Bio Form 3 NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA, U.S.A. 86011-5640 MASTER OF SCIENCE DEGREE PROGRAM FORM NAME: DATE: Items 1 and 2 are to be completed by the student prior to the first Program Committee meeting. A copy should be provided to each member before the meeting. 1. Undergraduate Biology Courses Taken: COURSE CREDITS GRADE COURSE CREDITS GRADE 2. Undergraduate Support Courses Taken: COURSE CREDITS GRADE COURSE CREDITS GRADE 3. UNDERGRADUATE COURSES TO BE TAKEN: COURSE CREDITS GRADE COURSE CREDITS GRADE 1 Bio Form 3 FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE M.S. PROGRAM, 32 SEMESTER CREDITS ARE NEEDED, OF WHICH NO MORE THAN TWO (2) 400-LEVEL COURSES AND NO MORE THAN SIX (6) THESIS CREDITS MAY BE USED. TRANSFER CREDITS MAY BE INCLUDED. INCLUDE COURSE PREFIX, NUMBER AND TITLE FOR EACH COURSE LISTED. 4. Graduate biology courses to be taken: Course Credits Grade *Bio 698: 1 *Bio 698: Course Credits Grade Course Credits Grade 1 *Program must include at least 2 credits of seminar. 5. Graduate support courses to be taken: Course Credits Grade 6. Thesis title: 7. Graduate Record Exam to be completed by: 8. Estimated graduation date: 9. Oral examination administered on or before: APPROVAL OF THE PROGRAM; DATE: __________________________________ Program Committee Chair __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Associate Chair for Graduate Studies Form Distribution: a. Original: Department File b. Graduate Student c. Adviser d. Associate Chair of Graduate Studies e. Graduate College 2