Storyboard Template

Each Learning Session is designed to create an environment conducive to sharing and
learning. At the project’s first Learning Session, use the Storyboard to tell other teams about
your team and your patients.
Display Tips
Storyboards must fit into a space approximately 30 x 40 inches. It may be created from
one large poster or a collection of letter-sized sheets. Ten to twelve sheets can fit in the
available space – depending on arrangement. Using individual sheets (done in Word,
PowerPoint or by hand). Boards for posting and pushpins will be provided at the
Learning Session.
Keep it simple (the Storyboard is not meant to be an extremely time-consuming project)
Feel free to change font size, color, add slides, or use your own pages
Fewer Words: More Pictures and Graphics
Real People Pictures… At least of Your Teams
Font Size as Big as Possible
Fancy Not Necessary
Color to highlight Key Messages (If you don’t have a color printer, use bright highlighters
Clear Titles and Labels if You Use Graphs (X and Y axes, Dates, Brief Explanation of What
It Shows)
Start Here
• Delete this and previous instructional slide
and slide 7 Example AIM
• Edit remaining slides, print and bring copy
to the Learning Session to post on your
Storyboard (please print only one slide per
Hospital Name Here
Describe your Hospital and your improvement
List Team Leader / Key Contact Info: Name, Phone, email
Our Improvement Team
(If your team has a name put it here)
Team members and their roles
Hospital Description
• Tell us about your hospital – include
location, level of care, number of deliveries,
and any other important information
• Brief description of your demographics
• Other additional information about cultural
groups or important demographics others
should know about you
Example Team AIM Statement
By September 2016, we AIM to reduce infant sleep-related deaths for all
infants discharged from our hospital. We will do this by improving safe
sleep practices for infants while in our hospital and by educating caregivers
about safe sleep prior to discharge. To accomplish this, we will form a
multidisciplinary team (with members from our OB and neonatal care units)
and work to implement evidence based strategies to reduce infant mortality
and achieve our goals, including:
(1) > 10% Increase in infants placed to sleep in a safe sleep environment
during hospitalization (based on crib audit)
(2) Documented education for > 95% of caregivers prior to discharge
(3) > 95% of caregivers reporting prior to discharge they understand safe
sleep educational messages (infant to sleep alone, on back in crib)
Team AIM Statement
Insert your individualized team AIM statement here
Accelerating Improvement
through Sharing
• What strength or expertise does your team
have that you would be willing to share
with other teams?
Accelerating Improvement
Through Team Sharing
• What upcoming challenges do you
anticipate, that you think other teams might
be able to help you with?