January 26, 2011 1:00 p.m., Stadium Room Minutes

January 26, 2011
1:00 p.m., Stadium Room
Committee Purpose: To oversee and disseminate Auxiliary Services funds.
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 1:04pm. Rebecca Cobb introduced herself as the new
Director of Student Development and Chairperson for the Auxiliary Services Board. Board
members introduced themselves.
Committee Members:
 Rebecca Cobb (Chair)
 Katie Gleason
 Rio Enomoto (ASO)
 Don Goldberg
 Chuck Herzig
 Jo Ann Higdon
Alternates and Support Staff:
 Carolee Vakil-Jessop
 Janice Ely (alt. for Higdon)
 Miriam Ifill
 ASO alternate Sharon Asher
 Tom Connolly (alt. for Ely)
 Bill Mulrooney
 Josie Cheung
Luis Barrueta, SI Program Coordinator
Executive Summary of 2010-2011 Budget
Miriam Ifill presented the executive summary of the 2010-2011 ASB budget.
 Receipts are posted through December 2010.
 Expenses posted through 1/24/11.
 Proposed budget deficit remains at $25,927.25.
 Cash balance as of 1/21/11: $205,408.33.
 Available funds in the Special Request account to allocate is $9,107.00. The board
reviewed a spreadsheet showing the expenditures and allocations for this account to date.
 County Investment remains at $220,000.
 All ASB Income has not been received for Fall 2010.
 The balance in the District account is $18,829.29 as of 1/21/11 and may include some
Spring 2011 ASB sticker income.
 The first half of the Bookstore income was received on 11/30/10 and $25,000 from Pioneer
Theater income was received on 10/22/10.
Miriam distributed corrected copies of the Budget Variance Analysis – Sheet 2 from the 2009-2010
Year End Report packet as there was an error on the original report for Athletics and Fine Arts.
The original report stated Athletics under-spent their allocation by $6,234.00 and Fine Arts underspent their allocation by $10,267. The corrected report shows these numbers as $10,917 and
$6,604 respectively.
Special Request for Funds
Supplemental Instruction – Luis Barrueta
$1500 for food for 100 SI Coaches and Instructors during two-day SI Coach/Instructor Training
Luis Barrueta presented his request to the committee. The SI program has been consistently
growing and showing success with the students who enroll in SI sections. Over 2000 students
enroll in SI sections each semester. Previous funding sources for SI have dwindled or are no
longer available to assist with expenses such as the SI Coach and faculty 2-day training sessions
that are held at the beginning of fall and spring semesters. Therefore, the request to ASB is to
provide funding for the food for the two-day training sessions.
100 coaches and respective faculty attend the trainings. Each semester it’s 50 coaches and about
35 faculty members in attendance. The $1500 request is for the whole year. $750 is needed for
the upcoming spring training and then SI would like to be considered for ongoing funding of $1500
annually. A board member stated this request involves two different votes – one for spring 2011
funding out of ASB Special Request and another vote when we are building the budget for 20112012 to add SI to ASB accounts and allocate funding. The board members agreed. The board will
consider adding SI to the ASB accounts in April/May when they begin building the budget for 20112012.
MOTION: To approve $750 from the ASB Special Request account (79-54550-00-850182-7670)
for one-time funding of the Supplemental Instruction 2-day Coach/Faculty training for spring 2011.
Moved by: Katie Gleason
Seconded by: Bill Mulrooney
Objections: none
Abstentions: Don Goldberg
Motion approved.
Miriam Ifill wanted to know who will be paid to provide the food for the SI training. Luis Barrueta
indicated that Campus Food Services will provide the food for the training.
Committee Discussion
Rebecca Cobb opened the meeting to discussion of items any board members would like to bring
The following items were discussed:
The need to develop a process or form for funding requests to this body. There should be
guidelines and bylaws that identify for campus groups how the board functions, who they
serve and how they make decisions regarding funding requests. The Ed Code is very
general about this, but it requires Auxiliary Services Boards have written procedures,
guidelines, and bylaws in place - which at this time at ECC cannot be located, if they exist.
When signing or approving financial transactions from this fund, it would be very helpful to
have procedures and guidelines in place to ensure the money is being properly spent. For
external groups looking in, it is important to have procedures in place. Additionally,
questions exist regarding why some things are funded by this body and not funded through
the district. There is language in Title V that could be adopted to assist. There is
agreement among the board that procedures need to be developed. There are some
guidelines in the goals and assumptions that are established every year but they are not
extensive or thorough. There has been concern about how to communicate to all the
campus groups about funds available and who qualifies to be funded by the ASB. The
board did define co-curricular and extra-curricular as well as what qualifies for a special
request. The annual budget development also needs to be a more formal process for
budget managers to follow.
Currently budget managers can spend their allocation(s) on almost anything as long as
they have the proper back up and proper signatures. However, when the board approves
things, they approve the funds with a certain intention and as long as it’s in the spirit of the
board’s intention then the allocation is fine. The ongoing allocations have continued to be
funded based on past year’s funding of programs.
The proposed deficit for the 2010-2011 fiscal year was planned by the board and the
reserve will be used at this time if needed.
It is a good idea for this body to become more visible to the campus at large. However, if
that is done, there will be more requests and the board needs to establish guidelines for
funding programs that are consistent and fair to all programs.
A review process for historically funded areas could be established.
Additional revenue streams. The bookstore maintaining their funding of ASB is a concern.
We want to look at other ideas for additional revenues. One issue is there is no
consistency in the programs that generate revenue and having all their revenue come back
to ASB. For some programs, all their revenue comes back to ASB. For other programs
only part of their revenue comes back to ASB. We need to look at consistency and in being
equitable in our processes. If the idea is for the revenues for the various programs come
to this fund then that should apply to everyone. This needs to be clarified regarding
reciprocal revenues. Some programs don’t have the ability to generate revenues and they
shouldn’t be penalized for that. However, programs that do generate revenues should
know there is an expectation that they contribute those to the fund.
The ASB sticker used to be a larger source of funding. We should move to electronic
ticketing in increase revenue from ticket sales. Revenue from tickets has not been
significant and its purpose has been to make the ASB sticker more attractive to buy. We
can work out issues, but we need to make it competitive. To make the tickets available
from our website is a service. We cannot restrict it to ASB sticker holders. We may not
care who buys the ticket – ASB sticker holder or not – because we will make a dollar from
every ticket sold.
Replacement fees for ID cards and ASB stickers. It is illegal to charge for initial ID card
but it is not illegal to charge for a replacement card and sticker. The replacement fee is a
processing and material expense and the college can charge the expense back to the
student. We used to charge $10 for ID card and $4 replacement charge for the ASB
sticker. Replacement fees could bring in some good revenue for ASB.
Rebecca Cobb will be working with Lawrence Moreno on more promotion of ASB sticker
for the upcoming year.
Would like to push for an opt-out activity fee. There are many other colleges who have the
opt-out activity fee. It can change how well the ASB can support co-curricular and extracurricular programs and services to students. The student organizations can help institute
the activity fee as an opt-out fee. A large marketing effort should be made to inform
students how the activity fee is spent. Every newspaper, theatre program, music program,
dance program, ASO shirt, sporting event ticket/program, etc. should have the ASB logo
and a statement, “Funded (or partially funded) by your ASB activity fee.” Program offices
should have signs that say, “The services you receive in this office are partially funded by
your ASB activity fee.” This will allow students to see how their money is being spent and
how it is benefiting them in return. When instituting the opt-out fee, we should set the
activity fee at what we want (what is currently being paid on a voluntary basis), because if
we ask for less than we’re currently getting it is difficult to raise the fee later.
Contracts with Coca-Cola, vendors, food service groups should be negotiated so there is
language in those contracts that require the vendors “give back” to the students they are
making profits from all year long. We should be asking these vendors support Auxiliary
Services. These contracts are very profitable and we’re missing opportunities for revenue.
At Pasadena, the Associated Students get the benefits from the contracts with the food
service vendors and Pepsi. Our contracts should also be giving more than just revenue to
the school. They’re supposed to help us promote the campus, student activities, student
life, and give us product.
Cell phone signals. ASB could get revenue from putting up a tower to give better cell
phone signal on campus.
Board members were encouraged to email any other thoughts for discussion to Rebecca Cobb.
Rebecca will try to put together some sample guidelines, procedures and processes for the board
to look at for the next meeting.
Next Auxiliary Services Board Meeting – February 9, 2011, 1-2pm, Stadium Room
Don Goldberg pointed out that the next ASB meeting was scheduled on Flex Day. The board
decided to cancel the meeting on February 9, 2011 in light of that information. The next meeting of
the Auxiliary Services Board will be held on February 23, 2011 in the Stadium Room at 1pm.
Don Goldberg moved, Chuck Herzig seconded to adjourn the meeting at 1:55pm.
Remaining Scheduled ASB Meetings for 2010-2011
February 23
March 9 & 23
April 13 & 27
May 11 & 25
June 8 & 22