Administrative Services Staff Meeting October 16, 2007 PRESENT: _x_ Myeshia Armstrong _x_ Rocky Bonura _x_ Julie Bourlier _x_ Tom Brown _x_ Tom Connolly _x_ Janice Ely _x_ Bob Gann ___ Bruce Hoerning _x_ Mark Hovatter _x_ Reuben James _x_ Rory Livingston _x_ Donna Manno _x_ Jeff Marsee ___ Andy Nasatir ___ Barbara Perez _x_ Stephen Port ___ Allene Quarles _x_ Rachelle Sasser _x_ John Skipper _x_ John Wagstaff ___ Satish Warrier Minutes: The minutes of October 9th were approved with changes. Page 4, Flowcharting, third bullet – Tom Connolly stated that the flowcharting process was not completed for payroll. It is half done and they still have a session to go to complete the flowcharting. It is still in process. Page 3, Emergency Planning – Rocky stated that he would like for the first six bullets to be deleted. Page 6, Committee Reports – John Skipper stated that the Campus Police Department is ready to move to “V-72” building not “B-72”. Staff Committee Assignments: Dr. Marsee stated that he had asked for nominations or suggestions for committee assignments last week. He had mentioned that Cheryl was on PBC. He did not think that any other committee required Administrative Services participation in the global sense, but we also have the Area Council and we have representatives from each of our area council from each of our operational areas. Dr. Marsee stated that we do not have any people on the Bookstore service committee and have to get someone to service on that committee. Dr. Marsee wanted to know from the managers if they had reviewed with their membership whether or not those people will be continued. He would also like to suggest for the need to have representatives from the Compton Center sitting on the Area Council. Dr. Marsee stated that this will be kept on the agenda for next week. Cadets at Compton: Stephen stated that he had spoken with the Sergeants of the El Camino Campus program for cadets. To implement if something similar at Compton Center. The only question he had is if it would be appropriate to do it next semester when we are building something for the Center Police Department that is equal to El Camino’s Police Department. We should have one of the sergeants here begin the work up and look for kids at the Center to get it started. He thinks it might be a distraction with everything else going on. It has to be with kids from the Compton campus and can not import from El Camino. Stephen feels it could be institutionalized here, at Compton in the near future. Dr. Marsee wanted to know if the Center had a Criminal Justice Program and how would it be institutionalized if there is no program. Stephen stated that he did not know if the student at El Camino College were taking Criminal Justice classes. Dr. Marsee stated that the issue of liability, training, program, and that El Camino students are El Camino students regardless of when they are taking courses and he is not sure why the location would make any difference. Dr. Marsee said that that merging two police forces would be breaking another tradition. Dr. Marsee stated that this issue will be placed to the side for now. Air Conditioning at Compton: Fred stated that he has not done a lot since they last met, as he was dealing with the water issue. John Wagstaff stated that he had to save the servers and the equipment. John stated that the equipment will destroy itself it there is not air conditioning. He stated that he was going to physically move the email service back to the service at El Camino and also move the faculty directory to allow you to log onto the network. This has to be moved out of this environment for them to function. Fred stated that they were working in emergency mode and were having trouble getting requisitions signed and getting the vendors paid. He was informed by the Special Trustee and the Provost that they wanted a process in place before the funds are allocated. He stated that he had an emergency measure passed that will take care of the air conditioning. He wanted to know based on the Resolution what it would take to get an allocation in and funded. He stated that it could be up and running before Christmas if he gets the allocation. He stated that there were two issues, the first is to get cooling into the Math-Science and put in a 17 ½ ton unit on a concrete bed adjacent to the building, all ducting will go up and over the top. The whole MIS upgrade will be a phased project, starting with programming and the enclosure. The real problem is back-up power. Follow up on 90 Day Review: Bob stated that the set-up was still deficient with the small screen, old table and chairs. He stated that a Flex Day presentation was done in August, and the staff from the South Bay Center was Theater/Center for the Arts had a nice big screen, a powerful projector, podium and a very nice set-up and would like to know why it is not available to others that use the same facility. Donna stated that it depends on where the request for those items is sent for audio visual set-up and she did not know if they charged back, as there always seems to be an account number on the request. Then they have to have their technician from the Center of the Arts come in. She stated that if you want audio visual set-up, contact Charlie Fox from the Audio Visual Department, and he will filter it down to Mike, Dwayne or Norman, who is the student. Nancy Adler from the Center of the Arts was the person to contact if you want any type of set-up and the room reservations would be with Fine Arts. John Wagstaff stated that he has his own projector and laptops are available to him. He can ask his group to provide the service for the 90 Day Review so we can stop worrying about this. Donna stated that she did not think the screen was permanently housed there. Bob stated that it was portable. John Wagstaff stated that they would work with John to get a decent size screen. Rocky stated that it was okay, and as we are going through the 90 Day Review on a regular basis it should be more professional. Rocky stated that there should be a set agenda prior to the meeting and everything placed on one memory stick; with a little preparation up front and we will see a dramatic improvement. Dr. Marsee wanted to know if the awards were working or not. Rocky stated that it is the recognition, the thanks in front of peers, which everyone wants every now and then or the little pat on the back to say thank you. It is the nice plaque that was developed and is presented in a nice way. John Wagstaff stated that what makes it so important is that in higher education we have a hard time recognizing achievement and rewarding it and it makes it special. 2 Dr. Marsee stated that he had sent the notice out campus-wide and wanted to know the feedback from staff. John Wagstaff thought it was great. Donna mentioned that the Faculty Development Committee wants more recognition and we need to enhance those and make them better. She had taken them a sample “Can Do” award. They loved it and wanted to know if it could be used more campus wide. John Wagstaff suggested a wall of honor for previous winners. Dr. Marsee wanted to know where it would be placed. Donna stated virtually. Dr. Marsee stated that then a paragraph can be placed with it. Donna stated it would be a virtual site. Stephen taught it was cool just having something for Administrative Services and when the room is filled with just those employees they feel collectively as a group and if it were to be opened up campus wide with faculty and students that might dilute the spirit. Donna stated that she has thought about what Stephen said and asked why could not the Vice President’s just duplicate it? At Staff Recognition Day, maybe at that reception, we could have some poster done up of individuals who have received applause cards, the Can Do recognitions. Rocky stated that people who have suggestions should forward them to him and he will compile the information. Dr. Marsee stated that the criteria were developed by the Area Council so one way to deal with it is to ignore it, but it has to be a connection to the Administrative Services that made our job better. Dr. Marsee stated that Compton and El Camino are one entity and wanted to know if we need to include both campuses; or have a separate 90 Day Review at Compton. Donna stated that she has put together a package and will be meeting with Linda Coleman. Dr. Marsee stated that having a 90 Day Review at the Center is great. The next 90 Day will be held in January or February. Accreditation Visitation Volunteers: Dr. Marsee asked who would like to be on an Accreditation Visitation Team. He stated that the United States and the Pacific are divided into regional accrediting agencies. There is the Southern Association, Central, Eastern, Atlantic and we are in the Western which includes the Washington, Oregon, California and the Pacific Islands. He stated that anyone who is interested in going on a site visit should submit their name to him and he will submit it. If there is an opening for a person he/she will be invited to participate on an accreditation team at another institution. He stated that it will be a lot of work. John Wagstaff stated that a lot of the work is done before you get on site and to figure in another 80 hours because you are working on the guidelines for a better institution and there is a lot of reading. Dr. Marsee that the downside is the workload and the stress of doing your job and another significant project. The upside is getting into another organization. You get to meet your counter part at the other institution and well as the accrediting team you are working on. The team is made up of seven to ten participants. He thinks it is worth the time and effort. He stated that if you are interested please email your name to him. If your workload is too heavy there will be other opportunities as this is an ongoing request that he will continue to ask for. Dr. Marsee stated that they do pay for your expenses but no salary. You are paid by the institution. TO DO: 1. To initiate a fixed asset inventory, mark reports up and send them back. This needs to be completed by the new semester. (Bruce) (3-6-07) The Business Division will be the pilot program – probably within two weeks. (5/22/07) Bruce will meet with Dr. Rapp today to review the report. (7/17/07) 3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Update of Compton Center Inventory and Receiving Procedures. The reporting to go to Dr. Marsee. Dr. Marsee can pass it on to the VP’s and they can pass it out to their Deans. Dr. Marsee stated that for the purpose of understanding fixed assets we are going to issue location Fixed Assets Inventory reports and ask the area supervisors to do their own verification and he will sign off and send them back. 10/9/07 – Per Bruce, 16 are completed, and they should be finished this week. Jeff wants a definition of inventory items to go with the report. Development of Policy and Procedures for fixed asset inventory. (Tom Connolly) (3-6-07) The draft is in process (5/22/07) Dr. Givens would like a copy of the procedures. Still pending (8/14/07) Tom Connolly and Bruce are to schedule a time this Thursday for a meeting. 10/9/07 – Tom Connolly is still working on the fixed asset procedure. They have met and will meet again this week to hopefully finish both. Compton is to initiate a fixed asset inventory. Campus Police will be included in this inventory. (Reuben) (3-6-07) Attorneys reviewed it and made suggestions and changes. (5/22/07) It has been sent to Maximus for review. (6/19/07) The report has been returned from Maximus, and Reuben plans to take it to the Board in August. He will send Bruce a copy. (7/17/07) Reuben stated that everything is up and running and that he wants to mirror ECC Bob wanted to know if Maximus has completed the survey. Reuben stated not yet. Reuben stated that they went over the Maximus agreement to piggyback on the way El Camino does its process and Dr. Marsee stated that he wanted the decals placed on front or in some visible location on the equipment. Dr. Marsee also stated that he wanted both campuses to stencil decal all equipment with police recognizable identification. Bob wanted to know if funding has been set-up in an account to pay Maximus. Reuben stated that he needs to speak with Rory to discuss funding. FCMAT Report Update Stephen stated that it appeared to be a draft. Dr. Marsee stated that it had been finalized and he will send out the final version. Bruce stated that the legislation number is missing on it. Dr. Marsee stated that it was approved at the Senior Management meeting. 10/9/07 – Kathy Oswald (President’s Office) is still making changes to Guiding Principle #1. Bob stated they did not complete the FCMAT Report all sections of it and wanted to know if there was going to be a follow-up general meeting or individual areas working with Dr. Marsee. Dr. Marsee stated just the individual areas The Fixed Assets meeting had to be cancelled but was rescheduled. Policies and Procedures: Although ECC pays a membership fee, currently only Kathy Oswald can get into the CCLC Website. This needs to be investigated. (2/13/07). It was noted that there is nothing much on the site anyway, and the procedures are not on the public site. Jeff will pick a policy and a procedure to review each month. (6/5/07) Rocky stated that a decision needs to make as to who will be the point person for updating the Policies and Procedures. Dr. Marsee stated that this item would be part of the one day retreat in November or December. It was agreed that the retreat would take place in January. Bob suggested a Tuesday. Dr. Marsee stated off campus. Retreat Agenda: Policies and Procedures, Customer Service Survey, Indicators (presentation mode). Rocky will take the lead and work with Donna. Donna and John Wagstaff will work on the survey. Myeshia and Reuben to work with Rocky. 4 Retreat is scheduled for January 8, 2008, supervisors will be included. Ongoing Projects 1. Compton Air Conditioning: The problem with the air conditioning at Compton needs to be addressed before the equipment is adversely affected. Things will only get worse with summer coming up. Southland Industries explored the problem and has sent a proposal to Compton staff. Addressing the problem will require the system to be down for a while – maybe a week. Bruce and John will meet to determine what can be done to minimize the problems this will cause. John Skipper stressed that the police phone lines need to remain up. (7/3/07) - The temperature reached 130 degrees this weekend. Two chillers have been brought in. Board approval has been received and resolution is anticipated in 45 days. It was reported that the temperature in the room is now 80 degrees (down from 130 degrees). This will work as a short term fix, but not for a long term solution. They are still working on this. (7/17/07) 3. John Wagstaff stated that the two portable air conditioning units in the hallway and the one in the room seem to be holding their own at 75 degrees. His concern is that there is not enough room in its current location and the roof is not reinforced enough to take the weight of the compressors that will be driving the system. He understands that they want to place them in the machine room and there is not enough space to begin with. There is no room for expansion of the Core Network. The space is taken up by air conditioning. Reuben stated that the print shop will be moved so IT can expand. A space has been identified in the Vocational Technology building. He stated that Southland will check the issue regarding reinforcing the roof. Bob wanted to know if they will be working under an emergency resolution. Reuben stated yes and it was sent to LACOE 8 to 10 days ago. John Wagstaff stated they might want to consider a cover over date of September 22, 2007, which will coincide with ECC. 10/9/07 – The room is still in the 80s, even with the cooler weather. Two temporary units are running currently and a hole was cut in the roof to let out hot air. The Special Trustee wants a process in place. There is a proposal to change the way things are done because past practices have been reactionary. Even after approval, it will take two months to install the equipment. Jeff wants the temperature in the room to be in the 70s. (78 max) and will support efforts to accomplish this. Satish stated that the equipment is already irrevocably damaged due to the prolonged heat and suggested moving some of the critical functions to ECC until spring if they can’t get the temperature down. Jeff authorized this activity. Satish is to send a memo re: steps that will be taken, with copies to Doris and Reuben. It should be made clear that this move is temporary. Fred reported that the Board passed an emergency resolution re: air conditioning and he will report on it next week. The Special Trustee wants a paper trail if bond funds are used. Fred will draft a memo to Jeff and copy the Special Trustee and Doris. Capital Replacement and Repair (Compton Center): Bob and Bruce will work with Doris to put together a thorough inventory of work that needs to be done at Compton, strategies to do the repair/replacement, and cost estimates. The Facilities Committee meets monthly to address such issues. (6/5/07) Bob and Bruce will work with Dr. Givens on the facilities inventory. Bob stated it was something that BRJ has put together with Banner with regard to listing of deficiencies and conditions. It is a matter of prioritizing and making a determination of what facilities are we going forward with and where do we want to invest our funding. Dr. Marsee stated it was an oversight issue. 5 Dr. Marsee stated that BRJ had submitted to the Chancellor’s Office a long term Facility Master Plan. Rory stated that what BRJ submitted was probably based on current facilities and was not tied to the goals of the institution because the Education Master Plan had not been done. No change (8/14/07) Bruce stated that they had been working with Dr. Givens, but he was not sure if that was going to continue. Fred stated that he is putting together a list of capital improvements projects, long-term maintenance, and deferred maintenance projects. Bruce stated a meeting is scheduled for October 3, 2007, at 2:00 pm. Dr. Marsee stated that Fred will be placed in charge of the program. Bob wanted to know if the committee that is going to review facilities requests was going to give input on what roofs to be replaced and what our infrastructure items were. Fred stated no, the committee will assist in the allocation of funding. Some of the items fall under Capital Improvements which are Bonds funds. 4. Emergency Planning: The Emergency Planning Committee had a four hour meeting yesterday. Thanks to ITS, Campus Police, and Facilities for their participation. Noted: Rocky stated that the next meeting is scheduled for October 8, 2007. He is working on the Hazardous Migration Plan and a design for a scenario. He is replacing team members from the Compton Center staff and Reuben to make sure we have replacements for the committee. Mark is now part of the committee. Debriefing of late night shootings, electrical issues, all events that run related to the evening and the control of getting them in and out and time of notification so security can be provided. 10/9/07 - Rocky reported that the group met yesterday and made a lot of progress. Compton in included (John, Rudy, Wanda Morris and Mark). The vice presidents didn’t attend the scheduled emergency preparation meeting, so it will have to be rescheduled. Rocky stated that the last meeting was October 8th, and progress has been made. 5. Flowcharting In 2 weeks (2/27) each manager will report on what has been flowcharted in his/her area and provide a calendar of expectations as to when remaining items would be done. This is a joint project between ECC and Compton. (2/13/07) Still pending (6/5/07) Flowcharting reports are to be sent to Ruth Sanchez so she can compile a composite for two purposes: 1) we want to be able to reflect on the accreditation process as it is ongoing and 2) to see what the next steps are in terms of process review (6-12-07). Dr. Marsee asked that the group resend the information to Shobhana (8/14/07) The flowcharting is half done and still in progress. 10/9/07 – Per Jeff, the next step is to review the action plans. He will write procedures for areas of concern. HR should do a piece on how Compton is different. Shobhana Warrier is the contact person for flowcharting issues. 6. Media Services Issues: The disintegration of media services at ECC (due to retirements with no replacements) continues to present problems. The recent 90 Day Review of media problems is a case in point. Although Howard Storey is responsible for this area, John will do a position paper on this issue and address it in the Technology Plan also. (Donna) (2/13/07) Compton has the same problem. (6/5/07) This will be part of the VP review of positions. (7/3/07) John is to submit a Position Statement and do the Compton part of the Technology Plan. Barbara suggests a split position for both campuses. It was noted that this position deals with repairs and takes expertise. Also, employees are not allowed to work out of class. (7/17/07) John Wagstaff stated that the biggest concern is video projectors. 6 7. (10/9/07) - Rocky reported on the problems with getting media assistance for the 90 Day Review event. It was suggested that contacting the stage technicians might yield better results. Nancy Adler would be the contact person. This item is to be put on the VP’s agenda. Program Review: At the next meeting, the group is to come back with a list of indicators that are applicable to their areas. First step indicators Measurements a) Acceptable Standards b) Standards for excellence (e.g. invoices in the outbox for 30 days when they should be there no more then 2 weeks) Establishment and Completion of a Flow Chart and Program a) Identify improvements for efficiency b) Written Procedures Manual c) Operational Procedures Manual for your areas d) Action Plan A schedule of hours you will need. The objective is to be completed by December, 2007. Donna is working on her survey report. Managers need to do an executive summary report for his/her area. Then they need to look at the areas for improvement, flowcharting and the performance indicators. (7/17/07) Janice stated that they are looking at getting refunds back to the students in a timely manner and returning telephone calls. She would like to improve customer service average and the waiting time in line. (10/9/07) – Jeff has had a number of meetings re: indicators. Donna is to be added to the list of indicator meetings. Progress on indictors will be reviewed at the first meeting of each month. Jeff wants to discuss the satisfaction survey again. In response to a question re: the program review report that is due by December, Jeff stated that he is most concerned with getting indicators and flowcharting and surveys in place. The presentation will contain all three pieces. Committee Reports/Division Issues Tom Brown: No report John Skipper: No report Stephen Port: Attended “Parking Across America” last Thursday, and the vendors set-up teleconferencing at different sites for people building the parking structure. We did locate two other vendors for parking permit machines and we will be inviting them to take a look at what we have in mind. Monies have been appropriated out of Compton’s budget to purchase equipment, guns and police cars being built with specialized equipment. The Police at Compton Center have purchased their own weapons over the years. We have identified a company with a unique way of doing federal background checks and they are in the municipal business now, which means they have several investigators in California and we can contract with them and they can do twelve backgrounds in 30 to 40 days, which is amazing. The Police unit of Compton was recognized last week as an exclusive bargaining unit for negotiations to begin. The attorneys are starting to begin the negotiations. He stated the Compton Center Police will vacate the modular to the brick building behind it in room V-72. We are working to have broadcasting radio signal from both campuses and we have hired a consultant and have the equipment list down. Rocky wanted to know where the money was coming from and Dr. Marsee stated Compton’s budget. Stephen also discussed the purchase of updated police tasers. 7 Tom Connolly: Stated that there are two audits going on, 1) with Vicenti, Lloyd and Stutzman, LLP, who is auditing the ECC Bonds. They just completed an operational audit and have added on the financial audit piece. They are going to start on November 13, 2007. The State Quarterly Report is now automated and online. The payroll flowcharting meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 26, 2007. The next fixed asset meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 31, 2007. Dr. Marsee asked that verbiage be put together as it relates to procedures for hiring an individual, especially the step by step approval process, with emphasize on the President’s Cabinet being in that loop. Myeshia Armstrong: No report. Rory Livingston: No report. Fred Sturner: Stated that they have begun a Planning Study and the Facilities Educational Master Plan. We are taking our student enrollment and projecting out over the next five years per year end growth. Based on that we are doing a Planning Study of Facilities and how we are going to incorporate the new infrastructure, looking at growth and how our facilities are performing today and generating new student contact hours. We will identify those areas that are performing well in terms of enrollment and those areas that are not. Fred stated that they received good news last week, that we have been moved forward to the new funding year on our $37 million dollar infrastructure funding from the State. We have been given leave to start our design work on this immediately, which is unusual for the State to grant and it comes from the Department of Finance. Dr. Marsee stated that the earliest the State would have funded was 2010 and it was brought forward three years and this never has been done before. It is also 100 percent funding, which is a second achievement. The third one is, because of the million dollar up front authorization, we can begin the planning process, now we do not have to wait for appropriations to be finalized before we begin planning, we can do it now. Mark Hovatter: The news of infrastructure upgrades comes not a moment to soon. In the last week and a half we have had five infrastructure crises which have caused us to be in emergency mode: pipes bursting and potential exposure, the entire campus was down with no ability to repair a minor leak and no ability to isolate it, so we are doing a scheduled outage in the next few weeks to put in a couple of isolation values so we will not have to deal with that if it comes up again. He went to Sacramento last Tuesday, before the Waste Management Board, to explain why we were not in compliance. We were fortunate we did not get sanctioned, but have to levy up to a lot of promises and we have six months to do it. Dr. Marsee stated that a meeting will be take place tomorrow at 9:30 am and asked that Mark or Fred, or both, attend. Reuben James: Stated that there was going to be a special audit for the Associated Student Body funds to address accusations made by the ASB. He stated that he and Rory met with VLS to get that wrapped up. He informed Tom Connolly, who will assist them with the audit. Reuben also stated that they were working on the Foundation audit as well, since they have a transition between the old and new directors to get it closed out and open up the new one. Julie Bourlier: Stated they were working on a new website which will be up for classes that begin in the 8 week session next week. She is meeting with staff members to find out about the bookstore and hopefully turn the corner to get us some money. Donna Manno: Stated that she was putting on the finishing touches and testing the electronic survey that is going out to staff. She needs to speak with Bruce when he returns next week to get the facilities people to do this as an on-line survey, since it does not really 8 print out. Bob stated that there were computers in the break room, the copy room and in the shops. Donna stated that it will be sent out as an email, with a link attached. John Wagstaff: Thanked Bob and Tom Brown for the help with the air conditioning. He stated that they were a little better at Compton, but, only by a few degrees. He stated that both Technology committees are dealing with the issue of Microsoft new operating systems: Vista and Microsoft Office 2007. He stated that there were no plans to migrate to Vista this academic year. He stated that he has tried to use Vista and will circulate the laptop to each of the Vice Presidents. John stated that they could not talk about Microsoft 2007 until they have had training at the staff level. John stated that it is so different that it will slow people down by at least 70 percent, because it is that different and needs to be relearned. They are going to look at the inventory of existing PCs that can run Vista and that becomes the benchmark. He stated that he was not making any decision this year regarding Vista and Microsoft 2007. Janice Ely: Stated that she and John Wagstaff were going tomorrow to the American Red Cross Emergency Disaster Recovery session in Anaheim. Dr. Marsee stated that communication is the issue, and in a down environment. It is going to have to be addressed, so kept in mind as you are doing that session; how you would implement 20 or 30 computers, where there is no phone system in a Katrina environment, where people need to get word out that they are okay and phones are not working. Janice stated that she found out about an Anti-Fraud workshop and has informed Reuben and Myeshia. She also stated that the audit was on schedule. Rocky Bonura: Commented about the new computers in his division, stating that the staff is very happy with them. He stated that they were very crowded and asked Reuben for a laptop computer for Josel. Dr. Marsee stated that some laptops were returned to surplus and are still being held. Bob informed John Wagstaff that the laptops Dr. Marsee was referring to were on the last list that went to the Board as surplus; and they were asked to retain 8 laptops. John Wagstaff stated that he will check. Rocky stated that Janice has agreed to let him move some staff into her area after the auditors leave. Bob Gann: Stated that the Board of Trustees adopted the 2007 Facilities Master Plan on Monday, night October 15, 2007. He stated that the Chancellor’s Office will host a Facilities Coalition Workshop on November 7 and 8, 2007, in Sacramento. Dr. Jeff Marsee: Stated that at yesterday’s Board Meeting the President moved forward with the recommendation to create a position for VP of Human Resources. Barbara is an Interim Associate VP and this announcement starts the process of upgrading the position. If there is no objection by the Board, the position will be advertised. It will be 3 to 6 months before it is finalized and filled by late summer. He stated that he hopes Barbara will apply. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. staff101607 9