OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROJECTS PO Box 4130 1395 South Knoles Drive Flagstaff, Arizona 86011 ARD Building #56 Suite 240 Phone (928) 523-4880 / Fax (928) 523-1075 Sponsored Project Tuition and Fee Waiver Request Form The purpose of this form is to expedite consideration of tuition and fee waiver requests by providing a similar format to request the waiver(s) and to secure internal approvals from department/unit heads and deans. INSTRUCTIONS: Submit the completed form to the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) Grant and Contract Administrator (GCA) assigned to your unit; OSP will forward the request to the Vice President for Research (VPR) for review and decision. The following documents must be included with this request: proposal abstract, detailed budget, budget justification. The Office of Sponsored Projects is located in Suite 240, ARD Bldg. #56, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4130. Please contact your GCA or OSP at 928-523-4880 or via e-mail to for assistance in completing this form. Date: Proposal Deadline: Principal Investigator: Project Title: Sponsor: Program: F&A rate % and base (MTDC, TDC, other) allowed by the Sponsor 1. Is this a NEW waiver request or a request for CONTINUATION/RENEWAL of waivers for an existing sponsored project? If this is a continuation request, list the NAU Account Number: 2. Are tuition and fees allowable charged to this grant proposal? If allowable, explain and justify why a waiver of one or both is being requested. What university, school, or departmental interest(s) are served by waiving the direct costs of tuition and/or fees that are allocable for this project? Tuition Allowed by Sponsor Tuition Requested from Sponsor Difference (Amount to be waived) = = = $ $ $ Fees Allowed by Sponsor Fees Requested from Sponsor Difference (Amount to be waived) = = = $ $ $ 3. Provide the following information for each course: Course # Semester # of credit hrs Tuition $/hr. # of Students Total value ($) of Tuition Waivers Total Cost per Course $ 4. What academic fees, if any, are included in the request? Fee Cost # of Students Total value ($) of Academic Fee Waivers Rev. 05/04/2016 Total Cost per Fee $ 1 Principal Investigator/Project Director (PI/PD) Certification: I certify that the information provided above and in the attached documents is accurate to the best of my knowledge. ______________________________________ PI/PD Date Department/Unit/College Endorsement: Waiver of the requested tuition and/or fees is in the best interests of the department/unit/college for the reasons described above, and we endorse this request. ______________________________________ Department Chair/Director Date ______________________________________ Dean/Director Date Office of Sponsored Projects: _______________________________________ Grant and Contract Administrator Date APPROVED: _______________________________________ William P. Grabe, VP for Research Date Rev. 05/04/2016 2