September 21, 2010

Learning Resources Unit
Unit Council
September 21, 2010 Meeting, 3:00 p.m.
Members Present: Kerry Bossin (KB), Don Brown (DB), Robin Cash (RC), Alice Cornelio (AC), Lisa George
(LG), Alice Grigsby (AG), Moon Ichinaga (MI), Ed Martinez (EM), Noreth Men (NM), Claudia Striepe (CS),
Howard Story (HS)
SLO Update: CS reported that there will be a meeting of SLO group leaders at 3:00 on Friday,
Sept. 24. The meeting will discuss where the groups are at this time with their SLOs. There
will also be a Campus Summit on Oct. 14-15th.
II. Day in the Life of the Library Planning: AG gave an overview of the plans for this day which is
scheduled for Monday, October 4. There will be self-guided tours of the library that include
a “passport” issued to students. The passport, created by Kerry Bossin, will be stamped at a
variety of stations in the Library. Passports that have completed the tour will be eligible for
raffle prizes. The day’s activities will also be noted in the daily statistics, including a door
count, circulation use etc.
III. Bond/Equipment/Supply Requests: AG reported on what the Unit had submitted to the Vice
President re: requests for funding. Included in the requests were computers, security
cameras, furniture, scanners, a industrial use shredder, CD burners and other items.
IV. Campus Committees: Members discussed activities of their committee work
Area Council: DB reported that the Council had yet to meet.
Curriculum/Enrollment Management: EM reported that both committees had their
first meetings of the semester. The meetings were introductory, as is the case
most initial meetings; focusing on the setting of the agenda for future meetings.
Academic Senate: CS noted that the Senate had just met and had noted the work that
Howard Story had done for them and the campus. There will now be a part-time
faculty award to be presented, similar to the award already given to full-time
faculty. Bill Mulrooney discussed enrollment issues and there was a discussion
re: the challenges of IT support with regards to campus computer services
(e.g. the active enrollment form). There was also a discussion re: the Campus
Climate Survey which noted, among other things, that faculty morale was low.
Faculty Development: MI reported that there was a discussion re: the Outstanding
Faculty Award. Survey results from the past Flex Day were positive. They also
noted the need for an update of the faculty manual.
Academic Technology: NM reported that the group has yet to meet this semester.
In their last meeting, in April, they had discussed the funding need for
maintenance contracts.
Campus Technology: HS reported that the group last met in August. It was noted
that IT has been upgrading the notebooks given to faculty. They are also
looking into more comprehensive use of the Datatel system, which will
utilize some applications that are not currently being used; for example,
MoodleRoom. A Security Committee is being formed that will focus on
issues regarding network security. They also are continuing their work
on the campus Technology Plan.
Planning and Budget: AG reported that much of the work of this committee is done
In the late fall/early spring. Dr Fallo provided an overview of the current budget.
There was also a discussion re: liability issues, as to how much to put in this
V. Other: There was a discussion re: ID badges for student/casual staff. Interested staff
should contact Ed.
VI. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Submitted by: EM