NEURO 2014 syllabus updated May 13.doc

PTHA 2205 NEUROLOGY Summer 2014
Lead Instructor:
E Mail:
Karen Somer, PT
ADA Counselor:
Hope Pamplin
The Center
Course Description
The study of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology as it relates to commonly encountered neurological
PTHA 1321
Course Credit
2 semester hours (2 lecture hours, 1 lab hour)
Instructional Classroom Methods
The material will be presented in lecture, visual aid, discussion group and class assignment format.
Additional learning experiences will include a special reading assignment.
Required Textbooks and other Class Materials
i Clicker
over my head, by Claudia Osborn
Medical dictionary, latest edition
Pathology: Implications for the Physical Therapist, latest edition, Goodman & Fuller, W.B. Saunders
Pediatric Physical Therapy, latest edition, Tecklin, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Physical Rehabilitation, latest edition, O’Sullivan & Schmitz, F.A. Davis
Providing for Individual Student Needs
Students are encouraged to make appointments with course instructors to clarify material and discuss
problems. Any request for a change of exam grade or quiz grade must take place within one week of
the exam date. Any specific comments or queries regarding missed questions must be written down
and discussed with the instructor in private. It is the student’s responsibility to request additional help
and to schedule appointments with the instructor. Folders (to review material) will not be available the
day before an exam.
It is the responsibility of the student, who has failed an exam, to make an appointment, with
the lead instructor or other faculty, to discuss the material and have an opportunity to identify
related issues that may be interfering with or limiting the student’s success. The student will
take responsibility for following up on recommendations or have an alternative plan of action
that is acceptable to the instructor.
Early Alert
This program has been established to assist in the overall effort to retain students who are at risk of
failing, withdrawing, or dropping a course. This process requires instructional faculty and student
support staff to identify students who are performing poorly as early as possible and provide relevant
support services to help students overcome their deficiencies. Students are identified when an
instructor notices academic or personal difficulties that affect their academic performance. Once a
referral is made counselors will then contact students to discuss the issues and possible solutions.
Attendance Requirements
Due to the fast pace of this course and the importance of the material for clinical performance, it is
advisable that the student not be absent from class, as he/she will miss major segments of the content.
Students are expected to call the lead instructor ASAP when they will not be attending class or will be
late. This is an important expectation that correlates with professionalism.
Attendance Statement of Commitment
Being on time, staying throughout the entire class, and exemplary attendance, go hand in hand with
professionalism. Students who do not abide by the course attendance policy show a lack of strong
professional commitment. This will reflect on the faculty’s perception of the student’s readiness for
clinical affiliation.
A student arriving after the official start time of class through the first 15 minutes is considered tardy
Leaving Early:
A student who leaves before the official end time of class or before class is dismissed by the lead
instructor within the last 15 minutes of class will be considered leaving early.
Absent from Class
A student who arrives after the official start time of class greater than 15 minutes late will be considered
A student who leaves class prior to the last 15 minutes of class will be considered absent
A student who does not attend class be considered absent
A student who has accumulated any combination of three tardies or three leaving earlies will have one
Calculating the Attendance Grade
The attendance expectation is to be on time and stay for the entire class a minimum of 95% of all
Neurology classes for a minimum grade of 75%.
This attendance grade begins with 100% attendance – 100 points
This attendance grade is based on 16 scheduled classes
06 points will be deducted for each tardy or leaving early from the initial 100 attendance points
13 points will be deducted for each absence from the 100 attendance points
The student’s FINAL GRAND AVERAGE will be lowered based on tardies, leaving early and non
attendance as follows:
74.4% - 65.5% = 10 point deduction
64.4% - 59.5% = 20 point deduction
59.4% - 49.5% = 30 point deduction
Examination Policies
Due to the importance of exam security during an exam, a student who exits the room has finished their
exam. A student cannot return to complete an exam after leaving the room.
All exams, to include the final exam, will be taken with a scantron and be scored by the scantron
machine. Students will not be given credit for correct answers on their hard copy that have not been
transferred to the scantron. Students will not be given credit for answers scored wrong by the scantron
machine due to erasures or any other mismarks by the student.
A change of grade will only be permitted within one week of the day of exam. Students who review their
exams later in the semester may not request points back.
Theory Exams – The expectation is for each theory exam to be passed with a minimum of 75%.
Students will be required to attend formal tutorials for remediation of any failed exam.
Quizzes – Quiz grades are recorded with the earned grade. There will be no opportunity to sit for a
missed quiz. A missed quiz will have a permanent recorded grade of zero. Quizzes may be announced
or unannounced. Quizzes may also be taken with a scantron and will then be scored by the scantron
machine with the same understanding that there will be no credit awarded to the student for answers
scored wrong my the scantron machine due to transfer errors, erasures or any other mismarks by the
Examination/Quiz Tardiness – There will be strict adherence to the theory/quiz examination time.
Students who arrive late will sacrifice that portion of the exam/quiz taking time. Exams and quizzes will
end at the scheduled time without consideration for the later arriver(s).
Examination Absence - Any exam missed will be taken the day the student returns to the program.
Students should not wait until the next neurology class date to schedule a missed exam. It is the
student’s responsibility to seek the lead teacher to schedule the missed exam. It will be the student’s
responsibility to rearrange any outside commitments in order to take a missed exam in a timely fashion.
All missed exams will be treated equally. Exams not taken at the scheduled time will suffer a ten point
deduction from the earned exam grade. There will be an additional 5 point deduction for each additional
day that the student has returned to the program and has not taken the exam.
Final Examination – Students who fail the final exam may be asked to remediate this exam before
his/her earned grade is recorded .
Homework Assignments
● All homework assignments will be done individually unless otherwise announced. Homework
recognized as shared will receive a zero.
● Homework will be submitted before lecture begins on the due date. Late homework will not be
accepted and will receive a zero.
● The initial homework grade will be the only grade of record.
● Students must have a passing average homework grade of 75% to pass this course.
A grade below 75% will be recorded as a zero. Once remediation has occurred successfully
bringing the homework to a 75% the zero will be replaced by the original grade earned.
● Students cannot pass this course with a zero remaining as his/her grade of record.
● Homework will be a percentage of the HW/CW grade
Films are assigned to enhance the reading and lecture material
Films need to be watched prior to attending class on the assigned calendar day.
Students should be prepared for a quiz on each film
i Clicker
Each student is responsible for purchasing an i clicker
Register your i clicker by following the directions
Be prepared to use i clicker on May 22
i clicker exercises will be part of the class work grade
i clicker grading will be based on both participation and content knowledge
Students without an i clicker will receive a zero for each i clicker exercise
Each zero will be one point off the final class work grade
Class Work
♦Students will begin with a class work grade of 100%.
♦Being on time, alert & attentive, and remaining for the entire class gives the student the best
opportunity to learn.
There will be a 5 point deduction from the class work grade for each late or tardy
There will be a 10 point deduction from the class work grade for each absence
♦i clicker will be a percentage of the class work grade
♦Class work assignments may require the use of the class textbooks. Students without textbooks for
these assignments will receive a zero for each assignment. One point will be deducted from the final
class work grade for each zero.
♦Students causing class disruption due to a vibrating or ringing cell phone will have one point
deducted from his/her final class work grade for each offense
♦Students causing any type of disruption during class, to include but not limited; to outbursts of
complaints, unrelenting arguing, displays of classmate disrespect, will lose one point from his/her
final class work grade for each offense.
over my head
students will be responsible for completing each reading assignment prior to the class time
For each Chapter be prepared to discuss what you think is significant.
What was/were the main event/s?
Why do you suppose these chapters were included in the book?
What is the significance with regard to Brain Injury?
There will be test questions on each of the four exams and the final exam, taken from all assigned
Grading Policies
Theory Tests/quizzes
(all quizzes = one test)
Final Exam
Homework/Class Work
Weights within each grading category are determined by the lead instructor
Grade Reporting
Grades will be reported in whole numbers. Standard rounding principals will be utilized.
Grades will be calculated to the first decimal point, For example: a grade of 74.5 will be recorded as a
75%. A grade of 74.4 will be recorded as a 74%.
Numerical grades are converted to letter grades as follows:
90 - 100
80 - 89
75 - 79
0 - 74
Grade Criteria
No outstanding zeros can remain as the official grade of record to pass this course
An F will be the official grade for students with any outstanding zeros on record
Students with a failing total examination grade or a failing final course grade (after
including the class work and & homework categories), will receive an F in this course.
Students will be dismissed from the program for cheating on homework, class work, quizzes or
examinations. Students dismissed for cheating will not be eligible for readmission to the Physical
Therapist Assistant Program.
Academic Withdrawal/Reapplication
Students who do not successfully complete this course will receive an F. An F is a failing grade.
Students who do not successfully complete this course must formally meet with the Program Director,
Michele Voight , within 48 hours of the posting of grades. A student action plan will be determined at
that time.
Course Evaluation
EGLS3 – Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is
necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be
asked to answer a short online survey of researched-based questions related to
instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your
professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the
survey as part of Houston Community College Student System online near the end of
the term.
Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills - SCANS Competencies
A study was conducted for the Department of Labor by the American Society for Training and
Development, which identified the seven skills U.S. employers want most in entry level employees.
These skills are motivation to learn, basic skills, communications, teamwork, critical thinking, career
development and leadership. The following SCAN skill will be emphasized in this course:
self management
The lead instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus and the calendar during
the semester
Modifications will be announced in class and be provided to the student in writing
I have read the terms for this PTHA 2205 Neurology Course as presented in the syllabus and as
reviewed in class. I agree to abide by these terms and have placed my initials next to each item that I
have read and understand. I further understand that if I am a student requiring ADA assistance I can
request instructional accommodations. I will follow the specific process according to the HCCS
Disability Services. I recognize that it is my responsibility to register as a student requiring ADA
accommodations and discuss my needs with the ADA counselor. I will also be responsible for
informing each different class instructor of these approved accommodations at the onset of each
semester. I will bring these accommodations in writing to the lead instructor in each different class.
It is also understood that accommodations may take some time to set up. I cannot expect to meet
with the counselor and have my accommodations go into effect immediately. The effective date will
be determine by the ADA counselor and the Department Chair of the Physical Therapist Assistant