March 22, 2002

EL CAMINO COLLEGE-Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of March 22, 2002
Dr. Caldwell, Ms. Caldwell, Ms. Ely, Mr. Hanson, Dr. Hata, Mr. Marston, Mr. Ryan Mc
Blaine, Dr. Simon, Ms. Smith, and Ms. Julie Stewart.
4020: Program and Curriculum Development President Fallo would like the note on the
California Community College League’s version of policy incorporated into proposed
policy. It was decided to have the Academic Senate and Curriculum Committees review.
5010: Admissions Dr. Caldwell will incorporate Legislative AB540 and bring back to
5015: Residence Determination Dr. Caldwell will incorporate Legislative AB540 and
bring back to committee.
5110: Counseling it was decided to use the California Community College League’s
version of the policy with two changes. The changes are deleting the last paragraph and
replace “CEO” with “Superintendent/President” in the first paragraph. This policy is
ready for board approval with these changes.
5130: Financial Aid it was decided to change the last paragraph to read “The
Superintendent/President shall assure that satisfactory academic progress standards for all
participants in Title IV of the Higher Education Act are established, publicized and
applied.” This policy is ready for Board approval with this change.
5200: Student Health Services it was decided to use the California Community College
League’s version of the policy as is. This policy is ready for Board approval as is.
5120: Transfer Center it was decided to delete the last sentence. This policy is ready for
Board approval with this change.
5210: Communicable Disease it was decided to use the California Community College
League’s version of the policy with minor changes. The paragraph shall read “The
Superintendent/President shall assure that procedures necessary to assure cooperation
with local public health officials in measures necessary for the prevention and control of
communicable diseases in students are established.” This policy is ready for board
approval with these changes.
5410: Associated Students Election it was decided to change the second sentence in the
first paragraph to read, “The Superintendent/President shall assure that the elections are
conducted in accordance with procedures established by the Associated Students
Organization and Student Development Office.” Bullet number one shall read “The
student shall be enrolled in a minimum of 6 semester units at the time of election and
while holding office.” Changes for number 2 will be to replace Board Policy 5141 with
Board Policy 4220. This policy is ready for Board approval with these changes.
5500: Standards of Student Conduct this policy is being reviewed by Jeff Dimsdale.
5550: Speech: Time, Place, and Manner the changes are as follows: first paragraph,
second sentence shall read “The Superintendent/President shall enact administrative
procedures as are necessary to reasonably regulate the time, place and manner of the
exercise of free expression in the limited public forums.” The first sentence of the second
paragraph will be deleted; the second sentence of the second paragraph will be moved to
the first paragraph. The word “off-campus” will be deleted from the forth paragraph.
Both instances of the word “district” will be capitalized in the sixth paragraph. The word
“violence” will be replaced with “speech” in the last paragraph, and the word “or” in the
last sentence will be deleted. This policy is ready for Board approval with these changes.
7150: Administrator’s Professional Development Fund it was decided to delete the last
sentence in the last paragraph. The first sentence of the last paragraph will be moved to
the end of the first paragraph. Dr. Caldwell and Mr. Hanson will decide how the policy
title should read. This policy is ready for Board approval with these changes.
7400: Travel this policy will be brought back for further discussion.
2510: Participation in Local Decision Making this will be brought back for discussion in
conjunction with Procedure 801 and Linking Planning to Budgeting.
Special Meeting it was decided to set aside another date for a special meeting to discuss
policies, Procedure 801 and Linking Planning to Budgeting.
Agenda for the College Council Meeting of Monday, April 1, 2002
1. Minutes of the March 18, 2002 meeting
2. Schedule Special Meeting
3. District Review and Recommendations Regarding the Systems’ 2003-04 Budget
4. Policies
5. Team Reports