November 20, 2012
Present: Director Grigsby (AG), Sheryl Kunisaki (SK), Don Brown (DB), Alice Cornelio (AC), Seth Daugherty
(SD), Lisa George (LG), Moon Ichinaga (MI), Ed Martinez (EM), Noreth Men (NM), Howard Story (HS),
Claudia Striepe (CS), Susan Djokic (sd)
Minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Unit Council Co-Chair
Ballot vote on electing a Council Co-Chair, and if passed who to nominate, was taken. If the majority
vote is for electing a co-chair, a ballot will be circulated week of November 26th with names of
(Update: Votes tabulated: Electing Council Co-Chair did not pass. At this time, there will not be a Council
Program Review Update
CS and DB reported the Review is moving along and is on target. 99% of the descriptive area of Review
has been updated, although to note, as is the nature of the Program Review, it will continue to be
updated up until turned in. CS and DB’s goal is to finish middle of December and present to librarians at
Librarian’s Meeting. At that meeting, want to share and discuss goals stated in Review. MI asked if copy
of the 14 goals from the last Program Review could be sent to all librarians. DB will send, along with
updates/notations on status of each goal.
Plan Build Discussions by Each Department
AG passed out copies of sections of the 2013-2014 Plan Build: Budget Requests, Personnel Requests,
Space-Facility Change Requests, Technology Requests. Council reviewed Objectives and noted if
completed (remove from Plan Build), not yet updated, or still required.
Items that came up for discussion during review of Plan Build:
 Accounts close-out each fiscal year. Any remaining balances transfer to the General Fund. Useit-or lose-it type policy. This makes planning/spending of funds difficult. AG voting member on
Planning and Budget Committee (PBC). Will bring up discussion with PBC on difficulties.
 On this campus, monies are no longer designated. Each V.P. works to get funding for their
department(s). Plan Builds/Objective Rankings are college’s way of implementing Shared
Governance in budget planning.
 CS requested that “progress notes” be able to be added to Plan Build requests where applicable.
 CS asked about how the passage of Prop 30 affects budget and Plan Builds.
Answer: Passage means the release of deferred funding, not extra funding, but the school will
have to wait for that money until taxes are collected. With passage of Measure E, the college
can expect some new monies. Requests to receive Measure E funds have to be in Plan Builds.
AG will try to meet with each group and send out ballots by December 10th to mark Plan Build Objective
preferences in sequence.
Library’s Course Reserves Policy
AG passed out copies of the El Camino College Library’s Course Reserves Policy. Asked Council to review
document and send an email if changes are needed. Policy will be sent to faculty electronically.
Discussion on “branding” regarding the Library: When speaking of the Library sometimes it may be
important to note both the Library and the Music Library. Should it be El Camino College Libraries? The
Schauerman Library used with the word Main? Naming should be used consistently throughout all
documents/website/signage (as well as building sign too?). AG will put on agenda to discuss the idea of
Building Monitoring and Security Update
AG had discussion with Chief of Police about having cadets in the Library, Monday – Thursday, on a
regular basis, and other times unannounced, to provide presence, support policies and rules.
Database Interruptions/ITS Move
There may be interruptions for database retrieval on day of ITS’s move. Signage may be required to let
students know there may be access interruptions.
Librarian Position Replacement Request
AG believes that the Library’s request for a librarian position replacement will be placed within ECC’s top
ten requests for fulfilling positions.
Student Worker Pay
Because of budget issues, to pay students what they are worth means the Library would have either
fewer students working or, the same amount of students working, but working fewer hours. If students
working in Learning Resources were given pay increases, then the students working in the Library would
also have to be given raises. Student workers have not had raises since 2007. Current rate: $8.00 $9.25/hr. Will put issue of pay/employment of both student workers and casual workers on next