Project Checklist You can use this as a basic checklist to make sure you have met the minimum requirements for the project. You can refer to the Project website for the detailed minimum requirements. ITEM Writeup o Description of system o Future enhancements and Backup strategy o Printouts of all reports and descriptions of business value for each o Attach graded initial project design and ERD o Printout of database relationships Website o Group members list linked to individual website o Link to database and presentation Menu o Auto-open o Help o Exit o Buttons for all forms and reports Tables o Enough Records in all tables o Relationships with referential integrity o Input masks/validation rules Forms o Forms for all tables o Tab order correct o Subform o Command buttons (add, delete, find, print, close) Report o 5 (2 grouped) Professionalism o Consistent formatting o Proper titles and labels Presentation and Demo o All members participate o Professionalism & Quality