June 27, 2005

El Camino College
Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of June 27, 2005
Present: Dr. Fallo, Mr. D’Amico, Ms. Dever, Dr. Caldwell, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Middleton, Ms.
Pickens, Dr. Schwartz, Dr. Simon, Ms. Smith, and Ms. Stewart.
1. Lobbyist/Advocate: Mr. Campbell’s contract is not included in today’s Board agenda, but will
be on the agenda next month as a Purchase Order not as a separate item. Concern was
expressed about Mr. Campbell being hired without prior notification or approval by the Board
of Trustees. The Board members were notified of Mr. Campbell’s employment in a
correspondence sent from the President. Contracts under $50,000 do not go to the Board for
2. Nursing Program. Every hospital that we speak to could take 100 nurses from us each year for
the next five years. We are educating a maximum of 75 nurses right now. The Daniel
Freeman/Centinela Freeman group has a desperate need for nurses. Their hospital foundation
set up the Centinela Freeman HealthSystem education center. We are contracting with them to
take 24-36 students and they are going to charge non-employees $30,000 a year. They will
guarantee them work and may reimburse some of the costs for employees.
3. Textbook Policy 6133 and Hiring Procedures will be discussed in a meeting with President
Fallo, Julie Stewart and Susie Dever.
4. Handicap Accessible Vans It is believed that when these vans are rented, specialized drivers
must also be hired to operate the equipment. Mike D’Amico will investigate this further.
Procedures for requesting handicap vans would be the same as for any other rental, and should
be processed through the Dean’s office of the area in need of transportation.
5. Board Agenda
a. Administrative Services: ESL Group Contract We are contracting with this group for
the services of John Baker. The $75,900 will go directly to them and they will pay Mr.
b. Student & Community Advancement: El Camino College Foundation Articles of
Incorporation – Amendment. The Foundation is an auxiliary organization authorized
through the Board of Trustees and they wanted to expand their Board. This language
has been reviewed by an attorney.
c. Human Resources: Dr. Francisco Arce- Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs:
He is currently the V.P. of Academic Affairs at College of Marin.
d. Human Resources: Director of Research and Planning Description. Deans and faculty
were involved in writing this description.
e. Human Resources: Page 9 item #84 is deleted because it is a duplicate of #80.
f. Minutes The President of ECCFT did not make a comment it was the Past President.
6. Compton College has been informed that they are loosing their accreditation as of August 29th.
They do have a right to appeal this decision. Several colleges have been contacted to assist
them. We have agreed to do what we can to assist their students, which are our main concern.
Agenda for the July 18, 2005 Meeting
Minutes of June 27, 2005
Board Agenda
Team Reports
Vision Statement
El Camino College will be the College of choice for successful student learning, caring student
services and open access. We, the employees, will work together to create an environment that
emphasizes people, respect, integrity, diversity and excellence. Our College will be a leader in
demonstrating accountability to our community.
Mission Statement
The mission of El Camino College is to meet the educational needs of its diverse community and
ensure student success by offering quality, comprehensive educational opportunities.
Statement of Philosophy
Everything El Camino College is or does must be centered on its community, for without the
community, we have no students, no faculty or staff, no reason to exist. It is our community that saw
the need and valued the reason for the creation of El Camino College. Therefore, it is to our
community that we must be responsible and responsive in all matters educational, fiscal and social.
Statement of Values
Our highest value is placed on our students and their educational goals. Interwoven in that value is our
recognition that the faculty and staff of El Camino College are the College’s stability, its source of
strength and its driving force. With this in mind, our five core values are:
People – We strive to balance the needs of our students, employees and community.
Respect – We work in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration.
Integrity – We act ethically and honestly toward our students, colleagues and community.
Diversity – We recognize and appreciate our similarities and differences.
Excellence – We aspire to deliver quality and excellence in all we do.
Guiding Principles
The following guiding principles are used to direct the efforts of the District:
El Camino College must strive for distinction in everything the College does—in the classroom, in
services and in human relations. Respect for our students, our fellow employees, our community and
ourselves, must be our underlying goal.
Cooperation among our many partners is vital for our success—whether they be other schools and
colleges, businesses and industries, or individuals.
Access and opportunity must never be compromised. Our classrooms are open to everyone who meets
our admission eligibility and our community programs are open to all. This policy is enforced without
discrimination and without regard to gender, ethnicity, personal beliefs, abilities or background.
Strategic Goals 2004-2007
1. Support and constantly improve the quality of our educational offerings.
2. Promote student-centered learning to increase student success.
3. Support innovative practices that enhance the educational experience.
4. Foster a climate that promotes integrity and accountability.
5. Support and develop effective and motivated employees.
6. Improve and enhance internal and external communication.
7. Incorporate flexibility into institutional structure and process.