August 21, 2001

Meeting was opened at 10:35 a.m. by Cat. Minutes of June 19 were accepted as written.
Safety Report Topic
The Safety Notice will be posted on the bulletin board for discussion at the September meeting.
Committee Reports
The last Area Council Meeting was not attended by any of the F.S. members, Jill attended as an
alternate. Core training was discussed. It is still being researched, nothing was ready to send out.
A sample is still to be prepared for consideration by Vic.
New Classified Review consultants are being interviewed, there will be a committee meeting next
week to determine which vendor/consultant will be chosen.
Anyone interested in flex is asked to submit a written request
The Bookstore is opening two “grab and go” convenience stores, one next to the Activities Center
will be called The Common Grounds and one next to the Bookstore called The Manhattan.
The Bookstore has signed an exclusive contract with Pepsi Cola to use their products, drinks as
well as chips, etc.
Cafeteria operations are now extended from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday-Friday. This does not
include the truck, discussions are being held regarding vehicle access on campus because of
traffic as well as road damage.
Status of Operations and Budget
The fiscal reporting unit has closed the books and pages for the budget book have been
completed. Brenda felt this year’s closing went the smoothest to date. Estella felt people were
more calm, the books were also closed on time by the cash management unit.
It is believed that the lines of students are actually shorter this year.
Payroll is busy with new people being put on the system. Registration was smoother and many
students paid in advance. Credit card payments are being accepted on the web. Longer hours of
the cashiers have helped, as of the previous Friday everything was up to date.
Overall Budget
Energy crisis, gasoline prices, big dent in State budget surplus. Current budget not as healthy as
last year. The Governor took a big cut out of community colleges funds to balance the budget.
One of the cuts is money received from the stand for building maintenance, another area is library
materials and block grant money (equipment, instructional supplies, “technology plan”). About
85% of received income goes directly to salaries and benefits. Of that 85%, a number of salaries
are specially funded from other than regular apportionment. There is an increase in the benefits
rate, going up 15-20%. Property and liability insurance is going up about 60%. Some changes in
STRS are being made to be more in line with PERS. No benefit augmentations will be made to
any budgets. Each division will be held accountable not to exceed its budget.
When no one is at the reception desk, people are coming into the office and stand at Petie’s desk .
The same thing has happened to others in the office. Consider getting a sign saying authorized
personnel only. Consider a buzz-in system, but that would require someone at the front desk.
Possibly a telephone system to call the staff in Accounting and then buzz in a visitor.
It was suggested returning the meeting time to earlier in the month. Changes were made to
accommodate Payroll, the time was chosen to accommodate Nina who comes in later. Petie
made a motion to move the meting back to the beginning of the month and earlier in the day.
Motion did not pass.
Agenda Development
Holidays – discuss in September.
9. Meeting closed at 11:10 a.m. Gary will chair the September meeting.
Agenda Development – July 17
No discussion
The meeting closed at 11:15 a.m. Cat will chair the July meeting.