INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT #1 Phuc Nguyen 368654741 M/Wed 2:30 to 3:50

Phuc Nguyen 368654741 M/Wed 2:30 to 3:50
1. What is a motivational objective and how does it work?
Motivational objective is to create condition where people are willing to work because
they enjoy going to work. It is extremely important to motivate employees so they can
feel good like they are being recognized for their work. It works by managers or
employer encouraging employees to interact and engage among others. Managers
should always care about their employee wellbeing and should ask question like "are
you happy here?”
2. What are some of the ways the video demonstrates the benefits of motivational
Some of the ways the video demonstrates the benefits of motivational objectives are
that employees are more eager to come to work. They are happy and the chance of
them quitting decreases dramatically. Also they are willing to fully contribute to the
company's corporate goal.
3. What are important elements of engagement?
The important elements of engagement are communication, rewards and recognition,
responsibility, and personal performance. It is important for employee to be engaging
and interact with their manager. The manager needs to inform their employee about
the company's vision and goal.
4. What is the value of employee engagement?
The value of employee engagement is that it helps the company grow as a whole. The
more employees engage the better it is for the company. Communication is one of the
key elements for a company to be successful. As employee engages more, the better it is
for manager to know what their employee needs in order to improve their performance.
This will results in the grow of talents and revenue!