
Objective: To design website to introduce myself to a define target user. This website should provide the
user with basic information like name, hobbies, contact information etc. This project is also aimed towards
introducing the process of website design, publishing and also applying Human computer interaction
design principles to improvise and optimize the interface.
Website Content: The website is designed to introduce a user about myself to a target user segment.
Target users for this website could be potential recruiters looking to explore my skill set and trying to look
more into my academic, professional and personal background. Other potential users could be colleagues
that are looking for likeminded people to form teams during the academic projects. This website is also
designed to accommodate user casually looking at the website and trying to learn more about me. Thus
the information included in this website is suitable to satisfy all the above user segments. The website will
includes the following information.
Homepage to guide the user about the structure of the website
Brief introduction about myself, hobbies and cultural background
Academic background
Description about my professional and personal achievements
Contact information along with an external survey link for the user to provide feedback about the
website along with a section to send personal remarks.
Hardware/Software Requirements: The content of this website is optimized for a minimal hardware
requirement i.e. basic computer with an internet connection. The website is best viewed using a Microsoft
Internet Explorer web browser. The website is optimized for viewing on high resolution monitors thus
might have to be zoomed out if viewed on a small screen. If the website appears zoomed in, kindly zoom
out once and all the webpages would accommodate to your screen since accordingly.
Considerations: While designing the website following considerations were carefully kept in mind in order
to give the best possible user experience. Following are the key design considerations
Back home link is provided on all the internal webpages designed for this website. This would
enable user to go to the main home page from anywhere in the website.
All webpages are carefully linked and checked. Thus no orphan page would be found in the
Website is free from any pop ups or splash screens. This is done to make the website user friendly.
User can go to the previous page of the website easily using the back button of the browser. The
website is very light in size thus would not stop responding if the user try to go to the previous
page using the browser control buttons.
The structure of the website is well balanced. The width and breath of the website structure is
optimized to give user the desired data using minimum number of clicks.
Headings of each page of the website completely co-relates to the data on the website. The
website pages are well numbered so that the user can be made aware of which page he/she is
URL of the website is kept small, relevant and easy to remember for the user.
External survey is also linked with the website which enables the designer of the website to
analyze the relevancy of the content, design of the website and user satisfaction based on the set
of responses received from the user using interactive post processing online tool.
Design Guidelines Followed: The layout of the website is designed with reference to the design
guideline taught in IE 435 class. Following were the major design guideline followed.
Consistent template was used for each page to maintain design uniformity
Uniform color scheme was used on each page.
Color contrast was carefully used to highlight text on the website template.
Font size was carefully chosen in order to increase information visibility.
Important information and links that have high frequency of use for the chosen user segments
are placed at the top and a clear structure of the website is listed on each page of the website.
External link is provided on the website for the user to register their feedback which could
then be analyzed using an online post processing website. The survey is designed carefully to
analyze all aspects of the website design. A section to send personal remark for the designer
is also given to the user on the survey.
Breadth and depth of the design is well balanced to optimize user experience.
Menus on the website is provided based on the frequency of use observed by studying other
published websites and articles.
The user of the website is chosen carefully and the information is well matched to the needs.
A mission statement is clearly provided on the homepage of the website to clearly define the
goal of the website.
Copyright statement is provided on the homepage to make the user aware about the rights.
Reference links are provided on all the possible terms used in the website.