January 7, 2015

Community Advancement Division Council
January 7, 2015
Department Updates
Career Pathways – Alicia Zambrano:
Compton Career Advancement Academy (CAA): Our CAA program went really well. About 85%
finished the training and obtained a NIMS (National Institute for Metalworking Skills) and
OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) Certification. Some received training
on resume writing, interview techniques and how to complete a job application. Some of the
students that finished the program decided to take additional classes and some decided to seek a
job within the industry.
Harness Technician Training Program: David Gonzales asked me to help him recruit candidates
for his training program for December. Between the efforts at Compton and the Business
Training Center, we filled the class. Given that there will be an additional nine training classes
throughout the year, I will be assisting in recruiting potential students for the class.
Spring Semester Career Advancement Program and H1B Classes: I have been working on
outreach and recruitment for the Machining classes, Air Conditioning and the Aerospace Fastener
Training Program that start in January. I am working with the local WIBs (Workforce Investment
Board), DPSS (Department of Social Services) offices and community agencies to promote our
programs and hopefully increase enrollment.
File your Federal and State Income Taxes for FREE Event: This year, our CTE (Career
Technical Education) Department & CAA (Career Advancement Academy) are hosting our 5th
Annual Free Income Tax Preparation Event hosted by Turbo Tax, Intuit Tax Freedom Project and
CCIA (Computer & Communications Industry Association). It is free to students and the
community at large. Event will take place on February 7, 2015 in the Vocational Tech Center
from 10:00am-4:00pm at the Compton Center, Vocational Technology Building.
Center for Applied Competitive Technologies – Darling Garcia:
1) The Harness Tech training program successfully launched on December 1, 2014. Eight
students completed the training that consisted of advanced connector and advanced wire and
harness technical training in addition to a job readiness component. Students will be applying
for the Harness Tech Apprenticeship position with SpaceX. We will track them to follow up on
their employment outcomes.
2) More training sessions are scheduled through November 2015. The February class is
already filled and people are signing up for the March session.
3) We are also promoting our training in Certified Six Sigma Black Belt and Certified Quality
Engineer exam preparation courses. These prep courses are paid for by the H1B grant, so
they are at no cost to participants.
4) We are setting up Certified Manager of Quality and Certified Quality Inspector exam prep
courses at Northrop Grumman Palmdale. These courses are paid for by Northrop Grumman.
5) We continue to explore new funding and income-generating sources.
Community Education – Veronica Mendoza: (not in attendance).
Center for Customized Training (CCT) – Maricela Vital: (not in attendance).
Employment Training Panel (ETP)
Grants – Jennifer Hutcherson:
1) We submitted the KECK Foundation application for the V-STARS program. That’s the mobile
activity classroom that goes out to K-12 school districts. The application was for
approximately a million dollars. We’ll find out on the 15th of this month if they want a phase
two application. We’re partnering with Aerospace Corporation and Sally Ride Foundation.
We are trying to recruit Torrance Unified and some other schools to get involved.
2) We submitted for Title III eligibility and received approval, so we can apply for other grants.
Currently working on the SSS Trio that is due February 2nd, the grant that Arturo Hernandez
currently holds. It will be in between $250,000-$350,000 a year for five years. It is designed
to increase retention and graduation rates. Also, there is a second Career Pathways Trust
Grant that Naomi is working on for Healthcare. It will involve pathways in Pharmacy Tech,
Nursing and Biotechnology. Her partners include South Bay Workforce Investment Board,
Compton Unified School District, Centinela Valley Unified School District, Torrance, and El
Segundo Unified School Districts. They are trying to recruit some more partners, possibly
Inglewood School Districts and Los Angeles Harbor College. We have the Title III and Title V
coming up in the coming months. We received the Teacher Prep Pipeline that is $120,000
that goes until 12/31/15.
Small Business Development Center – LauraLee Garinger:
1) The El Camino College SBDC exceeded two of the three primary goals that we were set to
reach for 2014. Our long term client goal was at 103% (214/208) and our start-up goal was at
112% (64/57). Our capital infusion goal was only 41%. We were only able to meet
$4,541,402 of the $11,000,000 goal that was set for our center. Many loans did not get
funded for our clients, or they did not meet the criteria required to receive the loans.
2) We did get the Go Biz grant for $60,000 for 2014. We were told that the clients we see that
we labeled for the Go Biz grant would not impact our SBA goals. We discovered yesterday
that our SBA clients that we were converting to Go Biz clients did impact our goals even for
2014. It lowered our percentages for SBA. We changed them all back to SBA until the lead
center at Long Beach City College can get it straight. We can’t afford to have our SBA goals
dipped into.
3) Workshops scheduled for January 2015 are the Small Business Orientation on 1/13/15 and
1/29/15. The Basics of Starting a Business on 1/13/15. Business Loans 101 on 1/13/15.
Business Licenses, Corporations & LLC’s on 1/20/15. Mobile Marketing Strategies on
1/21/15. Marketing 101 on 1/22/15. How to Estimate Start-Up Costs on 1/27/15. Get Your
Business Online: WordPress 101 on 1/27/15. Export Workshop on 1/29/15.
Workplace Learning Resource Center – Maryann Cohan:
1) Terminal Island: Final year for Welding contract 1/26 – 2/6/15, Instructor Henry Jackson.
Parenting: 5-Year contract – Bid awarded to WpLRC - Instructor Bobbie Lanham. Base year
classes are to resume January 2015.
2) Metropolitan Detention Center: Parenting 5-Year contract – Bid awarded to WpLRC –
Instructor Theresa Reed. Base year classes to resume January 2015.
Blueprint for Success: Instructor Theresa Reed. MDC is to issue new contract.
3) Maritime Training: STCW-95: Spring Schedule will be sent out.
STCW (Standards for Training, Certification & Watchkeeping), Lifeboat Class, and Security
Awareness: to be held monthly.
Advanced Fire: scheduled for week of March 16, 2015.
Tankerman: No instructor at this time.
Medical Provider: No instructor at this time.
Vessel Security Officer (VSO): Roberto working on changes to submit. Class expected to
begin February 2015.
1) New Developments: The Chancellor’s Office wants to relook at workforce and economic
development. They formed a task force to look at economic and workforce development and how to
reconfigure it to meet the needs of industry. They’re going to go through an eighteen month study,
basically have meetings throughout the State, listen to stakeholders and take their input to create a plan
for what it should look like.
2) We are in discussions with the South Bay Workforce Investment Board on an H1B apprenticeship
grant. The application is due in April. It’s going to involve aerospace companies. It’s to train people
while they are employed.
3) Accreditation Update: We’re going to get the letter this month from the accreditation body.
4) Building Captains: Bobby doesn’t want to be building captain and Laura is looking at retirement. We
need somebody to take the needed class and volunteer to be Building Captain.
5) Storage Area: There was an insurance safety audit done on our building. We got a report back that
requires us to do certain things. I’m going to disseminate that to the people responsible for certain areas
and corrective action will need to be taken.