attendance is checked daily. If a student misses more than 10% of the didactic course the student will fail the course for excessive absences (time will count hour for hour). If time missed is due to medical illness the department will require a signed physician clearance to reenter the program. Texas Department of State Health Services requires all students meet / attend and complete all class / clinical hours to be considered complete in the program. If the student is absent or tardy they MUST contact their lead EMS Instructor prior to the start of class or clinical. Any student that is Absence Without Leave (AWOL) may be dismissed from the program immediately pending Lead instructor and Department chair decision. Missed class time: When any time is missed the student will do the following to allow for continuance in the program: (this will not serve as “make-up” time – time missed is time missed.) If the student misses class time he / she will be required to completely define, differentiate, describe, explain, etc. the core cognitive objectives assigned by the instructor over the information missed. The objectives are listed at the beginning of each chapter of the required textbook. o Work will be turned into the instructor the next date class meets. Tardiness (classroom): Tardy will be defined as missing less than 15 minutes of class. After 15 minutes the doors to the classroom will be locked and the student will not join the class until the instructor gives the class a break. Three (3) tardies will count as 2 hours missed from the program and will be considered “chronic” tardiness. The student may be dismissed from the program pending the Lead instructor and Department chair decision. Skills Lab missed time: When any time is missed the student will do the following to allow for continuance in the program: (this will not serve as “make-up” time – time missed is time missed.) The HCC Lead instructor will have an HCC skills instructor contact the student. The skills instructor will set a time / date / location to meet with the student so the skills practice can occur (within a week of the time missed). The student will pay the instructor at a rate of $30.00 per hour. Tardiness (skills lab): Tardy will be defined as missing less than 15 minutes of class. If the student misses more that 15 minutes of skills lab the student will be required to meet with an HCC skills instructor for a one (1) hour session. The HCC Lead instructor will have an HCC skills instructor contact the student. The skills instructor will set a time / date / location to meet with the student so the skills practice can occur (within a week of the time missed). The student will pay the instructor at a rate of $30.00 per hour. Code of Conduct violations: If the Code of Conduct is violated the student will be dismissed from class (refer to the Missed class time policy on how time missed will be handled and the students Affective grade will decrease). Any HCC instructor or Clinical Affiliate is / are eligible to enforce the components of the Code and the student will abide by the discipline. Clinical Assignment violation: The following is the HCC policy for any student that misses a clinical rotation. 1st time the student’s clinical grade will be dropped one letter 2nd time the student will fail the course (student will need to drop any other classes that are running concurrently in which they have not received a final grade). Time missed by the student can place our clinical affiliation agreements in jeopardy. The EMS program cannot operate without the affiliations so the policy above has been put in place to assure loss of affiliates does not occur. Students that miss a clinical rotation will have to do the following to complete his / her clinical rotations: 1. Pay $30.00 / hour for a 1:1 clinical make-up rotation 2. Inform Ms. Jan Hook of your available dates to get this accomplished. After an assessment of the clinical site and preceptor availability Ms. Hook will let you know your options. Understand that: 1. If Ms. Hook does not have an available site or preceptor with the dates you supply her with she will let you know so you can give her additional dates. 2. You may not finish your clinical course on time, 3. You may not be eligible to continue on to the next EMSP course in the program. 4. The missed time policy will be enforced. Students that are failed due to time missed will have to re-register for a subsequent clinical(s) needed to complete their certificate. Sleeping during ambulance rotations will NOT be tolerated. Student will be sent home by the preceptor (or other designee) with the service. This will be counted as missed time. Electronic Devices (Pagers, Cell Phones, MP3, Lap top, etc…): During classroom sessions and clinical rotations, pagers and/or cell phones will be placed on vibrate or turned off. ALL OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES MUST BE TURNED OFF Course Completion Materials: Students successfully completing the EMSP 1501 and EMSP 1160 Emergency Medical Technician course will be placed on the Course Completion Roster submitted to the Texas Department of State Health Services by the HCCS EMS Program. In addition the student will need to visit: http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/emstraumasystems/default.shtm The student should complete the on-line application for EMT Initial Certification, submit the application, and associated fees to the Texas Department of State Health Services. Once you have done this you will need to wait a few days and then go back to the above web site and schedule an exam. The student will also need to visit: http://www.nremt.org/about/nremt_news.asp The student will need to complete the on-line application for the EMT-Basic, and schedule an exam at a Computer Based Testing site. HCC course materials/student records will be maintained for five years. HCCS will not allow release records to anyone EXCEPT, the registered student. HCCS EMSP will not duplicate records, clinical forms or personal notes. Application to Paramedic Program: Students complete in EMSP 1501/EMSP 1160, may request their student folder be considered for the interview process of the next EMT-Intermediate class. Note: HCC policies and procedures conform to all local, state, and federal guidelines. For more detailed information review the HCC Catalog and HCC Student Handbooks available at the College Bookstore or Registration Office. ADA Statement: Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. Faculty is authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability SupportServices Office. For questions, please contact Donna Price at 713.718.5165 or the Disability Counselor at your college. To visit the ADA Web site, please visit www.hccs.edu then click Future students, scroll down the page and click on the words Disability Information. District ADA Coordinator – Donna Price – 713.718.5165 Central ADA Counselors – Jaime Torres - 713.718.6164 / Martha Scribner – 713.718.6164 Northeast ADA Counselor- Kim Ingram – 713.718.8420 Northwest ADA Counselor – Mahnaz Kolaini – 713.718.5422 Southeast ADA Counselor – Jette Lott - 713.718.7218 Southwest ADA Counselor – Dr. Becky Hauri – 713.718.7910 Coleman ADA Counselor – Dr. Raj Gupta – 713.718.7631 NOTICE: Students who repeat a course for a third time will face significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your instructor / counselor about opportunities for tutoring / other assistance prior to considering course withdrawal or if you are not receiving passing grades. Student Issues: Refer to the Houston Community College System College Catalog. (www.hccs.edu/students) The protocol for the college in regards to issues, complaints or clarifications that are directly related to the programs, courses, and classes, is for students to contact the instructor of their class first. If no resolution is reached, they are then to contact the Chair or Associate Chair of the department. Should the issue still not be resolved, they would then contact the Dean of the division. Student Background: While in the program the student needs to self-report to the HCC department and the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) within 2 business days of a change in his or her criminal history or being arrested, charged or indicted for any criminal offense which can or does result in him or her being convicted or placed on probation, parole, deferred adjudication community supervision, deferred disposition. Contact at the DSHS office in Austin – 512-834-6700. Alcohol / Illicit substance use: At no time shall the student use alcohol / or illicit substances while in the HCCS uniform. If a student is suspected of or found to be intoxicated the student will be removed from the program. The student will have to make an appointment with the Department Chair to be eligible for re-entry into the program. The student will also be removed from the program if seen ingesting substances that resemble alcoholic beverages (virgin drinks, near beer, etc.) / illicit substances while in an HCCS uniform. Refer to HCCS Student Handbook. Code of Conduct violations: If the Code of Conduct is violated the student will be dismissed from class (refer to the Missed class time policy on how time missed will be handled and the students Affective grade will decrease). Any HCC instructor or Clinical Affiliate is / are eligible to enforce the components of the Code and the student will abide by the discipline. Equipment Abuse: The HCC Student Discipline Code contains regulations for dealing with student violations of College System standards of conduct in a manner consistent with the requirements of procedural due process. “Violation” means an activity which may result in disciplinary action, suspension, or expulsion from the College and includes: Destroying state property Activities which disrupt the normal educational process. EMS equipment is state property. Further when it is abused and /or destroyed this disrupts the educational process of other students. Students that engage in this behavior will be dropped from the program. Computer usage: HCC Student Code of Conduct: Damaging, misusing or reprogramming college computers or equipment without proper authorization or installing viruses is NOT allowed EMS Department rules: Computers on campus will be used solely for testing purposes or other directed activities by the EMS faculty. Computers will not be used for social networking, personal email, or web surfing. Absolutely nothing should be downloaded on to an HCC computer UNLESS directed by the EMS faculty. No food or open drink containers are permitted inside the computer labs. Change in Heath Status: Students that develop a medical or physical problem that would keep him / her from performing the Job Essentials of the profession, as published by the Department of State Health Services, found on the HCC EMS website need to inform the program faculty or director immediately upon the change. To get to webpage go to emsacademy.hccs.edu EMSP 1501 STUDENT AND FACULTY AGREEMENT The Houston Community College System works to provide quality educational opportunities for all students. Please read the following paragraphs to know what you should expect from your instructor, and what your instructor expects from you in your classes this semester. You should expect the following from the instructor: Inform you in the first week of class of course content, requirements and grading procedures, in writing, through the course syllabus. The course syllabus and handouts will contain information about dates of tests and assignments; make-up policies; attendance policies; the instructor’s office hours; the instructor’s telephone number; the method of determining the course grade and SCANS competencies. Be available to meet with you, either before or after class, or by appointment. Discuss with you any problems that you have that relate to the class. Treat you with courtesy, even when there is disagreement. Be on time and prepared for class. Conduct him/herself in a professional manner at all times. The instructor expects the following from you: Be in class 100% of the time. If you are absent or late more than 10% of the course, you will be dropped from the class. (Distance Education and hybrid course students should see the course syllabus for specific attendance requirements.) Be on time and prepared for class. Find out about work you have missed. Arrange to make up missed work, if possible or if permitted. Keep a copy of the course syllabus; bring syllabus and text to class. Behave appropriately in class. This means the following: While the instructor is lecturing, there should be no talking to other students Leaving the classroom during class is not acceptable You are expected to be in class on time, except in emergencies, which should be discussed with faculty, prior to class. Working on other class work during class lecture or discussion time is not acceptable. Children are not allowed in class or computer labs. Phones or beepers must be turned off during class, in computer labs, or the library. Bringing food or drink into classroom, computer labs or library is forbidden. Bringing weapons to class is not permitted. Sleeping and dozing in class is not permitted. Using derogatory or vulgar language is not permitted. Purchase required textbook and other equipment during the first week of class. Discuss with the instructor problems that you are having with the class before asking others for help in resolving the situation. Check on grades often and discuss concerns early. Do not wait until the last week of semester. Seek the assistance of available tutoring services. Treat the instructor with courtesy, even when there is a disagreement. Also, treat other students with courtesy HCCS offers computing resources for use by currently enrolled students and employees for educational research and administrative purposes. Access to this equipment, supplies and labs is a privilege granted to students and faculty to facilitate instruction, learning, research, and administration. All students have the responsibility to make use of these resources in an efficient, ethical, and legal manner. Anyone under 17 yrs of age is not allowed to use computers, except for Student Services events. Visitors (non-students) may use computers in the Library according to the library policies. The Computer Center reserves the right to monitor print jobs and manage instructional supplies with quotas and a fee system. Printing accounts are issued from course rosters submitted by faculty. No food or open drink containers are permitted inside the computer labs. Students will be respectful to staff and other students. Abuse of equipment, facilities, and policies will result in disciplinary action. Disruptive behavior may result in Security being called. Disruptive students will be removed from class and may be dismissed from class or program. To inform yourself of all policies, the college expects you to read the college catalogue, college handbook and program handbook. If you experience any problems with your class, please discuss the problem with your instructor and/or advisor. If this is impossible, please contact the Program Director____Vicki May______________, whose telephone number is___713-718-8864___________________. Emergency Medical Technician Course EMSP 1501 EMT Student/Instructor Agreement I have read and understand the contents of the HCCS EMS program syllabus _______________________________ (Print Student Name) _________________________ Student number _________________________________ Student Signature ___________________________ Date _____________________________________ Lead Instructor Signature (EMSP 1501) Updated 8/2013; 1.2014; 8.2014; 1.2015; 5.2015 __________________________ Date