New Degree Proposals

Process for Creating Strategic Plans (as found in the Faculty Handbook section 3.1.5)
ABOR provides templates for the strategic plan which are completed by the Office of the Provost for
submission by the ABOR stated deadlines to allow preparation of a master document for submission to
the Academic Affairs Committee in the spring semester. The previously approved Academic Plan for
Northern Arizona University serves as a baseline for continuation; therefore, items listed
on this plan will be carried forward automatically. Below is an outline of the steps and timetable to be
followed in updating the NAU Academic Strategic Plan:
Step 1: Approval of Proposals
Proposals for new degrees, degree streamlining, name changes, center/institute changes or
additions must undergo all internal university review and approval steps including those at the unit,
college, and university levels. Prior to the internal reviews of proposals for new programs, name changes,
organizational changes to academic units and the elimination of programs, the Dean must obtain approval
from the provost/president to begin planning. Faculty must work with the Academic Dean and the
Graduate Dean (for graduate programs) to develop proposals. A degree may not be included on the
strategic plan until the Provost/President has approved the proposed change. College/School University
Graduate Committee and University Curriculum Committee processes must also be followed prior to
fully developing formal submission of proposals for new programs or deletions of programs.
Step 2: Internal University review and preparation of the University Academic Strategic Plan (midNovember – February).
Draft strategic plans are reviewed by the Provost’s Academic Leadership Council which makes
recommendations to the University Provost. Final approval of the Academic Strategic Plan is made by the
University Provost/President.
Step 3: The University Academic Strategic Plan is forwarded to ABOR (midMarch).
The strategic plan is submitted to the ABOR Academic Affairs Committee.
Step 4: Academic Affairs Committee reviews and approves the University Academic Strategic Plan
Step 5: The Strategic Plan is submitted to the June ABOR meeting as a consent item.
Step 6: Preparation of Implementation.
The Provost’s Office will notify each dean regarding the status of items on the strategic plan and the need
forimplementation proposals for new programs/units/centers/institutes. Implementation proposals will
need to be prepared and undergo the internal unit, college/school and university reviews (i.e., curriculum
committees/graduate committee). Once all internal reviews and approvals have been met, the Provost’s
Office will notify the dean that the program, unit or center/institute may be implemented.
Step 7: Programs Requiring Fees.
Proposals requiring new state resources or a program or course fee must be reviewed and approved
through the current budget and tuition/fee approval process. Questions about the fee process should be
directed to the Office of the Provost.
The Academic Strategic Plan for Northern Arizona University is available from the Provost’s web site: Questions about this process should be forwarded to