Proposal Element Abstract Introduction/Back ground: Relevance, Significance and Purpose of the Project Missing or unacceptable Abstract was omitted or inappropriate given the problem, artistic or scholarly goals and methods. Statement of the relevance, significance, purpose, or definitions of constructs and variables were omitted or inappropriate. Developing Accomplished Exemplary Abstract lacks relevance or fails to offer appropriate details about the artistic or scholarly goals, context, or methods of the proposed project. Although relevance is stated, the statement is too broad or the description fails to establish the importance of the creative or scholarly goal. Connections to the literature and previous related work are unclear, debatable, irrelevant or insignificant. Description of the innovative nature or originality of the project is present but underdeveloped or weakly compelling Abstract is relevant, offering an appropriate summary of the proposed project. Abstract is informative, succinct, and offers sufficiently specific summary of the artistic or scholarly goals, context, and proposed methods of the project. Identifies a relevant project goal. Connections established with the literature and/or previous work. Articulates a specific, significant relevance/significance by connection to the literature and/or previous work. Statement of purpose flows logically from the introduction. The project goal and the statement of significance clearly establish relevance to the discipline. Description of the innovative nature or originality of the project is present and adequate. Artistic goals or scholarly questions/goals are stated, connected to the discipline, and supported by previous work and/or literature. Constructs have been identified and variables have been operationally defined. Assumptions and limitations are present. The plan for carrying out the proposed project has been outlined and described in sufficiently detailed terms. Applicant has demonstrated access to needed resources; some limitations and assumptions have been identified. Description of innovative nature or originality of the project is clear, well articulated, and believable; and likely to contribute to an advancement in the discipline. Articulates clear, reasonable, and succinct artistic goals or scholarly questions/goals and definitions given the purpose, design, and methods of the proposed project. A thorough, reasonable discussion of assumptions, previous work and limitations is provided. All elements are mutually supportive. Innovative nature; originality, novelty, and creativity of the proposed activity Artistic or scholarly inquiry/goals, assumptions, limitations Statement of the innovative nature or originality of the project is missing or inappropriate. Artistic or scholarly inquiry/goals, assumptions and limitations were omitted or inappropriate given the context, purpose, or methods of the study. Elements are poorly formed, ambiguous, or not logically connected to the description of the problem, questions, goals, or purpose. Methods The plan for carrying out the proposed project is inappropriate or has not been clearly identified or described; applicant has not demonstrated access to all resources needed to complete the project; limitations and assumptions are omitted. The plan is confusing or incomplete given the artistic or scholarly goal. Methods, materials and resources have not been identified or access sufficiently demonstrated; important limitations and assumptions have not been identified. The creative or scholarly methods, purpose, questions, resources and design are mutually supportive, coherent and applicable. Attention has been given to eliminating alternative explanations and controlling extraneous variables. Appropriate and important limitations and assumptions have been clearly stated. Qualification of applicant Applicant has not demonstrated that s/he is qualified to carry out the work. Outcomes/Impact and Dissemination Outcomes and/or impact are not appropriate, unlikely to be realized or not described. Dissemination plan is weak or missing. Budget and/or Justification are missing; budget doesn’t reflect costs described in or implied by the narrative Budget and Budget Justification Applicant seems to lack qualifications to carry out some of the work; may be lacking suitable collaborators or support staff. Outcomes and/or impact are insufficient for the inputs or project impact is not clearly demonstrated. Dissemination plan lacks obvious mechanisms. Applicant seems qualified to carry out the work. Collaborators and/or support staff are adequate. Applicant is well-qualified to carry out the work; collaborators and support staff are well justified, highly qualified, and accessible. Outcomes and impact are appropriate and adequately described. Dissemination plan is adequate. Budget is inaccurate; budget justification does not explain the basis for some or all costs; salary request(s) seem(s) excessive for the project and/or level of effort is not adequately justified Budget and justification are adequate and complete; level of effort is justified and overall project cost seems appropriate. Outcomes and impact are appropriate for the inputs and are well-described. Dissemination plan is well-articulated, believable, and describes numerous and resourceful mechanism(s) for disseminating outcomes. Budget and justification are complete and accurate; explanations are comprehensive; costs are appropriate and tie back to the narrative; effort justification is thorough and appropriate.