HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM FINE ARTS – APPLIED MUSIC TBA SYLLABUS COURSE: MUAP1281 CRN20860 PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN VOICE INSTRUCTOR: KATHLEEN KNIGHT (713) 718-6614 FAC Office (713) 718-6600 e-mail: kathleen.knight@hccs.edu FALL SEMESTER ROOM: FAC 115 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Private instruction in voice at the sophomore College level. Lesson times are mutually arranged between student and instructor. MUAP 1281 requires 55 minutes per lesson once a week for 15 sessions, and a final on the 16th session. COURSE GOALS: To enhance student performance capability, knowledge of the voice, and enjoyment of music through the study of repertoire, technique (vocalizes, and breathing exercises) and musical styles. Memorize and perform two songs (one must be an Italian Art song for first semester, three songs for the second semester including an Italian Art song, and four songs for the third and forth semester 2 in a foreign language. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Must be able to execute breath management skills and Demonstrate accurate intonation (match pitch) Sing a melody with proper phrasing Display rhythmic accuracy 1 Properly pronounce and articulate the languages (Italian, French, German and English Perform with expressive dynamics and phrasing Show an understanding of the text. Sing with a relaxed assurance and a professional appearance SPECIAL LAB REQUIREMENTS: Enrollment in this class must be pre-approved by the instructor and the Department. Minimum of 6 practice hours per week is required. REQUIRED TEXTS, MATERIALS: (Provided by instructor except blank cassettes or CDs to record lessons) ATTENDANCE, MAKE-UP LESSONS AND WITHDRAWAL POLICIES: Students are required to notify the instructor no later than 24 hours in advance, with the exception of documented emergencies, if they will cancel their lesson. Two make-up lessons will be allowed per semester, if instructor time and studio space can be arranged. Failure to give notice automatically counts the student as absent and forfeits the private lesson. HCC policy stipulates that the student may be dropped after accumulating in excess of 12.5 percent of the hours of instruction. This equated to two absences from your scheduled private lessons. Also, because of performance or other schedule changes, the instructor may schedule a different lesson time for the student when necessary. GRADING SCALE: 2 90-----100 80-------89 70-------79 60-------69 0-------59 A B C D F FINE ARTS LABS/STUDIOS Students may use the Fine Arts labs and studios with proper identification during the times the Fine Arts office is open. Unaccompanied students must clear studios and labs 30 minutes prior to closing time. Faculty members may remain in studios and labs until the official campus closing time. Students may remain in the labs and studios while the professor is present. SUPPORT SERVICES; Students who require reasonable accommodations for disabilities are encouraged to CALL (713) 718-6164 to make necessary arrangements. Faculty is only authorized to provide accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. MEDICAL INSURANCE: The Fine Arts Department at Central College strongly recommends that all HCCS students carry some form of medical insurance to cover illness and injury, both on and off campus. Information regarding low-cost health insurance for students is available in the Fine Arts Office. Under Texas State statute, HCCS is immune to liability in the event of accident or injury. EVALUATION FOR GREATER LEARNING STUDENT SURVEY SYSTEM – EGLS3 At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System 3 online near the end of the term. This will replace the paper SEOI, Student Evaluation of Instruction. COURSE DUPLICATION: Students who repeat a course three or more times may soon face significant tuition/fee increases a HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask me or a counselor about opportunities for tutoring or other assistance prior to withdrawing from the course, or if you are not receiving passing grades. ACADEMIC ADVISEMENT: Advisement concerning specific Fine Arts courses and degree plans for Drama and Music) is available to you during the academic semester. Please sign up in the Fine Arts office, FAC 101, to speak to a full time instructor in your area of interest. FINAL EXAM: The student will perform 1-2 songs (by memory) on the voice jury in front of the voice faculty on DEC 12 (4:30-6:00) in the Recital Hall (FAC111). EMERGENCIES: Please leave any messages on my voice mail at (713) 7186614, My cell phone (832) 752-3898, or leave a note in my mailbox in the Fine Arts Office. You may also reach me by e-mail at kathleen.knight@hccs.edu. FAC & CAMPUS HOURS M – Thur: Fri&Sat: Sun: 4 7am – 10pm 8am – 4pm Closed