EL CAMINO COLLEGE-Office of the President Minutes of the College Council Meeting of February 11, 2002 Dr. Caldwell, Mr. Josh Dunn, Ms. Ely, Mr. Hanson, Ms. Smith, Mr. Marston, Dr. Simon Bond Vic reported that the committee formed to choose an architectural firm to review the College’s Facilities Needs Report has selected a firm which will be recommended to the Board at its February meeting. Referring to an article in the February 7th issue of the Union in which Lance Widman was quoted as saying the board is the “best kept secret at El Camino College,” Vic asked members of College Council if they have been sharing materials such as the Facilities Needs Report and items on the Bond Work Plan with their constituents. He asked for suggestions for ways this information could better be shared with the campus. Pat said she will be meeting with members of the Associated Students Organization on February 28th. Doug and Luukia suggested a series of open forums at various times so employees can attend. Josh Dunn said the students are somewhat familiar with the issue, but he personally wonders where classes will be held during construction. Vic said a recommendation to purchase 8 modules for labs/storeroom and 4 classrooms for the Natural Sciences building construction will be taken to the February Board meeting. He said that as the project will be done in two phases, this should be adequate. Pat noted this will release rooms in the Cafeteria that were proposed for classrooms. Luukia said she thought people would support the bond when they understand what they will gain and at what cost to them personally. Luukia noted need for more appropriate restroom for those who work in the Community Advancement building. Proposition 209 Fifteenth Advisory Leo Middleton reviewed questions and answers presented on January 29, 2002, Fifteenth Advisory regarding Proposition 209. Internet Address El Camino.edu will be phased in to replace @elcamino.cc.ca.us. Elcaminocollege.org and Elcaminocollege.net will be disabled as individuals ask for the .edu address. Eccd.org has been reserved for the MyECC pilot project. Minimum Wage. In answer to a question from Angela, Pat said the minimum wage increase will be recommended for Board adopt at the February meeting if a few positions can be clarified. Direct Deposit for Part-Time Faculty. In answer to a question from Angela, Janice said the Payroll Office would like to provide Direct Deposit for part-time faculty, however, there are several issues that need to be addressed before it can be done. She said it would be possible to pilot a payroll with 10 or twenty part-time faculty who have stable assignments. Policies, The following Board Policies are under review. Those with an asterisk were distributed at this meeting. Members suggested starting the next College Council meeting with a discussion of these Policies. 4020 - Curriculum Review and Approval 5010 - Admissions 5015 - Residence Determination *5110 - Counseling Programs 5120 - Transfer Center *5130 - Financial Aid 5200 - Student Health Services 5210 - Communicable Diseases 5410 - Associated Students Election *5500 - Standards of Student Conduct 5550 - Speech: Time, Place and Manner *7150 - Administrators Professional Development Fund 7400 - Travel *Distributed at the February 11, 2002 meeting. Accredation Report was distributed to members. Agenda for the College Council Meeting of Tuesday, February 19, 2002 1. Minutes of the February 11, 2002 meeting 2. Board Agenda Review 3. Bond 4. Policies (listed above) 5. Team Reports Reminder: Next Meeting will be Held On Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 12 noon