Dissertation Committee Recommendation Form

Initial committee
Revised committee
Dean of the Graduate College
Recommended Dissertation Committee Members
Please use this form to recommend a new dissertation committee or to recommend a change in membership of an
approved committee. This form should be submitted for approval before the prospectus hearing.
Instructions and Important Points to Consider:
1. The dissertation chair is responsible for completing this form and reviewing the student’s summary before submitting both to
the Graduate College
2. If the outside member of the dissertation committee is not a member of the NAU faculty, please attach to this form the
individual’s vita or resume.
3. Attach a one to two page summary of the proposed dissertation topic. These summaries typically include (but are not limited
to): a detailed explanation of the scope and purpose of the topic; qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies used to
acquire data; potential implication for the field; and a preliminary list of source material that may be used to acquire
information throughout the development and evolution of the dissertation.
4. Submit the completed form to department chair or graduate coordinator for approval.
5. The approved original must be submitted to the Graduate College.
Student Name:
Student Program:
Dissertation Title or Topic:
Dissertation Chair:
Expertise related to dissertation:
Committee Member:
Expertise related to dissertation:
Committee Member:
Expertise related to dissertation:
Committee Member (outside department):
Expertise related to dissertation:
Committee Member (additional, optional):
Expertise related to dissertation:
Please initial to confirm:
Potential conflicts of interest have been addressed (e.g. committee members who stand to gain from specific results of the study or
who may be relatives, friends, employers or peers of the student). If an unavoidable conflict is identified, continued participation by
the committee member requires approval of the committee chair and a written plan to manage the conflict must be submitted to the
Graduate College (Policy 100806).
Dissertation Chair Signature:
Department Chair Signature:
Graduate College Approval:
Revised: klsr, 5/6/15