Faculty/Staff J. Bellemin, T. Bui, B. Carey, C. Cha, C. Cowell,... J. Holliday, S. Leonelli, V. Lloyd, J. Noyes, T. Palos,... NATURAL SCIENCES

October 20, 2011
J. Bellemin, T. Bui, B. Carey, C. Cha, C. Cowell, P. Doucette, L. Fielding, J. Gard,
J. Holliday, S. Leonelli, V. Lloyd, J. Noyes, T. Palos, S. Potter, S. Prieto, M. Santiago,
J. Shankweiler, R. Shibao, L. Ohara, A. Valle, Daniel Wright
Also present was Nicholas Mitchell, the ASO Senator
Counseling – Early Alert
 Griselda Castro and Angie Nunez from the Counseling Office handed out
information regarding the academic early alert referral forms, including the
workshops offered and extension numbers of particular services to help students
succeed. The faculty members were asked to refer students to the workshops.
The early alert forms are available online on MyECC and in the division office. It
was mentioned the probation level information can be viewed, by students
online. The workshops are for all students, not only for students that are on
 Academic Senate Report – Chuck Herzig/ Teresa Palos
o Teresa Palos explained to faculty members that the program review
should be tied to the annual program plans, if software and technology is
not included in the annual program plan, it will not get funded.
o There was a discussion regarding Title V, pre-requisites and co-requisites
possibly being changed. There’s a concern that the lack of pre-requisites
is affecting student success. Teresa will put information in faculty
mailboxes for their input and then she will take it back to the Senate
meeting; it can be turned in to Peter Doucette, Teresa Palos, or Rob
 SLO Report – Jim Noyes
o Jim Noyes asked faculty members to use a word document when
submitting SLOs. He is reviewing SLOs to make sure the correct
information is entered.
o More training is needed on CurricUNET.
 Curriculum Report – Bryan Carey
o Approximately 200 course outlines will be transitioned campus wide; the
CurricUNET is not recognizing laboratory hours.
 Area Council Report – Thanh-Thuy Bui
o No report
Repeat Rules – summer 2012 and fall 2012 registrations
 The California Community College system’s Board of Governors voted to restrict
students’ options for repeating general courses through revisions to California’s
Title V education code. Effective Summer 2012, students can repeat a class,
then for the third enrollment, the Dean’s approval is needed, a student will not
be able to enroll in a course for a fourth time.
Textbook requisitions
 If textbook requisitions are submitted all together by one person, whoever
submits them should allow the other faculty members to review the requisitions.
Insurance Benefits
 An email from Lynn Lindberg from the Human Resources Office was distributed
regarding medical benefit cost and impact information. It consisted of a chart
showing 2011 rates, current 2012 rates, and the District’s proposal. Some of the
changes will affect the employee’s contribution obligation.
 Open enrollment is currently in process and closes November 4, 2011. The
District and unions are still in the negotiation and fact finding process, therefore,
the actual 2012 employee contribution rates will not be known until after the
close of the mandated CalPERS open enrollment period. CalPERS will allow
employees to “rescind” their open enrollment election, but this only applies to
employees who actually make a change during the open enrollment period. If an
employee decides to rescind a change made during the open enrollment period,
they can only change back to the original 2011 medical plan; they cannot select
another medical plan. To rescind open enrollment elections you must complete
the open enrollment change form and return it to Valerie Jeffrey in Human
Resources prior to December 15, 2011.
 Section 125, flexible spending medical account, should be considered or if you
are signed up for Section 125, you could increase the amount. Section 125
allows you to have your insurance premiums deducted on a pre-tax basis,
through payroll deductions.