EL CAMINO COLLEGE Office of the President

Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of November 22, 2002
The following polices were discussed:
4020-Curriculum and Program Review and Approval: Approved.
4040-Library Services: Add philosophical statement and send back to librarians and then
to Academic Senate for approval.
4050-Articulation: Approved.
4235-Credit by Examination: Approved with change.
4300-Field Trips and Excursions: Approved with change.
5010-Admissions: This policy is on hold for review of section on Admission of K-12
5015-Residence Determination: New CCLC updates/laws being incorporated.
5040-Student Records and Directory Information: Already board approved, this has a
revision received from CCLC. Approved with change.
5055-Enrollment Priorities: Approved with changes.
5205-Student Accident Insurance: Approved with changes.
5500-Standards of Student Conduct: Approved with changes.
5550-Speech: Time, Place, and Manner: Approved with changes.
5300-Student Equity: Approved with changes.
7150-Administrator’s Professional Development Fund: To be reviewed by Vic Hanson.
7400-Travel: Not ready yet.