Green Class 2 3 Read..

Class 2
International Legal Research
Due Sept. 30, 2015
Please read:
International and Foreign Legal Research: A Coursebook, Second Edition by Marci
Hoffman and Mary Rumsey (2012) Please read (or at least skim):
Chapter 4— Introductory and Background Sources (pp.45-67)
Chapter 5— Beyond Background Sources: Books, Journal Articles…(pp.69-78)
(4 copies are on Course Reserve in the Law Library)
For each chapter above, ask and answer TWO short questions based on the reading.
Compose questions on information that you find interesting and/or important to know.
A sample question/answer is below—you can follow this format, or another one (e.g.,
short answer, T/F…).
Sample question/answer :
Q: Which type of document is an example of “soft law”?
a.) UN General Assembly resolution
b.) Constitution
c.) Statute
d.) Case
A: a) UN General Assembly resolution
Chapter 4 –( Introductory and Background Sources)-- Question 1
Q: When you encounter a term or phrase you do not understand in international law, the
best resource to consult is:
a. The Bluebook
b. Bledsoe and Boczek’s International Law: a Dictionary
c. Introduction to Greek Law
d. American Journal of Comparative Law
A: b. Bledsoe and Boczek’s International Law: a Dictionary
Chapter 4 –( Introductory and Background Sources)-- Question 2
Q: When trying to keep current with a given area of law, what types of resources are the
most useful?
A: Blogs (blawgs), journals, newspapers, Global Legal Monitor, International
Enforcement Law Reporter
Chapter 5 – (Beyond Background Sources )--Question 1
Q: When looking for books in the catalog or on a database when you’ve already found a
few sources, how can you easily browse other related resources?
A: By finding subject terms and either browsing or searching by them. Journals may also
use an index with approved terms that you can use to find results.
Chapter 5 – (Beyond Background Sources )--Question 2
Q: In the course of international legal research, is it acceptable to use secondary sources
published in non-legal journals?
A: Yes. Oftentimes journals will print articles related to law while having a different
focus from the law alone. This means that searching outside of the journals on
LexisNexis, Hein Online, or Westlaw will provide greater depth and breadth of research.
Please read:
International Law Legal Research by Winer, Archer, & Louis-Jacques (2013).
Please read (or at least skim):
Chapter 2--- Historical Introduction (pp.21-52)
(Note Chapter Summary on pp 46-49)
(1 copy is on Course Reserve in the Law Library)
For chapter 2 above, ask and answer TWO short questions based on the reading.
Compose questions on information that you find interesting and/or important to know.
The question format you use does not have to be the same as in the sample below. If you
prefer to choose questions appearing in the book at the end of the chapter, that is fine.
Sample question/answer:
Q: Which type of document is an example of “soft law”?
a.) UN General Assembly resolution
b.) Constitution
c.) Statute
d.) Case
A: a) UN General Assembly resolution
Winer - Chapter 2 (Historical Introduction - Question 1
Q: What is the difference between jus naturae and jus gentium
A: Jus naturae refers to the natural law, which refers to how the world works on a larger,
natural scale. Jus gentium refers to the amalgamation of the best qualities of human made
legal systems.
Winer - Chapter 2 (Historical Introduction - Question 2
Q: When Hugo Grotius found two legal sources that agreed with one another, what
conclusion did he draw from them?
A: Multiple sources that agreed on a given principle had found a general principle of
reason, and that should form the basis of the law of nations.