Graduate Teaching Assistantship Application 

Graduate Teaching Assistantships
Department of English
Position Overview
Graduate students who are awarded assistantships receive more than financial support; they
also receive extensive training and experience in teaching English Composition at the college
level and in working and consulting in the University Writing Commons (NAU’s writing center). In
return, Graduate Teaching Assistants bring a variety of skills, backgrounds, and perspectives to
the teaching of composition and to individual consulting sessions.
A graduate teaching assistantship (GTA) in English represents a 20-hour-per-week
For first-year graduate assistants, this typically involves the following each week:
Four classroom hours of teaching English 105, NAU’s freshman composition course.
The curriculum follows a standard syllabus and is content-based. It incorporates a
technological literacy component for each section, which is taught in a computer lab
(once a week).
Six hours of regularly scheduled Writing Commons instruction, which involves one-onone tutoring (walk-in and English 100, our individualized tutoring class), the preparation
and presentation of cross-curricular writing workshops or other projects.
During the second year, experienced GTAs have the option of teaching a second class, usually
ENG 205, or can continue working in the Writing Commons.
So, during your first year, you will teach ENG 105 and work in the Writing Commons. In
subsequent years you will teach ENG 105 and have the option of teaching ENG 205 (six hours
of teaching), or possibly another course, (as assigned by the University Writing Program), or
continue your work in the Writing Commons.
The approximate time commitment breakdown:
First-year GTAs
Teach ENG 105
Office Hours
Writing Commons / ENG
Preparation / grading for
ENG 105
Second-Year GTAs
Teach ENG 105
Office Hours
Preparation for and teaching
ENG 205 or Writing Commons /
ENG 100
Preparation / grading for ENG
Additional weekly requirements during the first semester include:
Enrollment in a graduate level teaching/tutoring practicum.
These courses should be part of, not in addition to, the nine-hour full-time enrollment required of
all graduate assistants each semester. (Note: ENG 601 require department permission, so the
Writing Program office will register you for these classes.)
Prior to teaching, graduate assistants are required to participate in:
A multi-week orientation that will begin two or three weeks prior to fall semester (dates
A “spring meeting” before spring semester (date TBD).
As you make your travel plans for summer and also for over the holiday break, please
remember that as a new Graduate Teaching Assistant you are required to attend all of our prefall-semester orientation and also one day of orientation before the spring semester. These
sessions are vital to your success as an English 105 teacher and as a writing assistant (tutor) in
the Writing Commons. Plan your move, travel, etc. so that you're here every day.
Graduate Assistantships are reviewed on an annual basis. Second-year appointments are not
guaranteed; they are based on acceptable and satisfactory performance of the duties listed
above and the student's performance during the year both as a graduate student and as a
graduate assistant.
Applications for Graduate Teaching Assistantships are not reviewed for Tuition Waiver approval as
well. If you are in financial need, please take a moment to view the other links on our Financial
Assistance page; including English Scholarships, Tuition Waivers and the Financial Aid website.
A complete application includes (1) this form, (2) a 1-2 page discussion of your relevant educational
background and objectives, (3) transcripts of your previous undergraduate and graduate work, and (4)
email addresses for two letters of recommendation.
Please ensure that your letters of recommendation address your potential for successful teaching in
addition to your aptitude for the particular program to which you have applied.
Screening of applications begins February 1st, continuing if necessary until all positions are filled.
For additional information, write or call the Composition Office (928) 523-6842.
Last name
First name
Date of Birth:_________________________(optional) NAU
TOEFL Score:_________________________
Ethnic Origin (optional)
_______Asian/South Pacific Islander
_______American Indian/Alaskan Native
I am applying for a Master of Arts in English in one of the following areas:
_______ Creative Writing
_______ Secondary Education
_______ Rhetoric, Writing and Digital Media Studies
_______ Literature
_______ Professional Writing
_______ Teaching English as a Second Language
or, I am applying for:
_______ PhD in Applied Linguistics
I wish to begin my assistantship in Fall 20___
Begin with last college or university attended:
Institution (s) attended
Degree/Major Approximate GPA
Date From:
Date To:
RELATED WORK EXPERIENCE (especially teaching or tutoring)
If more space is needed, attach an extra sheet. Begin with most recent position.
Name of Workplace
and address
Positions held
(Include titles of any published articles, poetry, short stories, etc. journal, issue, number, date and page
span; or book, press, publisher, date, and page span.)
MILITARY SERVICE: (includes dates and final rank)
REFERENCES: (include name, position, address, and telephone number)
In the online application system, you will be asked to supply contact information (email addresses)
for letters of recommendation. Please ask your letter writers to address your aptitude for the
particular program to which you have applied as well as to address your potential for successful
If you are currently enrolled in an English Department Graduate program, please ask your letter
writers to submit letters directly to the Writing Program at
Statement for Graduate Teaching Assistantship
Please attach a 1-2 page or write below a 200-400 word teaching statement which outlines any
experiences and preparation that will allow you to succeed as a graduate assistant teaching in our
English composition program. Since it is possible that several reviewers of this application will not
see your departmental admission file, this Statement for Graduate Assistantship Application will
serve to:
1) illustrate your writing skills.
2) identify any specific professional experiences or preparation that will enable you to
succeed in teaching English composition (you may include any teaching experiences,
tutoring, dorm counseling, writing, editing, or any other work that you think will prepare
you to teach English composition), and
3) articulate the relationship you see between your work as a teaching assistant and your
professional goals as a student in one of our graduate English programs.