Summer 2016 Planning Packet Table of Contents INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................................2 SUMMER ADMINISTRATION ..............................................................................................................................................................2 SUMMER WEBSITE FOR STUDENTS....................................................................................................................................................2 OTHER RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................................................................3 SUMMER TIPS ...................................................................................................................................................................................3 MANAGING CLASSES .........................................................................................................................................................................4 CREATING CLASSES ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 CANCELING CLASSES ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 SCHEDULING CLASSES ................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 MANAGING ENROLLMENT.................................................................................................................................................................5 ENROLLMENT CANCELLATION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 OFFICIAL CENSUS (FREEZE) ................................................................................................................................................................5 THE SUMMER PAY PROCESS ..............................................................................................................................................................5 UPLOADS.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 FACULTY PAYMENT FORMS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 ELECTRONIC PERSONNEL ACTION REQUESTS (E-PARS) ...................................................................................................................................... 6 SUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION REQUEST FORMS (SUPS) ................................................................................................................................ 6 INFORMATION FOR FACULTY ............................................................................................................................................................6 FACULTY INFORMATION LETTERS ................................................................................................................................................................... 6 PAYROLL PACKETS FOR VISITING FACULTY ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 APPENDIX A.......................................................................................................................................................................................8 APPENDIX B .......................................................................................................................................................................................9 APPENDIX C ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 APPENDIX D .................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 APPENDIX E ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Northern Arizona University Summer 2016 Planning Packet 2 Introduction Summer classes offer current students a way to continue progress toward their degree or improve a course grade. New Mountain Campus students, scheduled to begin in the Fall, can take advantage of smaller summer class sizes to experience college life. The comfortable climate of the Mountain Campus can help attract learners to summer workshops or seminars. NAU offers five summer sessions: Three-week May 16 – June 3 Twelve-week May 16 – August 9 Five-week First June 6 – July 5 Ten-week June 6 – August 9 Five-week Second July 11 – August 9 Dynamic Dating Note: Classes with start dates and/or end dates not falling into the standard sessions above will be created in Dynamic Dating sessions. Enrollment deadlines for Dynamic Dating sessions are attached in the form of a note to each of these classes. For additional information on Dynamic Dating sessions, click this link: DD1 (3-week) DD2 (5-week) DD3 (5-week) May 16 – June 5 June 6 – July 10 July 11 – August 9 Summer Administration Your college or department determines the appropriate summer class offerings for its students. You will create your own classes, set salaries for your instructors, raise and lower caps on your classes, and generally manage your own class schedule. Vice Provost Pauline Entin is responsible for the administration of class offerings. Extended Campuses is responsible for monitoring class creation, processing faculty pay, and reconciling financial information. Please refer to the Summer Sessions 2015 Management & Policies document for further information about administration of Flagstaff campus summer sessions ( The point of contact in the Office of the Vice Provost is Mikhael Star (, 523-5986). This planning packet serves as an aid for Mountain Campus staff when creating the schedule of classes for summer session and processing payment of salary to faculty. College leadership is responsible for planning the summer session schedule of classes. Summer Website for Students The NAU summer website is The site will contain important information and resources on all subjects pertaining to summer, including calendars with session dates and enrollment and payment deadlines. Classes you create for summer will appear live to the public through in LOUIE on November 9, 2015. Northern Arizona University Summer 2016 Planning Packet 3 Other Resources There are several national and regional organizations established to help universities plan their summer. NAU is a member of two such organizations. NAU colleges/departments are encouraged to take advantage of their resources. North American Association of Summer Sessions (NAASS): Western Association of Summer Session Administrators (WASSA): Summer Tips Extended Campuses (EC) will notify Academic Departments and Course Schedulers when summer class build is open. Once the Summer 2016 term is listed an option in PeopleSoft, departments may begin to create summer classes. Click here to log in to PeopleSoft, then navigate to Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Schedule New Course. When you create a class, use the worksheet found in Appendix A. Summer is different from the Have all the information available. rest of the academic year. You will be asked questions about how the faculty will be paid. Most fulltime faculty contracts end in Classes can be created from early fall through the summer term. May or June. To ensure that your However, to help students plan their schedule, create and finalize faculty members are paid for teaching classes early. in the summer, you will need to give EC information to help us calculate Check your class and salary information regularly using online faculty salaries and process payment reports in the EC Administrative Pages. (e-PAR or SUP) forms. You will find a draft Summer Timeline on the EC Administrative Welcome Page ( Review these dates. The summer classes you have been making will appear publicly to students on the web November 9, 2015. Between December 2015 and February 2016 you will be emailed reminders to assess the summer classes created by your department using a tool provided in the Extended Campuses Administrative Pages. There will be no printed 2015 Summer Schedule of Classes. Enrollment begins on February 15, 2016 and will be announced to students via email, the summer website, and other venues. In April, the NAU Budget Office releases information about contracts for the next fiscal year. Using this information, EC programmatically calculates faculty salaries for the summer classes you have created. The salaries will be set to $0 until this point. After calculating salaries, EC will run Faculty Information Letters. These are not contracts. EC does NOT issue contracts. Draft Faculty Information Letters are sent by email to Reminders and information about department or college representatives for review in April. summer are communicated through the (Final versions are usually sent that same month.) summer listserv. Contact Extended Make sure your faculty members are aware of what they will Campuses Academic Operations at be paid in the summer and whether their salaries may be to prorated due to low enrollment. be added to the listserv. Northern Arizona University Summer 2016 Planning Packet 4 April 15, 2016 is the last day to cancel a class for Summer 2015. If there are exceptional circumstances that warrant a different date for a particular course, a request must be submitted to the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs by January 19, 2016 for advance approval. If a different date is approved, notation will be made in the schedule of classes notifying students of the last possible date of cancellation. Prorate reports are available online through the EC Administrative Pages. You will be asked for prorate decisions every two weeks, as needed, prior to payroll uploads. Managing Classes Creating Classes Summer classes are created and edited through PeopleSoft. Click here to log in to PeopleSoft, then navigate to Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Schedule New Course. Extended Campuses will continue to gather and manage faculty pay/class cost information. As you create each class, you may use the Summer Class Creation Worksheet found in Appendix A. It will help you all information needed to create a class. Training on the class creation system is offered at various times throughout the year and on an as-needed individual basis. A Schedule of Classes training manual for PeopleSoft 9.0 is posted Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes). When creating classes, you must be prepared to answer questions about how a faculty member will be paid for a class. You will need to know whether the faculty is on-load, overload/off-contract, part-time, an administrator, or some other status for that particular class. Consult your department chair or business manager for help. gather at (click Please refer to Appendix B to view the Summer 2015 Timeline. This timeline includes dates when the PeopleSoft system is open for course entry, when students are encouraged by marketing materials to view summer classes and plan their summer selections, deadlines for prorates, and dates for salary uploads. Canceling Classes April 15, 2016 is the last day to cancel classes due to faculty availability or a concern that minimum enrollment will not be met. If historical or other evidence indicates a very high likelihood that the class will exceed minimum enrollment by the scheduled term, then a department may choose to maintain a class that has not reached minimum enrollment as of April 15, 2016 — with the caveat that the class will not be canceled after April 15 regardless of minimum enrollment. Students are least affected by class cancellations when done well in advance of the term start date. Creating classes that students need or that have been successful in prior summers can reduce cancellations due to low enrollment. Helpful reports for reviewing past summer terms, courses, and enrollment are available on the EC Administrative Pages ( Please also see the data distributed by the Office of Vice Provost for Academic Affairs. Other suggested reports are the Class Report and Enrollment History Report (found in the EC Administrative Pages) and the Salary by College/Department Report. Northern Arizona University Summer 2016 Planning Packet 5 Scheduling Classes Because summer classes are often accelerated, careful class scheduling is important. Even accelerated classes must meet ABOR-mandated contact hour requirements. Refer to the Class Scheduling Matrix in Appendix C for options in scheduling classes by credit hour and session length. For help creating summer classes contact Managing Enrollment Enrollment Cancellation Students receive monthly e-bills for summer after registration. However, if students register early and choose to pay later, they risk having their enrollment cancelled. In this process, enrollments of students who have registered and not paid are deleted from the system. This can affect setting and prorating salaries, scheduling rooms, and class cancellations. Prior to the cancellation, Extended Campuses will contact students and encourage them to complete their enrollment by making payment. After the cancellation, Extended Campuses will contact dropped students and explain what is required to re-enroll. You can find additional information about Summer term payment deadlines at Official Census (Freeze) Census (Freeze) is a point in time when enrollment is counted according to ABOR rules and criteria. Determination of available TA/GA funding is based on enrollment at census. There is no enrollment cancellation immediately prior to census because the census process itself takes payment status into account. Census is Only students who are managed by the Office of Planning, Budgeting, and registered and meet the Institutional Research. ABOR census criteria can be counted at census. There will be one census event in the summer, covering all eight sessions. It is anticipated that the census will take place June 14, 2016. The Summer Pay Process Uploads EC sends data electronically to the Payroll Department through an upload. The upload is programmatically inserted into the LOUIE Human Resource system. Faculty pay information is uploaded once for each class the faculty member is scheduled to teach, as close to the start date of the class as possible. Uploads reduce the amount of data entry required to process payments and the errors that can occur. Uploads are run every two weeks on a schedule set by the Payroll Department. It is this schedule that determines the deadlines EC gives colleges and departments for prorate and other salary information. Getting instructors into the payroll system and getting them paid requires precise timing and complete information. It is absolutely necessary that deadlines are met to ensure that your faculty members are paid on time. Northern Arizona University Summer 2016 Planning Packet 6 Faculty Payment Forms In the summer, EC creates either an Electronic Personnel Action Request (e-PAR) or a Supplemental Compensation Form (SUP) to pay your faculty. Electronic Personnel Action Requests (e-PARs) EC creates and manages all e-PARs for summer session, including those for Yuma and Mountain Campus. e-PARs are created on a class-by-class basis. Supplemental Compensation Request Forms (SUPs) Electronic Personnel Action Requests EC initiates Supplemental Compensation Request (e-PARs) and Supplemental Forms on behalf of faculty who will be paid under the supplemental compensation status. If an Compensation Request Forms (SUPs) instructor is a full-time fiscal year faculty, or if a are initiated by Extended Campuses faculty contract overlaps a summer course, the faculty member will usually have to be paid on supplemental pay. Information on the preapproval and payment of supplemental compensation for faculty can be found online in the HR Forms Index under Supplemental Compensation. Extended Campuses will initiate the pre-approval form and send it with the corresponding Faculty Information Letter for faculty to complete and route for signature. Once the required signatures have been obtained, the faculty will need to return a copy to EC Summer, Attn: EC Instructional Payroll, Box 4117, Flagstaff, AZ 86011. The payment form will then be initiated by EC and submitted to the Budget Office with a copy of the payment form being returned to the academic unit. Note: Depending on Payroll and Budget Office deadlines and the length of time required to get signatures, it may take up to two pay periods for payment on a “supplemental” to begin. Please help faculty to consider this time frame when receiving supplemental compensation. Information for Faculty Faculty Information Letters A Faculty Information Letter is not a contract. It states the college or department’s terms for offering a particular class, including dates, times, location, salary, need, stipulations if need is not met, and faculty information. It requires the faculty member’s signature as proof that these terms are understood and agreed. Faculty Information Letters are run soon after the Budget Office salary table is created in April. Drafts are sent to colleges/departments for review and adjustment first. Most summer session classes are taught by regular academic year faculty. Some are taught by visiting faculty. In either case it is important to discuss the terms of their hire with them, since the summer session pay process differs from the academic year pay process. Payroll Packets for Visiting Faculty Visiting faculty who have not been paid by NAU within the last year or who are not regular employees of the university are considered new hires. Federal and State law requires that all employees must complete a new hire Northern Arizona University Summer 2016 Planning Packet 7 packet before they start work, and timely completion of a new hire packet will ensure prompt payment when instruction begins. When your college or department makes the decision to hire a visiting faculty member, be sure to initiate a new hire packet online through Hire Xpress in LOUIE. Once the hire process is complete, you will receive an email notification from Hire Xpress. Forward the email notification to along with their NAU Employee ID and the start date of the course so that EC can initiate an e-PAR for the faculty to receive computing access and summer pay. For assistance with summer payroll questions contact EC Instructional Payroll by email: The NAU Payroll Office cannot process pay with an incomplete payroll packet. Encourage faculty to complete their payroll packet online well before their course start date. They cannot be paid nor receive access to Blackboard Learn until all of the information has been received, even if their course has started. Northern Arizona University Summer 2016 Planning Packet 8 Academic Department use only – DO NOT RETURN TO EC Appendix A Summer Class Creation Worksheet Class Information Campus: Term: Fall Session: Course: Summer Letter grade Winter Year: End Date: Capacity: Class Fee: Total Number of Class Meetings: Grading: Spring Class Start Date: # of Credit Hours: Topic (Optional): 2016 Summer Sessions Waive Class Fee: Yes No Total Number of Contact Hours: Pass/Fail Other: In Person and Hybrid classes: Days: 3wk 5/16-6/3 12wk 5/16-8/9 5wk 1 6/6-7/5 10wk 6/6-8/9 5wk 2 7/11-8/9 DD First through 6/5 DD Second through 7/10 DD Third through 8/9 Times: Location/Building: Room #: Hybrid and Online Classes: Synchronous Meetings: Days: Asynchronous – No set meeting days/times Times: Class URL (Optional): Consent needed (check one) No consent Student contact department for permission nr Student contact instructor for permission Reserve: Publish in print materials and show in web searches? YES NO seats of the total capacity for student group. Class Notes: Instructor Instructor Name: Instructor Role: Primary Instructor Secondary Instructor EC Only: One-way mileage to class per trip: SSN: Grade Roster Access: Approve Grade Total number of overnight stays: Instructor Pay Instructor's primary affiliation with NAU during the session this class is offered: Part Time Faculty Full Time Faculty ON contract with NAU – contract dates overlap any part of this class Full Time Faculty OFF contract with NAU - contract dates do not overlap any part of this class Administrative Faculty Service Professional/Classified staff How will this instructor be compensated for teaching this class? NO PAY - This class is part of the instructor's assigned duties for which they are already being paid EC is to pay for this class (ePAR or Supplemental form will be generated by EC) The Academic Dept is to pay for this class (ePAR or SUP form will be generated by the Acad Dept) Yuma is to pay for this class (ePAR or Supplemental form will be generated by Yuma) Flagstaff/Online/Yuma Only: Paid Credit Hours: Special Instructions: Northern Arizona University Summer 2016 Planning Packet Appendix B Summer 2016 Timeline (All dates are tentative and subject to change) October 2015 TBD Course processing training available – trainees will be notified when training is available 05 Class creation system opens in PeopleSoft 05 Summer Planning Packet and Timeline available at November 2015 09 Students able to view classes in LOUIE and February 2016 15 Open enrollment begins for all sessions April 2016 15 TBD Last day to cancel classes offered on the Flagstaff Mountain campus Budget table with academic year 14-15 salaries May 2016 02 Begin reviewing enrollment, prorate 3- and 12-week classes 16 Start 3-week 16 Start 12-week 17 Salary upload 25 Begin reviewing enrollment, prorate 10- and first 5-week classes 30 Prorates due for 5/10 week classes 31 Salary upload June 2016 03 End 3-week 06 Start first 5-week 06 Start 10-week 16 Salary upload 21 Begin reviewing enrollment; prorate second 5-week classes July 2016 05 Salary prorates due for second 5-week classes 05 End first 5-week 05 Salary upload 11 Start second 5-week August 2016 9 End of Summer Term (End of second 5-week, 10-week, 12-week classes) 9 Northern Arizona University Summer 2016 Planning Packet 10 Appendix C Course Matrix: Please use this chart as a general guideline. If your session includes a holiday, adjustments will need to be made accordingly, as the chart below does not account for them. All calculations are rounded to the nearest one-tenth. Each Credit Award requires 750 minutes of in-class time. CALCULATION: 750 times number of credit hours, divided by number of meeting days, divided by 60. 1 credit Schedule days Number of meeting days (count) Minutes of in-class time required per day **Hours of class time required per meeting day (minutes per day divided by 60) Contact hours (15 required per credit) 1 contact hour = 50 mins of class time Time-slot (example of standard time slot) Required class time per meeting day (round up when questionable) MTW 3 250.0 4.2 15 8:00-12:15 4 hrs, 15 mins MTWTh 4 187.5 3.1 15 8:00-11:10 3 hrs, 10 mins MTWTF 5 150.0 2.5 15 8:00-10:30 2 hrs, 30 mins MTWTh 13 57.7 1.0 15 8:00-9:00 1 hr 2 weekends FSAT 4 187.5 3.1 15 8:00-11:10 3 hrs, 10 mins 1 weekend FSAT 2 375.0 6.3 15 8:00-2:20 6 hrs, 20 mins 2 weekends SAT 2 375.0 6.3 15 8:00-2:20 6 hrs, 20 mins 2 credits (must span 1 weekend) FM 2 750.0 12.5 30 --------- 12 hrs, 30 mins (30 x 50 = 1500 mins class time) ThF M 3 500.0 8.3 30 --------- 8 hrs, 20 mins ThF MT 4 375.0 6.3 30 8:00-2:20 6 hrs, 20 mins ThF MTW 5 300.0 5.0 30 8:00-1:00 5 hrs FSAT 4 375.0 6.3 30 8:00-2:20 6 hrs, 20 mins 3 credits (3-week session) MTWTF 14 160.7 2.7 45 8:00-10:45 2 hrs, 45 mins (45 x 50 = 2250 mins class time) MTWTh 11 204.5 3.4 45 8:00-11:25 3 hrs,25 mins MTW 8 281.3 4.7 45 8:00-12:45 4 hrs, 45 mins 3 credits (5-week session) MTWTF 21 107.1 1.8 45 8:00-9:50 1 hr, 50 mins (45 x 50 = 2250 mins class time) MTWTh 18 125.0 2.1 45 8:00-10:10 2 hrs, 10 mins MTW 14 160.7 2.7 45 8:00-10:45 2 hrs, 45 mins WThF 11 204.5 3.4 45 8:00-11:25 2 hrs, 45 mins TTh 9 250 4.2 45 8:00-11:50 3 hrs, 50 mins FSAT 7 321.4 5.4 45 8:00-1:25 5 hrs, 25 mins (15 x 50 = 750 mins class time) Over 2-1/2 week period 2 weekends 3 credits Workshop (must span 2 weekends) MTW 7 321.4 5.4 45 8:00-1:25 5 hrs, 25 mins (45 x 50 = 2250 mins class time) MTWTh 10 225 3.75 45 8:00-12:15 4 hrs, 15 mins Regular 2-1/2 week period MTWTF 11 204.5 3.4 45 8:00-11:25 3 hrs, 25 mins Regular 2-1/2 week period MTWTF 12 187.5 3.1 45 8:00-11:10 3 hrs, 10 mins 2 weekends FSAT 4 562.5 9.4 45 --------- 9 hrs, 25 mins 4 weekends FSAT 8 281.3 4.7 45 8:00-12:45 4 hrs, 45 mins 3 weekends FSAT 6 375.0 6.3 45 8:00-2:20 6 hrs, 20 mins 2 weekends FSatSu 6 375.0 6.3 45 8:00-2:20 6 hrs, 20 mins 3 credits (10-week session) MTWTF 47 47.9 0.8 45 8:00-8:50 50 mins (45 x 50 = 2250 mins class time) MTWTh 38 59.2 1.0 45 8:00-9:00 1 hr MTW 29 77.6 1.3 45 8:00-9:20 1 hr, 20 mins TTh 19 118.4 2.0 45 8:00-10:10 2 hrs, 10 mins 5 weekends FSAT 9 250.0 4.2 45 8:00-12:15 4 hrs, 15 mins 9 weekends FSAT 17 132.4 2.2 45 8:00-10:15 2 hrs, 15 mins 3 credits (12-week session) MT 26 86.5 1.4 45 8:00-9:25 1 hr, 25 mins (45 x 50 = 2250 mins class time) TTh 25 90 1.5 45 8:00-9:30 1 hr, 30 mins 4 credits (5-week session) MTWTF 21 142.9 2.4 60 8:00-10:25 2 hrs, 25 mins (60 x 50 = 3000 mins class time) MTWTh 18 166.7 2.8 60 8:00-10:50 2 hrs, 50 mins MTW 14 214.3 3.6 60 8:00-11:50 3 hrs, 50 mins TTh 9 333.3 5.6 60 8:00-1:40 5 hrs, 40 mins FSAT 7 428.6 7.1 60 8:00-3:10 7 hrs, 10 mins 4 credits (10-week session) MTWTF 46 65.2 1.1 60 8:00-9:10 1 hr, 10 mins (60 x 50 = 3000 mins class time) MTWTh 38 79 1.3 60 8:00-9:25 1 hr, 25 mins MTW 29 103.5 1.7 60 8:00-9:50 1 hr, 50 mins TTh 19 157.9 2.6 60 8:00-10:50 2 hrs, 50 mins FSAT 11 272.7 4.5 60 8:00-12:30 4 hrs, 30 mins 6 weekends 9 weekends FSAT 17 176.5 2.9 60 8:00-10:55 2 hrs, 55 mins **Hours: All portions of an hour are rounded UP to nearest increment of 5 minutes (.1 = 6 mins > 10 mins; .2 = 12 mins > 15 mins; .3 = 18 mins > 20 mins; .4 = 24 mins > 25 mins; .5 = 30 mins; .6 = 36 mins > 40 mins; .7 = 42 mins > 45 mins; .8 = 48 mins > 50 mins; .9 = 54 mins >55 mins) Northern Arizona University Summer 2016 Planning Packet 11 Appendix D Information for Faculty Paycheck Information Here’s what you need to look for on each pay stub: Appropriate “earn code” – as found in the personalized paydate schedule you will receive from Extended Campuses. Pay rate for each “earn code” should be the amount stated in your personalized paydate schedule. Verify that the address on the check is your current address Monitor your federal and state taxes o If necessary, update your form W-4 for federal withholding or the form A-4 for Arizona withholding through LOUIE Online ( o Remember, if you indicated on your W-4 form that additional money should be withheld from your regular paycheck, this same amount will be withheld from each paycheck that you receive. For example, if you are receiving multiple paychecks for your regular faculty pay as well as salary for teaching one or more summer courses, the amount indicated on the W-4 will be withheld from each check. You may want to re-evaluate this deduction during the summer months. If you make any changes to your withholdings, please remember to make any necessary changes at the end of the summer when the payments for your summer courses are complete. Contact NAU Payroll at (928) 523-5906 if you have questions about your withholdings. How to Access Online Services Just log on to using your NAU email login and password (the same one used for NAU email accounts) and select Self Service. There are several options available on this page as seen below. Online Services Available: View paycheck information Change home and mailing addresses, phone number, email address Update W-4 or A-4 information Update emergency contact information Sign up for or update your direct deposit information o If you are not already on direct deposit, sign up now! You can direct your pay to a single bank account, or may select to have part of your pay go to one account and the remainder to another account. Then you can have a relaxed payday, knowing that your pay is in your bank account–no need to take a paycheck to the bank for deposit or cashing. To sign up, log in to Northern Arizona University Summer 2014 Planning Packet 12 Appendix E Summer Session Financial Definitions Budget Table Also known as Combi Table: (see Combi Table). Capacity (CAP) The maximum number of students allowed in a course. Combi Table Annual salary information received from Budget Office, usually in April, and used to determine salary for Summer courses. Contingency Also known as Standard Need: (see Standard Need). Contract (Summer Sessions) More accurately known as Faculty Information Letter: (see Faculty Information Letter). Employee ID An NAU ID assigned by LOUIE. Not an employee’s social security number. Faculty Information Letters Letters sent to summer faculty and their college/department enumerating information about each course the faculty member will teach in summer sessions. Each letter includes faculty address, course salary, course capacity, time and location, and course need. In the past, faculty information letters were referred to as contracts, but it is important to note that faculty information letters are not contracts; they are used for verification purposes only. Faculty Personalized Paydate Schedule Notice sent to faculty detailing pay dates, amounts, and courses for which they are being paid. Funding Field Any special information regarding an instructor’s salary is noted in this field when the course is created. This can include which campus is paying the salary or if no salary is to be paid. Off-contract Term used primarily during Summer Sessions; describes full-time faculty who are teaching outside of their faculty contract dates and should receive pay for a summer course Overpayments An overpayment occurs when an instructor inadvertently receives more money than is scheduled for a course. Overpayments must be recovered. Paid Credit Hours Credit hours to be paid, usually attached to the course, however, special situation may apply. Example: team-teaching, etc. Prorate An instructor’s salary may be prorated based on enrollment and cost of the class if standard need is not made. Prorate: Alternate Pay method A method for prorating a course that includes ERE in the formula for computing the prorated salary, also referred to as Statewide Prorate Method. Prorate: Summer method A method for prorating a course that does not include a method for prorating a course that does not include an ERE in the formula for computing the prorated salary. Rank Based Salary Salary is based upon the rank given by the department Standard Need - based on Student Enrollment Standard need is determined by calculating the minimum number of students to cover all class costs. Standard Need - based on Student Credit Hours Standard need is determined by calculating the total number of registered credit hours (SCH) required to cover all class costs. Need is displayed in SCH for variable credit hour courses. Northern Arizona University Summer 2014 Planning Packet 13 Status Determined by the department. The status identifies whether the instructor is part-time or teaching on-load or overload as follows: PT – Part-Time, PT salaries are paid on a PAR initiated by EC FV – NAU faculty overload or off-contract (summer), FV salaries are paid on a PAR or Supplemental Compensation Form FO – NAU faculty on-load; FO salaries will not be paid by EC; courses are taught as part of the faculty’s academic contract SC – Service Prof/Classified Staff; SC salaries are paid on a Supplemental Compensation Form AF – Administrative Faculty; salary would be paid depending on departmental direction Supplemental Pay Payment made for duties above regular load while on a current contract and paid as additional pay. Most faculty are on academic contracts that run from August to May; therefore, in the summer they are paid on a PAR. Faculty who are on grant, local, or yearly contracts during the summer will need Supplemental forms processed. Team Teaching / Salary Split Situation where a course is being co-taught by two or more instructors and the salary is to be split between them. Visiting Faculty Instructors or faculty hired for the summer who are not on academic contracts for Fall / Spring. Zero Revenue Point Also known as Standard Need: (see Standard Need).