June 8, 2011

Student Development
Auxiliary Services Board
June 8, 2011
Rebecca Cobb, Don Goldberg, Chuck Herzig, Bill Mulrooney, Josie Cheung,
Jessica Lopez, Miriam Ifill, Carolee Vakil-Jessop, Tom Connolly
A scheduled meeting of the Auxiliary Services Board convened at 1:09 pm
The Minutes of May 25, 2011 was approved as supplement to presentation by Don
Goldberg and Bill Mulrooney
1) Musical was a loss
2) Julie will cut ¼ income check this week
3) Auxiliary loss on play of approximately $1,000
4) Motion to accept Executive Summary by Bill Mulrooney and Chuck Herzig – motion
1) Community Choir Request problematic after the fact request
- Sets a bad precedent
- Lack of planning
2) We said no to health conference, which was after the fact
- Motion to deny the request
3) Vets Center Open House – 2011/2012 Funding
- One-time request for food and paper goods
- Approved $1,250 from 2011/2012 Special Request by Don Goldberg and Josie
Cheung for 400 students – motion pass
4) International Student Program – 2011/2012 Funding
- One-time funding from 2011/2012 Special Request of $750 for food and paper
goods for 800 students – Chuck Herzig and Don Goldberg, motion pass
Minutes prepared by Liz Campos 1
Student Development - Auxiliary Services Boards Minutes
June 8, 2011
Page 2
1) Overall discussion
- Part-time funding
- Union sales up – commission
2) Numbers from Julie
- Have not sat down with JoAnn about budget
- No major cuts for 2011/2012, no guarantee
3) Have to let managers know there may be mid-year cuts
4) Need to talk to VP’s regarding situation
5) Not mandated to buy ASB Sticker in other programs
6) Need to make part of eligibility requirements
7) Opt-out would be in Spring 2012
- Have eligibility link between sport for programs
8) Lower budget will get increase with 90 participant ASB Sticker purchase
9) Bookstore, Inc. will be status quo for 2011/2012 - could be mid-year cuts
10) Student participation in ASB Sticker - how they present figures
- Give a list of students participating
11) ARBC to check
12) 90% funding
13) 10% upon ASB Sticker compliance with students in the program
14) Give better sense of actual students in program
15) Programs – ASB compliance
16) Services – exempt
17) Part-time salaries have not been paid through ASB recently
18) Someone to sell tickets – ASB
19) VP Agenda – clarify role of ASB
20) Ask for them to give us a budget spreadsheet
21) Tom Connolly - should pay one-time salary
22) May be student worker salaries
23) Ticket Seller – Football
24) Police – Football
25) Transportation from all programs are from one account
26) General salaries should be funded by district
27) District responsibility for programs
Minutes prepared by Liz Campos 2
Student Development - Auxiliary Services Boards Minutes
June 8, 2011
Page 3
28) Fine Arts - ok as is - $100,118.50
29) HTP asked for augmentation
- UCLA day and HTCC conference, $4,547.50 – ok as is
30) Union augmentation for Ad manager
- $70,260
- 5% Beta Phi Gamma, 15% Ad manager for a total of $8,000
31) Should try to spread work to other newspaper staffers
32) Build position, not around one person – ok as is
33) FYE – yes as is
34) MESA – yes as is
35) ASO/ICC - $40,000, yes as is
36) ASB Sticker salary - $40,000, ok as is
Project Success – Math tutor available in Math division
- $9,500 (Bill Mulrooney/Tom Connolly)
- $7,125, ok as is
Career Center
- $2,200
Matriculation is mandated by Title V, not a co-curriculum or extra-curriculum program
- One-time funding for each program next year from Special Request
- $1,500
Vending income to support guest accounts
Motion to approve allocations and apply 90% / 10% by Tom Connolly and Don Goldberg
- motion pass
Minutes prepared by Liz Campos 3