2313 syllabus.doc

Course Syllabus
AUMT 2313
Automotive Drivetrain and Axles
Houston Community College System NE
Mr. Richard Hakemack
8 Weeks
Time Class Meets 7am – 10am
Monday through Thursday
OFFICE HOURS: 1:30-2:30 pm
Office Room Number 210D
Tel. 713- 718-8123 or 713-718-8100
Revised: December 2015
The automotive repair technician has a monumental challenge before him or her to keep
abreast of the constantly changing technical advances in the automotive industry. The
technician has to comprehend information on hi-tech electrical systems, mechanical
technology and improved materials that make up a modern vehicle. The automotive
technician has to determine what component part or parts are performing incorrectly by using
meters, gauges, and computer test equipment. Increased vehicle sales caused by the
increasing population means increased use of automobiles. Automotive repair technicians
are very desirable employees in the current and future workplace.
A study of automotive clutches, clutch operation, manual transmissions/transaxles
differentials, drivetrain and 4 wheel drive components. Emphasis on service, diagnosis and
repair of transmission/transaxle, driveline and 4 wheel drive components. May be taught
manufacturer specific.
Utilizing appropriate safety procedures, the student will demonstrate familiarity with late
model manual transmissions and drivetrain, demonstrate safe, professional, and responsible
work practices. Identify and demonstrate the proper use of shop equipment and tools. Identify
and describe the operation of manual transmissions, clutches, driveline and 4 wheel drive
components. Demonstrate the use of service publications and use such literature in the
proper service of automotive transmissions. Demonstrate the ability to use critical thinking in
describing the operation of operation of manual drivetrain and 4 wheel drive assemblies and
Automotive Technology 5th Edition
Author: James D. Halderman
This course includes an online component (myautomotive lab) that is purchased along with
the textbook. myautomotive lab is a requirement for course completion.
Time and days of the course
Classes are held Monday through Thursday beginning at 7:00 am. There will be a scheduled
shop clean up every Thursday at the end of class.
Attendance policy
Students are expected to attend classes regularly, and to be on time for every class.
Students can be dropped from a class due to excessive absences. Students are responsible
for assignments missed during their absence. Students can be dropped from the course for
absences exceeding the allowable limit of 4 days or 12.5 % of class missed. Each absence
counts as 3.125 points off of lab/daily participation grade. There are no excused absences
Tardiness policy
Students who are not present when role is taken will be marked tardy. Three tardies are
considered one (1) absence.
AUMT 2313 Grading System
Final Examination 20% 50-100 Questions multiple choice
Midterm 20% 50-100 Questions multiple choice
Lab & Daily Participation 20% Participation grades are calculated at 3.125 points per day.
Students are given 20 lab sheets with each lab sheet counting as 5 points toward a total of
100 points. Lab sheets without responses in complete sentences will not be accepted.
Online myautomotive lab activities 20% Includes timed online testing per chapter.
Students must complete the assigned online activities and tests assigned in myautomotive
lab. A course code will be given out by the second day of class.
Research paper 20% Describe the operational characteristics on an electronically controlled
manual transmission/transaxle.
The research paper will be at least 500 words (2 full pages) in length over the given topic:
see above research paper.
This paper will be written in 12 point times new roman font, and double spaced using normal
1 inch margins. The paper heading will include title, name, date, and course number. The
research paper will include a thesis statement, body and conclusion.
Requirement for the successful completion of AUMT 2313
 Have a passing average
 Take all tests with a passing grade
 Take the midterm and final examination
 Complete all items in myautomotive lab
 Turn in all lab sheets and work required
 For each day missed or lab sheet not turned in 3.125 points will be deducted from the
participation lab grade
 Turn in research paper by due date
Make up policy
Make-up work for unexcused absences will be up to the discretion of the instructor… NO
EXCEPTIONS! All make up work will be completed the day the student returns to class. Lab
work missed due to absences cannot be made up and the student will receive an F on any
lab work missed. Check on your grades often and discuss concerns early. The college
expects you to read the catalog and handbook to inform you of all policies. If you experience
any problems with your class, please discuss the problem with your instructor.
Academic Honesty
Scholastic dishonesty is treated with the utmost seriousness by the instructor and the
College. Academic dishonesty includes, but it is not limited to the willful attempt to
misrepresent one’s work, cheat, plagiarize, or impede other students’ scholastic progress.
Consult the Student Handbook for more details.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment is a form of sex discrimination that is not tolerated by Houston
Community College System. See Student Handbook.
Students with Disabilities
Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing,
etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Support
Services Office at the beginning of each semester. HCCS faculty members are only
authorized to provide the accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services
Cell Phones
All cell phones must be muted, set to vibrate, or turned off during class. Cell phone activity
during class is deemed disruptive to the academic process and will not be tolerated. If you
need to make or receive an emergency call, you must leave the classroom. Cell phones are
not to used or turned on during tests at any time.
Student ID
Students are required to obtain a Student ID. For additional information, consult the Student
Parking Rules and Regulations
Students are required to follow HCC’s regulations regarding parking and permits.
For additional information:
Books, Tools and Supplies
Students are required to purchase and bring to class the required textbooks, tools,
notebooks, supplies, and writing instruments as required by the instructor.
Students will need to have a basic tool set that can be brought to class daily in order to fully
participate in lab activities.
Dress Code
Dress code must be appropriate for the class. Students must dress in a way that clothing and
accessories do not compromise their safety, and the safety of others. Proper foot wear is
required in all laboratories. No short pants, open toe shoes, tank top shirts, loose jewelry will
be allowed in the classroom or shop areas. Students failing to comply will be asked to leave
the campus.
Course Withdrawal
It is the responsibility of the student to officially withdraw from a course before the official
withdrawal deadline. A student who does not withdraw from a course by the deadline will
receive an “F” as the final grade.
Course Repetition
Students who repeat a course three (3) or more times will face significant tuition/fee
increases. Please ask your instructor/counselor about opportunities for tutoring or other
assistance prior to considering course withdrawal, or if you are not receiving passing grades.
You receive a 100 percent refund when your class does not make or when a college error
has been made. Refunds are processed as soon as possible and generally are mailed four to
six weeks after the last day to apply for a refund.
Your refund will be mailed to the address on your student record. For further information
concerning refunds see the HCC Student Handbook.
Grade Appeal
Grade determination and awarding of all grades in the course is clearly the responsibility of
the instructor. A student’s grade can be changed only at the discretion of the instructor or as
a result of the appeals committee process.
Whenever possible, students and instructors should attempt to resolve grade disputes
informally. For Further Information concerning the grade appeal process see the HCC
Student Handbook.
Classroom & Laboratory Conduct
Proper behavior is expected in all classes and laboratories. Foul language and horseplay are
not allowed. Making or receiving cell phone calls during class is not allowed. Sleeping in
class is not allowed. Students not following these policies will be asked to leave the class.
Safety Glasses
All students must wear OSHA approved safety glasses or safety goggles any time they in the
shop. Students must have safety glasses by the third day of class. Students who do not
purchase safety glasses will not be allowed to do any lab activities and therefore will have
3.125 points taken off of their daily lab grade.
Student ID Badges
Students must wear their I.D. badges 100% of the time while on campus. Students who do
not have their I.D. badges will not be allowed to check out tools, or use LRC resources.
EGLS3 Student Survey
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is
necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to
answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The
anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs
for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston
Community College Student System online near the end of the term.
Tool Policy
After the second week of class each student must have at least 95% of tools listed on the
basic tool list, in order to perform any shop tasks. Students that do not have their tools and
safety glasses cannot work in the shop and will have points taken off of their daily
participation grade. A course specific tool list is available at the front office.
Automotive Student Required Basic Tool List
Safety glasses
All sockets are regular depth unless otherwise noted
3/8 drive socket set with ratchet --- metric 10-22mm
Extensions – 3 3/8 drive extensions
½ inch drive socket set with ratchet -- metric 8 through 24mm
½ inch impact sockets 10 through 24mm
Combination Wrench Set 8mm-25mm
Screwdrivers Phillips and Flat stubby – 12 inch
Plier set
Diagonals, Needle nose, Slip joint, Channel locks
Ball Peen Hammer
Torx Set - T handle t-10 through t- 40
Allen wrench set
Feeler gauge *********** not found
Service light LED
Wire Brush
Scraper Set
Tool Box
Course Outline AUMT 2313
Week 1, 2, 3, 4 Reading assignment: chapter 121, 122 123, 124
Midterm Exam Thursday Week 4 7:00 am
Lecture: Safety, Fluids, Friction
Lecture: Clutch components theory and operation
Lab: Clutch inspection
Lecture: Hydraulic clutches and components
Lab: Clutch Hydraulics inspection
Lecture: Manual transmission fundamentals and service
Lab/Shop: Manual Transmission, Service and Inspection
Lecture: Manual Transmission fundamentals and service continued
Lab/Shop: Manual Transmission, disassembly, Inspection and measurement
Lecture: Fundamentals of driveshafts, constant velocity assemblies and u-joints
Lab: Driveshaft, constant velocity and u-joint assembly inspection, measurement and
Week 5, 6, 7 Reading assignment chapter 125 &126
Lecture: Fundamentals of differentials, axles, bearings and shafts.
Lab: Basic differential/axle service, inspection, measurement and disassembly
Lecture: 4 Wheel drive, Transfer case, and Driveshafts
Lab: NV 241 Transfer case service, disassembly and inspection
Week 8
Final Examination Wednesday Week 8 7:00 am
Finish myautomotivelab assignments and tests
Review for final exam
Clean lab area
Research paper due Monday week 8 by 12pm
1. Eye protection must be worn in the shop
2. When a car is jacked up with a floor jack, jack stands must be used to support the car.
The car must be fully supported before any person is allowed under the car.
3. When starting a car, the person starting the car MUST be sitting in the driver seat.
4. Horseplay WILL NOT be tolerated in the shop.
5. All spills should be cleaned up promptly. Never allow spills to remain on the floor.
6. Report all accident to your instructor immediately – even minor accidents.
7. Work clothes should be relatively clean and free of all flammable grease or oil.
8. If you make a mess – clean it up.
9. After using any drain pan, empty the pan in an appropriate waste storage container, and
clean the drain pan
10. Hydraulic lifts are to be left fully up or down over night.
11. Never leave creeper on the floor. When not in use – stand them up.
12. DO NOT use any tool or piece of equipment that you believe to be unsafe. Report it to
your instructor.
13. Before starting an engine in the shop, connect an exhaust hose to tail pipe. Turn on
exhaust vents.
14. Always use goggle or face shield when grinding, hammering, machining, working under
a car, or blowing with shop air.
15. If foreign material becomes lodged in your eye, DON”T rub it. This can cause the
particle to scratch the eyes and become embedded deeper. Notify your instructor
16. Don’t work when feeling sick. Inform your instructor of the circumstances.
17. Report unsafe or improper practices to your instructor.
18. Never leave gasoline in an open container.
19. Always have a class “B” fire extinguisher available while working on fuel system or
around fuel.
20. To avoid spilling fuel on engine wrap a shop towel around the pressure fittings when
21. Observe precautions for working with flammable liquids.
22. If you are uncertain about positioning a vehicle on a lift or jack – consult your instructor.
23. Long hair must be confined (under a Hat, tied back or a hair net).
24. Keep tools, electrical cords and hoses away from moving engine parts.
25. Do not wear loose fitting or flowing clothing that could become entangled in rotating
26. Material Safety Data sheets are located in the tool room.
27. Rings, watches, bracelets, earring and other jewelry should not be worn in the shop.
28. If you break a tool please inform your instructor.
29. If a tool or piece of equipment is not working properly please inform your instructor.
In keep with regulation set by the State of Texas this course incorporates many
SCANS skills. The following is information concerning SCANS competencies.
F7. Creative Thinking: Uses imagination freely, combines ideal or information in new ways,
makes connections between seemingly unrelated ideas, and reshapes goals in ways that
reveal new possibilities.
F7. Creative Thinking - Given a vehicle, lab engine or classroom exercise using the student
imagination freely, combines ideal or information in new ways, makes connection between
seemingly unrelated ideas, and reshapes goals in way that reveal new possibilities.
F7. Creative Thinking – Evaluation
The student proceeds through the troubleshooting process for the problem in question.
Confirm the complaint
________ 30%
Consult labor guide and estimate time to repair
________ 20%
Consult proper manual or procedure
________ 30%
Inspect vehicle or system in proper order
________ 20%
F8, Decision Making: Specifies goals and constraints, generates alternatives, considers
risks and evaluates and chooses best alternatives.
F8. Decision Making - Given a vehicle, lab engine or classroom exercise the student setting
specifies goals and constraints, generates alternatives, considers risks, and evaluates and
chooses best alternatives.
F8. Decision Making - Evaluation
The student proceeds through the troubleshooting process for the problem in question.
Confirm the complaint
_________ 30%
Consult labor guide and estimate time to repair
_________ 20%
Consult proper manual or procedure
_________ 30%
Inspect vehicle or system in proper order
_________ 20%
F9. Problem Solving: Recognizes that a problem exists (i.e., there is a discrepancy between
what is and what should or could be), identifies possible reason for the discrepancy and
devises and implements a plan to resolve it. Evaluates and monitors progress, and revises
plan as indicated by finding.
F9. Problem Solving - Given a vehicle, lab engine or classroom exercise the student will
describe a vehicle problem. Recognizer that a problem exists (i.e., there is a discrepancy
between what is and what should or could be) identifies possible reason for the discrepancy,
and devices and implements a plan of action to resolve it. Evaluates and monitors progress,
and revises plan indicated by findings.
F9. Problem Solving – Evaluation
The student proceeds through the troubleshooting process for the problem in question.
Confirm the complaint
__________ 30%
Consult labor guide and estimate time to repair
__________ 20%
Consult proper manual or procedure
__________ 30%
Inspect vehicle or system in proper order
__________ 20%
Printed Name
Printed Name