November 20, 2007

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
November 20, 2007
___Myeshia Armstrong
___Rocky Bonura
___Julie Bourlier
___Tom Brown
___Tom Connolly
___ Janice Ely
___Bob Gann
___Bruce Hoerning
___Mark Hovatter
___Reuben James
___ Andy Nasatir
___ Rory Livingston ___Barbara Perez
___Donna Manno
___Stephen Port
___Jeff Marsee
___Allene Quarles
___Rudy Ramos
___Rachelle Sasser
___John Skipper
___Fred Sturner
___John Wagstaff
___ Satish Warrier
No meeting was held. Managers were asked to submit written updates in lieu of the meeting. The
updates received are as follows:
Bruce Hoerning:
The Fixed Asset Inventory listings should be distributed to the VPs next week.
Division Issues: Infrastructure Phase I will be working on the south side of the Administration
building. Phase II will be working on the south side of the Stadium going east and them south
behind the locker room. Phase II will also be working on building connections. The Central Plant
is starting to install the curb and gutters. They are also currently working on exterior light
replacement throughout the campus.
Andy Nasatir:
 There was a break-in at the Compton Bookstore over the Thanksgiving weekend. A small
amount of merchandise was taken along with two computers. An investigation is under way.
The Bookstore will be able to operate; the registers were not damaged.
 The Bookstore is going through training on the new MAS200 Accounting System. In
combination with Nancy Hammond’s retirement last month, we are still evaluating how these
functions will occur.
 The Bookstore will begin end-of-semester buyback a week early and the Bookstore will be
open for business, including extending the buyback period, the week of December 17.
 We will hold an informal open house on Thursday, December 6th, to meet our new Bookstore
Director, Julie Bourlier. Light refreshments will be served.
 We are currently processing on-line orders.
Janice Ely: Nothing to update
Donna Manno:
 Program Review & ECC Plan Software: Donna provided copies of two excerpts from the
planning guide they are in the process of editing. Noted:
 Administrative Services is already addressing this with the indicators.
 Rocky and Donna are working on the retreat. Managers and supervisors would be invited.
They are looking at January 8 or 9 for the event.
 January 8 at Crestmont College has been reserved for the retreat.
Tom Connolly:
 Re: TO DO item #2: I met with FPS on Nov 8 (3rd meeting) and completed our review of the
initial draft of the formal policies and procedures for Fixed Asset Inventory and control. The
next step, after producing an updated draft, will be to meet with Compton admin and staff to
discover the differences between ECC and CEC and to develop a similar set of procedures for
John Wagstaff: Re: the new phone system, we have a proposal and began reviewing on
November 29th. We are not yet completely comfortable with the detail. Particularly troubling is
Cisco’s willingness to let the vendor they want us to use sell us proprietary software that Cisco
themselves did not write.
Re: the document imaging RFP, we are reading the RFP responses both qualitatively and
quantitatively. The constant interruptions are delaying completion of the analysis.
The ERA Committee met and Jeff has a copy of the agenda and the materials that were discussed.
He also has the flow chart showing how projects will move through the approval process.