April 1, 2002

EL CAMINO COLLEGE-Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of April 1, 2002
Dr. Caldwell, Ms. Caldwell, Ms. Ely, Dr. Fallo, Mr. Hanson, Mr. Marston, Mr. Mc
Blaine, Dr. Simon, Ms. Smith, and Ms. Stewart.
Special meeting: The College Council will meet Tuesday, April 9th from 12:00-2:00 PM
in the Board Room to discuss Procedure 801 and Linking Planning to Budgeting.
Committees on Website: Susan has made a listing of all committees currently on the
website, this listing will be distributed to committee members. When Procedure 801 is
discussed we need to look at how the committees link together.
Accreditation: The team strongly recommended that El Camino College go forward with
a bond measure in November. The team stated that a bond would be the only way for El
Camino to address its serious facility concerns. We will receive a draft report within the
next two weeks.
Bond Campaign: Ann Garten provided summaries from the three interviews for Bond
Consultants held last week. The committee that conducted the interviews unanimously
decided upon Catherine Lew. College Council accepts the recommendation.
It will be important for us to know what our projects will be and the dollar amount as
soon as possible. There will need to be three presentations to the Board of Trustees. The
first presentation will be April 15th and will be a financial overview of how bonds work
by Ernesto Flores. The second will be May 20th and will be a presentation of what the
team and community come up with. The third will be July 15th and will be a presentation
of what the identified projects are.
President Fallo attended a dinner for South Bay Trustees and there was strong support for
our Bond Measure.
California Community Colleges Day at the Capitol, Tuesday, April 30, 2002: College
Council members will participate. Representatives will be identified April 8, 2002.
District Involvement in Developing the System’s 2002-2003 Budget: Our responses to
whether we support the identified issues are as follows: 1) Access- Yes; 2) Cost of
Living Adjustment- Yes; 3) Equalization/Ensuring Student Success Statewide- No; 4)
Partnership for Excellence- Yes; 5) Human Resources- Yes; 6) Student Outreach and
Success- Yes; 7) Telecommunications and Technology- Yes; 8) Economic DevelopmentYes; 9) Other (For 2002-2003, should these augmentation requests be continued? - No);
Allow districts that are over grown better opportunities to compete for state funding-Yes.
Agenda for the College Council Meeting of Monday, April 8, 2002
1. Lyn Clemmons-Procedure 508
El Camino College Committees
California Community Colleges Day at the Capitol
District Involvement in Developing the System’s 2003-04 Budget
Policies: 2510-Participation in Local Decision Making; 4020- Program and
Curriculum Development; 5010- Admissions; 5015-Residence Determination;
5500-Standards of Student Conduct; 7400-Travel
6. Team Reports