EL CAMINO COLLEGE Community Advancement Division Council Meeting Notes April 11, 2012

Community Advancement Division Council
Meeting Notes
April 11, 2012
Present: Martha Aaron, Kristi Adams, Jose Anaya, Maryann Cohan, Alexis Estwick, Darling
Garcia, LauraLee Garinger, Veronica Mendoza, Alin Sanchez, Traci Traina, Maricela Vital,
Alicia Zambrano
A scheduled meeting of the Community Advancement Division Council convened at 1:30 pm at
the Business Training Center in Room 2.
Review of Minutes from March 15th meeting
Minutes approved with the following exceptions: Under Grants 5) RTF means Responsive
Training Fund and not Rapid Training Fund, and 7) the acronym HIS should be HSI for Hispanic
Serving Institution.
Department Updates
o Grants – Kristi Adams:
1) Currently working on a U.S. Department of Homeland Security grant called the Fire
Protection and Safety Grant, which falls under their Assistance to Firefighters Grant
Program. Met with Chief Melendez and Stephanie Rodriquez yesterday and now
beginning to work on proposal and budget.
2) Had second round of training on the new Amplifund grants management software
recently, and discovered even more features for use by project managers. They will
be able to enter goals, objectives, and benchmarks, in addition to all of their budget
line items. They will be able to assign tasks to others and create reports. Amplifund
is currently building out new features as well that will be ready in May.
3) The Grants Office will be hosting a Grant Project Directors Forum on Monday, April
30th from 10am – 12pm. It will be held at the BTC in Room 31. Project directors will
share information about their projects, best practices, etc. Irene Graff from
Institutional Research will talk about data for reporting and collecting and analyzing
information. Accounting technicians will talk about budgetary aspects for grants, as
4) Finishing up a Policies and Procedures manual for grants management that includes
information about processes at El Camino when you are implementing a funded
project. This manual may be distributed at the April 30 meeting, as it is a good thing
to have on hand when a grant project gets audited.
5) Kristi will be attending a Regional Title V and Basic Skills Initiative Student Success
Leaders Gathering on April 20 in place of the Title V Graduation Initiative Director.
She will learn what other colleges are doing and share what we are doing at El
o Center for Applied Competitive Technologies – Traci Traina:
1) New Grants: 1) H-1B Grant: Contracts have been sent out to Cerritos College and
North Orange Community College District. Budget has been set-up and we will be
meeting with Pacific Gateway Workforce Investment Board to discuss recruitment
and placement options. 2) TAA Grant: We will be submitting three TAA (Trade
Adjustment Act) grants (West Los Angeles, Center for Applied Competitive
Technologies and San Bernardino Consortium).
2) Existing Grants: 1) NSF Grant: The National Science Foundation (NSF) team was
here March 27-29. Finished videotaping the first module. The team worked on the
final report. 2) Career Advancement Academy: The CAA Grant is underway and
offering classes at both El Camino and the Compton Center. We are in the process
of transitioning everything over to the new Director. 3) Career Technical Education:
CTE transition has been going smoothly. The CTE III Final Report and half yearly
Interactive Report were both submitted. The CTE IV narrative is due to the
Chancellors Office by April 30th. 4) North Orange: RTF (Rapid Training Fund):
Working to train incumbent workers and employees considered to be poor. Grant
was extended to June. JDIF (Job Development Incentive Fund): Working to train
unemployed and dislocated workers. We will outreach to 1275 individuals working
with partner colleges, WIBs (Workforce Investment Board), Work Source Centers,
One-Stop Centers, Veterans, CalWORKS, and EWDP (Economic Workforce
Development Program) Initiative Centers.
3) Training Status: Certified Quality Engineering (CQE) and Certified Software Quality
Engineer (SCQE) classes will be conducted at the Northrop Grumman Facility.
Classes will be held each Friday starting April 20th and ending June 1, 2012. They
will take the ASQ Certification Exam on June 2nd.
4) Conferences: 1) California Community College Association for Occupational
Education (CCCAOE): The CAA, CTE and CACT attended the 2012 Conference in
San Francisco on March 21st-23rd. 2) WESTEC: The CACT hosted a booth at the
WESTEC Conference on March 27th-29th at the LA Convention Center. It was a
great event and we received numerous leads for potential business.
Alicia Zambrano:
5) Industry Driven Regional Collaborative (IDRC): Students registered in the Machine
Tool Technology/Aerospace Fastener Training Program. Hoping that most will finish
up this semester.
6) CAMS: Registered over 150 high school students into our Project Lead The Way
engineering program at the California Math and Science High School for spring 2012
semester. Classes we are offering are MTEC 57, Advanced Robotics, and
engineering classes ETEC 14, 15 & 18.
7) Career Advancement Academy/Career Ladders Project: Started spring cohorts of
students training in Machine Tool Technology and Machining/Aerospace Fastener
along with registration in English and Math classes as part of the contextualized
process. Preparing to offer advanced math class for summer.
8) CTE: Project Lead the Way is looking for different sites in Lynwood and Compton
9) H1-B will start first cohort this summer.
10) Attended WESTEC conference and took a group of 15 Machining/CAA program
students to participate. CCCAOE was attending by staff members who had an
opportunity to do a workshop on the CAA Model Program.
Center International Trade Development – Maryann Cohan:
1) Maurice and Bronwen attending NASBITE this week. Bronwen is now a Board
2) Bronwen working on STEP grant.
3) Kerry working on ECO Asia in Singapore. Business that can attend must be
suppliers with 50% environmental products.
Community Education – Veronica Mendoza:
1) Summer Catalog: PDF of summer catalog is now available online. Printed version
at the press now; expect to begin distribution by third week of April
2) Kid’s College 2012: 1. As a result of advertising push via print and social media
outlets along with the catalog being on-line, we have started to experience increased
phone and foot traffic along with increased registrations. 2. Logistics/Planning: Kid’s
College classroom reservations not confirmed. Working with Division
representatives, facilities and campus police to plan appropriately. 3. Staffing:
Special summer Kid’s College staffers will start as early as May to assist with the
increased registration load and detailed student/parent registration processing.
3) Summer Instructor Contracts: Began prepping for the processing and fulfillment of
the over 150 instructor/organization contracts scheduled for the summer 2012
Community Ed session.
4) Fall 2012: Request for proposals having been sent out; starting data input for fall
2012 catalog.
Alexis Estwick – Foster Care:
The YESS program received augmentation for four additional types of projects. Model
Approaches-Partnerships (PS MAPP) started with 27 participants but now is down to 12.
The class will complete on April 21st. Foster and Kinship Care Education (FKCE):
Attended 2012 FKCE Curriculum Institute on March 28-30 and presented on Foster
Youth Connection. All classes going well.
Center for Advanced Customized Training Solutions (A.C.T.S.) – Maricela Vital
Employment Training Panel (ETP)
ET12-0143 (2-year contract) is currently conducting training.
ET11-0806 Alternative & Renewable Fuel & Vehicle Technology Contract: Contracts in
place for training partners Barstow CC, Cerritos CCD, College of the Desert, Long
Beach City College, and Rio Hondo College. (Amendment increasing contract from
$75,000 to $200,000 funds has been issued.) San Diego Miramar College has been
sent a contract to participate in this training. City College of San Francisco and Kern CC
are in the process of getting Board approvals before submitting to ECC. Classes to train
mechanics from various cities and municipalities continue at Long Beach City College
and Cerritos. ECC Fire Academy will launch their First Responders Training on May 21st
and 22nd.
Contract Education:
Core Customer Service Academy Sessions 40 and 41 will conclude in April for the City
of Torrance.
Other Activity: Eldon Davidson attended CCCAOE Conference in San Francisco on
March 20-22. He also received his FEMA certificate after completing a one hour training
course on-line on what to do in case an active shooter situation occurs at the BTC.
Small Business Development Center – Laura Garinger:
1) SBDC Network Scorecard as of March 31st shows how we are doing as a whole
network. The network has reached 36% of their critical goals by end of the 1st
quarter. Our SBDC has reached 24% of our critical goals.
2) Participating in presenting a one day financial training on April 13 for high school
students at Crenshaw High enrolled in the entrepreneur training sponsored by
Toyota. Also working with Cal State Dominguez Hills University Dean of Business to
implement advising/training on campus to help their students study entrepreneurship.
3) Applying for a $100,000 2 year federal grant to assist farmer’s markets and their
vendors increase sales.
4) Hermosa Beach office will be relocated to the South Bay Entrepreneurship Center
(SBEC), a nonprofit business incubator in Torrance effective July 1, 2012.
5) Constant Contact is sponsoring a social media workshop at the BTC on April 24th.
6) SBDC audit by Moss Adams will be performed between April 16 and May 11.
Workplace Learning Resource Center – Denise DiPasquale:
1) Continuing Speaker’s Bureau for Carson and Leuzinger High Schools with speaker
Rebecca Ansert of Green Public Art at Carson.
2) Continuing with the U.S. Vets resume writing and interviewing classes every
Tuesday and Thursday. Met with staff to demonstrate KeyTrain courses to them for
possible inclusion in their program with the veterans. Met with U.S. Vets counselor
to begin implementing a job development program on the behalf of the veterans.
Met with Ivan Mason and Phil Sutton at U.S. Vets to discuss how agencies could
continue to partner with each other.
3) Attended the following events: South Bay WIB Executive Board Meeting, Inglewood
State of the City, and a Vocational Training Fair at Lennox Middle School to speak
with parents and children about the value of a college education.
Maryann Cohan
1) Terminal Island classes currently scheduled: Welding, AutoCad 5, Machine Shop
Math, and Parenting. Metropolitan Detention Center’s 3rd Parenting class will start
April 12th.
2) Maritime Training: Standards for Training Certification and Watch keeping (STCW)
class - April 17-21 and Tankerman - May 29-June 2.
3) Disney Cruise Line still doing training.
o Grants: Additional round of grants from Economic and Workforce Development.
o College Budget: Budget Forum felt we will be in good shape if the taxes are passed.
o Professional Development Schedule: You can pick and choose what training
interests you in the Keenan safeColleges Training 2012 Course Library which are
on-line videos. The subject discussed is listed. Working with Rocky Bonura to allow
staff to take advantage of this training.
Other Issues
o Asked about interest in the May 25th Team Building Extravaganza to be held on
Adjournment at 2:50 pm
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