Voice syllabus

Syllabus for
Voice Students of Mark Wells
Fall term, 2015
Phone: Music Center of South Central Michigan- (269) 963-1911, x2587
E-mail: wellsm@kellogg.edu
I will be on campus Monday-Friday.
While each student arrives at KCC bringing differing musical backgrounds and
experiences, students taking voice lessons will realize progress with regular, steady
practicing. The acquiring of habits of regular, focused practicing is central to mastering
vocal concepts. It is far more effective to practice a half-hour six days a week than to
practice three hours the day before the lesson!
Students taking voice lessons for one credit hour receive one half-hour lesson weekly
and are expected to attend each weekly Master Class or Recital (schedules for these
performances are posted). They should be prepared to practice 2 ½-3 hours per week.
During the term students should master three pieces, one of them in a language other than
Students taking voice lessons for two credit hours receive one hour lesson per week, and
are expected to attend each weekly Master Class or Recital (schedules for these
performances are posted). They should be prepared to practice 5 hours per week.
During the term students should master a minimum of five pieces in contrasting styles, at
least one of them in a language other than English.
Students should arrive at their lesson prepared for their lesson, and ready to sing. If the
song being learned is in another language, it is strongly encouraged to find a translation
of the text. It is also helpful to find out as much about the composer and the background
of the song. Two useful references for terms and composer biographies are 'The New
Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians' and 'Baker's Dictionary.'
Missed Lessons/Make-Up Lessons
Students who must miss a lesson must contact the instructor no less than 24 hours ahead
of time (see phone numbers and e-mails listed at top of p.1). Lessons missed by the
student less than 24 hours may not be rescheduled. Notification given 24 hours or more
regarding a lesson to be missed will be rescheduled at the mutual agreement between the
instructor and the student. There are no make-ups for no-show students or late-comers.
All Students who must miss a lesson must contact the instructor no less than 24 hours
ahead of time (see phone numbers and e-mails listed at top of p.1). Lessons missed by
the by the instructor will be made up. Emergency cancellations may be qualified with
proof of emergency: If a student calls in sick prior to the lesson on the lesson day, a
doctor's note is required for a makeup to be considered. If a permanent schedule change is
required, please inform the instructor immediately. Every effort will be made to
accommodate date and time for an approved make-up when possible. It is the student’s
responsibility to initiate the scheduling of make-up lessons, not the instructor. Make-up
lessons are based on teacher's availability. All make-up lessons must be done within 60
calendar days from the date of the canceled lesson. No refunds are given for missed
lessons. Unexcused absences of 3 or more will be reported to the Director of
Instrumental Music.
Master Class and Recitals
During spring term music students (vocal and instrumental) at KCC are expected to
attend each Master Class. Master classes give each student a chance to perform in front
of other music students, with feedback from faculty and students relating to the
performance. Student Recitals are held at the end of the semester (approximately four are
scheduled). These performances are a more formal presentation by the students, without
comments or feedback from students. These classes are held every Wednesday at 1PM.
Attendance is taken at these events-failure to attend will lower the students grade onehalf grade (see KCC Music Division Handbook, p. 15).
During the semester students will be expected to perform. The student's performance
requirements are as follows:
Music 112 (1 or 2 credit hours)- minimum of 2 master classes and 1 recital.
Music 113 (1 or 2 credit hours)- minimum of 3 master classes and 1 recital.
Music 114 (1 or 2 credit hours)- minimum of 4 master classes and 1 recital.
The more frequently a student performs, the easier performing becomes. Many aspects
of singing can only be fully understood by performing the songs they are studying (i.e.
confidence, stage presence, etc.) The student should be prepared to perform at any
master class, if called upon. Do not wait until the end of the semester to fulfill the
Students wishing to perform on a specific date for master class or recital must sign up in
the Music office at least one week before they perform.
Proper performance attire at Master Class and Recitals is expected.
It is the student's responsibility to secure the services of an accompanist for
performances, such as Master Class, Recitals, and end-of semester Juries (see p. 15 of
Music Division Handbook. A list of accompanists can be found on p. 16 of the
handbook, or by contacting Mr. Blanchard. It is also helpful to have an accompanist for
lessons and for rehearsals outside of lessons. It is also the responsibility of the student to
compensate the accompanist. Do not wait until the performance date draws near- the
accompanist may not be available for the time desired, or the accompanist may not be
taking on any more students. The student also should be aware that the music needs to be
given to the accompanist in a timely fashion, so as to give the accompanist time to
At the end of every semester each student is required to take a vocal examination. The
KCC Music Division Handbook (p. 15) states:
A jury is a type of final examination which usually occurs during finals week.
Level change juries will determine whether or not the student has developed technically
and artistically enough to work at a more advanced level.
The student will begin with his/her first choice selection. Other selections are
chosen at random by other members of the music faculty. The final selection is chosen by
the student's private voice/instrumental instructor.
Students are graded on the following criteria:
Musical accuracy
Artistic performance
Vocal Technique
Purity of vowel sounds
Stage presence
Communication with audience
Musical interpretation
Juries are graded by the music faculty. Each faculty member submits a grade and
written comments for the student. The jury grade is the average of the grades submitted
by the music faculty. The final grade given by the student's private teacher will be
averaged into the total giving the student his/her final grade.
In addition, each student will be required to sing a musical excerpt from sight. The
instructor will assist the student in the preparation of this requirement. Students will not
be graded on this aspect of their jury, but you will be evaluated on this.
Enrichment students are not required to perform a jury, however they are encouraged to
do so with the express consent of their applied instructor,
For all students taking lessons for academic credit, end of semester juries are
mandatory. Failure to complete a jury will result in an (F) for the semester.
The specific musical requirements of the jury for each level are as follows:
MUSI 112-113 (vocal) level students must be prepared to perform a minimum of
three contrasting pieces. Two must be memorized. (MUSI 113 or higher) One must be
in a language other than English.
MUSI 114-115 (vocal) students must be prepared to perform a minimum of four
to six contrasting pieces by memory. All must be memorized. (MUSI 115) Two
Selections must be from standard art song, lied, opera, or oratorio repertoire.
Your final grade will be divided by the
following scale:
Studio Grade 1/3 of total grade
Studio Master Class 1/3 of total grade
Jury Grade 1/3 of total grade
KCC General Policy Statements
1). Kellogg Community College Academic Integrity Statement:
The Kellogg Community College policy on Academic Integrity is spelled out in the
student handbook. If it is suspected that you are cheating, fabricating, facilitating
academic dishonesty, or plagiarizing, there may be serious consequences. The incident
will be documented and may be reported to the academic chair and/or program director
for possible disciplinary actions up to and including course, program, or college
2). Kellogg Community College Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504
Kellogg Community College does not discriminate in the admission or treatment of
students on the basis of disability. KCC is committed to compliance with the Americans
with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
3). Instructor Syllabus Rights Statement:
Information contained in this syllabus was to the best knowledge of the instructor
considered correct and complete when distributed for use at the beginning of the
semester. However, this syllabus should not be considered a contract with Kellogg
Community College and any student, nor between the instructor and any student. The
instructor reserves the right, acting within the policies and procedures of Kellogg
Community College, to make changes in the course content or instructional techniques
without notice or obligation.
4). Student e-mail
All KCC students are provided with e-mail accounts through the college server. You will
be responsible for checking your KCC e-mail regularly and should be prepared to use
KCC e-mail as part of student-college interaction. For e-mail account information, check
the web at
5). Cell Phone and Other Electronic Equipment Statement:
CELL PHONES AND PAGERS must be on mute during class. If you must take or
return an emergency call, please go out into the hall to do so.
6). Class conduct and Participation:
Class participation is encouraged. We will follow the College policies regarding
Conduct. I expect students to create an atmosphere of respect. No name-calling,
interrupting, or foul language is allowed. Come prepared with an open attitude that is
professional and shows that you are ready to learn.
Student Name:____________________________________
Telephone No:___________________________________
Cell Phone:______________________________________
By signing this agreement, I acknowledge that I have read this syllabus: