FIPP Activity Report #1 Name: Anita-Marie Higgins Date: 10/09/2010 Department: Human Services FIPP Partner: Cheryl Threadgill Section: 9226 Music and Movement For Young Children CDEV 117 Activity/Strategy: Make a Characteristic Puzzle (Believing In Me) Category: Classroom Activity Briefly describe the activity/strategy, providing enough detail so that a colleague can replicate the activity/strategy. Introduction I chose to formulate and structure an classroom activity that could help students build strategies whereby students could recognize their strengths, positive or negative characteristics. The rational for my choice of the Believing In Me activity, is two-fold: 1. It compliments my teaching style; 2. The assignment introduced students to a method of multi-steps direct approach, and requires them to follow a series of directions. Since I absolutely enjoy the end product of a creative assignment, I used this assignment to build students’ confidence. In order for students to complete a multi-step project they must believe they can do it. I discovered, during my first teaching appointment, I structured child development assignments which posed quite a challenge for a fair amount of future early childhood educators. Most students are familiar and comfortable with the traditional three- to five-page essay assignments, sometimes the student is required to read and/or give a brief pesentation. Throughout the semesters, (Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Winter 2010), it became necessary for me to structure one class session geared towards an assignment marathon, to ensure students’ understanding and completion for meeting assignment deadlines.. What I hope to accomplish: I hoped I could build confidence, (empower students) and instill strategy-building skills. I strive to empower students to tackle and investigate unfamiliar tasks or assignments. I needed to know that students will take charge of their education, and take responsibility for setting future goals, and work at their maximum academic potential for future accomplishments and ultimately, attain economic growth. To accomplish this task, it became necessary for me to familiarize myself with the diversity of the students’ characteristics. Set-up: I explained to the students enrolled in CDEV-117, Music and Movement class that their instructor is involved with the college’s teacher improvement program, and if they could help by participating in classroom activities, including provide feedback by way of completing Student Survey forms and turning in certain assignments. Therefore, I assigned a Believe-In-Me activity, and instructed students to make a characteristic puzzle. Supplies and Material needed: large poster, colorful makers, and scissors. Directions: Students are instructed to use 18 to 24 inch font when writing the text/characteristics. Draw a large child friendly picture; for example, doll, flower, fire truck etc… Choose two positive characteristics that helped them meet an assignment deadline, and two negative characteristics that caused them to procrastinate in meeting the same assignment deadline. Write positive and negative characteristic in the middle of the child friendly pictures. Cut the picture into a puzzle pieces. Number the back of each piece in numerical order. Laminate each puzzle piece Students form in groups of four; students engage each other in class discussions, related to various students’ characteristics; students explain to each other how their own characteristics help them improve academically, and what their own characteristic lacks regarding academic accomplishments. What work well? The characteristic puzzle contained elements that worked well. The structured task contained complicated multi-step features. In beginning the assignment, students discovered there were unfamiliar steps, yet as they mastered each task, which proved to build their skills. This activity supported student interaction and promoted classroom discussions amongst the students. For students to discover they share some of the same characteristics was paramount in order to make this assignment effective. As students became familiar with others, they discovered the confidence needed to tackle the assignment; ultimately, helping students uncover learning strategies. More on what worked well? Upon the very next child development assignment, I observed students investigate and evaluate the State and National Standards for music and movement according to the guidelines of the National Association of Education for Young Children (NAEYC). The character puzzle aided in the process of investigation, evaluation and adaptation of a curriculum for a special needs child. What would you change? I would not change one thing. I learned that the diverse student populations are receptive to new strategies that help discover their true ability. The students and I discovered that the Charactertistic Puzzle worked well to uncover the true abilities of the diverse student population. In the future, I may try placing the students in the facilitator’s seat. My hope to build confidence in the diverse students was accomplished with the Believing In Me activity. This activity built a foundation of well-preparedness, and built a fair platform for students to share some of the same characteristics. During future assignments students were anxious to amplify answers of interest in other linked projects. Would you use the activity/strategy again? Why or why not? I will most definitely use this activity again. So revealing, students’ experiences amplified interests in assignments. Some of the students were absent during the in initial demonstration of the assignment. Upon the students return, other students who were present were anxious to demonstrate the assignment; all the while, teaching the strategies to other students. Please describe any student learning and/or changes that you observed after implementation of the activity/strategy? See Student Survey Compton Education Center FIPP Student Survey Survey Administered: 9/4/2010 Section: 9226 Category: Classroom Activities Student Survey: 25 Question #3: Parent or guardian highest education level High school (diploma/GED) or less Parent 1: fourteen (14) Parent 2: ten (10) Associates degree or some college Parent 1: Four (4) Parent 2: six (6) Bachelor’s degree or higher Parent 1: two (2) Parent 2: (0) Unknown Parent 1: six (6) Parent 2: five (5) No parent or guardian raised me Parent 1: (0) Parent 2: Question #4: Please indicate level of agreement with each of the following statements. This activity or strategy Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly N/A Agree Disagree a. helped me to understand the material or topic. (19) (6 ) ( ) b. increased my interest in the material or topic. ( 17 ) (9 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) c. kept me actively involved in the material or topic. ( 16 ) d. helped keep my attention as I learned about the material or topic. ( 16 ) e. will contribute to my success as a student in this class. . (19 ) ( ) ( ) ( 9 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (7 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (6 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Question #5: I recommend that my teacher use this activity or strategy Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly N/A Agree Disagree ( 21 ) ( 3 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Student Survey Comment: below Question #6: In the space below, please comment on your experience with this particular activity or strategy. 1. This activity put me to work, I experienced a way to use my idea. 2. T enjoyed this activity, it help me be patient. 3. To me everything is going good, 4. This was a very unique assignment, I enjoyed it and will share it with others; also share it with children age four through eight. I feel that they would enjoy this activity. 5. During the activity we were inspired and it was a different type of activity that is creative, was the best part. 6. We created a age appropriate Linguistic rap for a curriculum for movement with music. 7. This activity helped so much my understanding with the direct approach teaching method. Continued: Compton Education Center FIPP Student Survey 8. At the beginning, I was a little confused, but at the end I understood and enjoyed the activity. 9. This assignment taught children as well as me to development of creativity. In class Ms. Higgins taught the three approaches to movement activities. The assignment followed movement exploration approach. We also had to make sure the activity was developmental appropriate. 10. This activity helped so much in my understanding of the direct approach method of teaching. 11. I enjoyed the activity because it brought out the child in me and I recommend that we do this activity again or a different one. 12. In the beginning I felt lost; however, by the end it was easy and simple. 13. It allowed me to use my creativity and think about my positive qualities and negative ones. Which help me think good about myself. 14. I really enjoyed this activity. It helped me stay focused on my project and kept me on task. 15. I really enjoyed the activity and my children enjoyed it also because after I went home my children made the characteristic puzzle. 16. This activity was a hands on approach. 17. The activity that Ms. Higgins showed us help me learn how to put words music to any picture that a child makes. 18. The activity was a great way to teach a child to put a puzzle together.