Houston Community College Northeast – Energy Institute Instructor: Joseph Olaleye Phone: 713-718-5534 E-mail: joseph.olaleye@hccs.edu Course Syllabus and Outline Spring 2013 PTRT 2370, CRN 36821: Petroleum Operations Textbook: Petroleum Production Operations by Lewis W. Hall Course Description: Principles and fundamentals of onshore and offshore operations implemented in oil recovery Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to understand elements of petroleum well operations. Students will gain knowledge in petroleum reservoirs, reservoir drive mechanisms, well completions, well testing, inflow performance relationships, increasing well production and minimizing operating costs, well work-over, remedial cement jobs and applications of artificial lift. Class Attendance: Class is very important and the student is responsible for material covered during his absence. If some unavoidable situation arises which causes you to miss class, then keep me advised. Otherwise, if your absences exceed 12.5% (4 classes) during this course, you can expect to be administratively withdrawn. Withdrawal Policy: In 2007, the Texas Legislature passed a law limiting students to no more than six (6) total course withdrawals throughout their academic career in obtaining a baccalaureate degree. To help students avoid having to drop/withdraw from any class, HCC has instituted an Early Alert process by which your instructor will “alert” you and HCC student service of the chance you may fail a class because of excessive absences and/or poor academic performance. You should visit with your instructor, a counselor, or HCC Online Student Services to learn about your options. Online Tutoring Service: HCC including offers FREE online tutoring in a variety of subjects; Mathematics, English and Writing, to take advantage of these Online Tutoring Services go to www.hccs.askonline.net . Tour questions will be answered by a qualified HCC tutor or faculty member within 24 hours (usually under 6 hours). Office Hours: Before and after class or by appointment Academic Honesty: All Houston Community College System students are required to exercise academic honesty in completion of all tests and assignments. Penalties for academic dishonesty (cheating on a test, plagiarism, collusion on an assignment, etc) may include, but are not limited to, a reduced grade, or a “0” on the test or assignment, a “W” in a course, or “F” in that course. Make up Tests: There will be no make up tests under any circumstances. In the event that a student should miss one test, the final exam will be substituted in its place. Students with Disabilities: “Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, development, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Support Services (DSS) Counselor at the beginning of each semester. Faculty members are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the DSS office.” Examinations and Grading: Project: 20% Quizzes/Tests: 45% Final Exam: 35% Grade Letter 90- 100 = A 80 – 89 = B 70 – 79 = C 60 – 69 = D 59 – 0 = F Course Outline T 8.00 am – 10.00 am; Classroom STECH 318 January 15: Introduction, Rules, and Syllabus January 22: Overview of course Fundamentals of Petroleum Reservoirs -- Chapter 1 January 29: Reservoir Drive Mechanisms and Their Effects – Chapter 2 February 5: Test 1: Covers up to Chapter 2 Primary Cementing – Chapter 5 February 12: Packer and Tubing Forces – Chapter 8 February 19: Test 2: Covers Chapters 5 and 8 Well Completions – Chapter 3 February 26: Perforating – Chapter 6 March 5: Mid-Term Examination: Covers Chapters 3 and 6 Evaluating Well Performance – Chapter 4 March 12: No Class: Mid-Term Break March 19: Problem Well Analysis – Chapter 9 March 26: Squeeze Cementing – Chapter 7 April 2: Test 4: Covers Chapters 4, 9 and 7 Workover Methods – Chapter 10 April 9: Workover Planning– Chapter 11 Project Assignment April 16: Sucker Rod (a.k.a Beam Pumping in Artificial Lift – Chapter 12 April 23: Horizontal Wells April: 30 Offshore & Deepwater Operations Project due date: Student Group Presentations in class Final Examination Review Comprehensive final exam will cover Chapters 1 thru 12 of textbook and Petroleum Exploration Data Management May 7: Final Exam May 13: No class; End of semester; reporting of grades Note: The course outline may be changed as deemed appropriate at any time.