sarahMGB 301 Individ..

MGB 301 Individual Project #2
Yinghui Cui
I requested reflected best-self stories from my boyfriend, my former roommate, my
friends and my former professor, to help me identify my best. They provided stories from
different point of view, which almost contained all my Top Five Themes from daily life and
study area, which are: Input, Arranger, Empathy, Achiever and Communication. I choose
the best representative part from their reply down here.
From my boyfriend: “Yinghui who is strong in heart and mind might be my first
impression on you. A little girl just 18 years old and came to US to study abroad so far away
from home very first time, you are so young, but your consideration and thoughtful made you
more mutual than other freshman. You asked me to show you the direction so you can go there
next time by yourself . We just arrived to Buffalo and don’t have a vehicle so we have to take
bus and walk. I remember that it was a really windy cold day, so I was worried about you which
seemed not necessary, because you were really excited to learns new things as you live by
yourself. After I chose a wrong (one farther way) path which leaded us walking a great distance
with many groceries bags on hand. I felt really sorry, however you were trying to comfort me
and showed the thankful attitude. Which give me a great first impression about your adaptability
and strong heart and mind. “
From my friend and classmate: “Example of when Yinghui was at her best happened this
semester. For our MGQ 301 class, we have to work in groups to analyze and solve cases. The
first case was a little confusing because we haven’t been exposed to cases in our previous classes
and so we had to figure it all out by ourselves. Yinghui really stepped up and she was a huge
asset to the group. She looked over the case before submitting it and made sure the information
we had was accurate. Yinghui demonstrated her leadership skills and hardworking during the
case and helped we get a good grade.
From my former professor: “Yinghui attended every class to act as an instructional aid.
She always get early to help me collects homework and organized the lectures for the students.
She also stay after class to answer questions from students. She timely gave me feedback from
students to improve teaching better, created and maintained effective student-teacher
relationships. Also, she often contribute her own time to help me and other teaching assistant
with busy office hour. Thank you for your hard work and great help through the semester. I have
been so fortunately to have you as my CHI 202 Teaching Assistant.”
My own best-self stories
I feel I was at my best when I provided ideas, and help out my team members to reach
our goal. I am always a core person in my teams, being a core person means that I always came
up with ideas based on my own background and knowledge. I have the ability to coordinate
different opinions, and came up with a vision that everyone agree. When faced with a complex
situation involving many factors, I can manage all of the variables, aligning and realigning
members, devising new opinions, and hunting for new paths.
Strengths Quest Assessment provide me a basic sense of my themes abilities, after summary of
all the respondents, my own stories and ground project #3, I am able to identify and
interpretation my strengths and behaviors from deeper layer understanding.