EL CAMINO COLLEGE Community Advancement Division Council March 11, 2015

Community Advancement Division Council
March 11, 2015
Department Updates
Career Pathways – Megan Ruane (not in attendance):
Alicia Zambrano: Compton Career Advancement Academy (CAA) (not in attendance):
Center for Applied Competitive Technologies – Darling Garcia:
1) The Mentor Protégé program is gaining momentum. The Mentor is ready to change its
business plan model and that will require a lot of training, which we are ready to provide.
2) All the classes and training under the H1B grant are progressing as planned:
o Credit courses at Compton have strong numbers.
o The March Harness Tech cohort has 9 participants.
o The April Harness Tech cohort is full and we are recruiting for May and June.
o We expect to finish the Harness Tech training in June, if companies do not start hiring.
o The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt exam prep course was completed by all
o The May Certified Quality Engineer exam prep course is full.
Community Education – Veronica Mendoza: (not in attendance).
Center for Customized Training (CCT) – Maricela Vital:
1) Contract Education: We are hoping to do more training. We’re sending out contracts to
different companies. One of them being Kings Hawaiian.
Grants – Jennifer Hutcherson:
1) The final plan was submitted for the Adult Education AB86 planning grant on March 1, 2015.
2) Student Development office is interested in starting a suicide prevention program.
3) Staff and Student Diversity office is interested in starting a program to reduce sexual assault,
domestic violence, dating violence and stalking on campus.
4) The CalRecycle program is coming around again (probably in the next month or two).
Institutional research, the student development office and the students in the Sustainability
Club on campus are interested in applying for and implementing a campus-wide recycling
Small Business Development Center – LauraLee Garinger:
1) Star Van Buren and LauraLee Garinger attended the 2015 Business Leaders’ Summit in
Manhattan Beach, CA on March 6th. It was an all-day event. The SBDC had an exhibitor
table set up.
2) There are three workshops to take place at Cal State University Dominguez Hills that is hoted
by the Mervyn M. Dymally African American Political and Economic Institute, El Camino
College Small Business Development Center and City of Carson Community Business
Development. Each workshop takes place from 9am to 12pm and is free to the public. On
March 6th, Marketing-People, Process and Product. On March 20th, Leadership and
Management-HR, Training, Mentoring, and Problem. On April 3rd, The 4-F’s “Financials,
Funding, Free Tools, and Flourish.
3) On March 25, 2015 there will be training for owner/operator truckers in conjunction with the
Air Resources Board at the SBDC. It will cover topics on Truck and Bus Regulation
Applicability, Engine Model Year Schedule and Options, How to Report using TRUCRS
Online, 2014 Regulatory Changes, Enforcement Programs, Tractor-Trailer GHG Regulation
Applicability, Model Year Schedule and Options, How to report using TRUCRS (GHG) {The
Tractor-Trailer Greenhouse Gas Reduction Regulation}.
4) There will be a Branding for Women event on March 26, 2015 from 5:30pm-9:00pm at the
LAX Marriott.
5) SBDC workshops remaining to be held at the Business Training Center in Hawthorne are:
Small Business Orientation 3/17/15, Basics of Starting a Business 3/17/15, Business
Licenses, Corporations & LLC’s 3/17/15, Quick Books Level 5 3/18/15, Navigating
Technology for Start-Up Businesses 3/19/15, Marketing 101 3/19/15, Create Effective Email
Marketing 3/24/15, How to Estimate Start-Up Costs 3/24/15, Using Google Platforms to
Increase revenue (Inglewood) 3/25/15, Export Workshop 3/26/15, Small Business Orientation
Workplace Learning Resource Center – Maryann Cohan:
1) Terminal Island: On-going Welding contract 1/26 – 9/30/15, Instructor Henry Jackson. This is
the last year.
Parenting: 5-Year contract – Began 2/10/15 - Instructor Bobbie Lanham. Graduation on
2) Metropolitan Detention Center: Parenting 5-Year contract – Began 3/4/15 – Instructor –
Theresa Reed. Blueprint for Success: Instructor Theresa Reed. Waiting for MDC to issue a
new contract.
3) Maritime Training: STCW-95:
Lifeboat class will be held the week of March 16th.
STCW (Standards for Training Certification and Watchkeeping) class to be held the week of
March 23rd.
Security Awareness class will be held at the end of March.
We are getting a lot of students through the Worksource Centers (One-Stops).
Tankerman: Possible class the first week in May.
Vessel Security Officer (VSO): More changes have to be made.
We will be using the new Alondra Park Pool when Disney comes back for training.
a) PlanNet IT Assessment: College, last spring, had contracted with a company called PlanNet to do an
assessment of the computer infrastructure at the college which has been a little problematic for
everybody. They did an 8-month study and the report is out. In the Manager’s meeting, President
Fallo essentially said he was going to approve all the recommendations and they were going to
revamp the whole IT infrastructure for the college. The report it is available on the campus web page
on the President’s page under IT Assessment. The first phase will be that they will hire a chief
information officer (CIO) to manage the whole technology infrastructure for the college. They are
going to create six new IT positions. That’s phase two. Phase one is the first six months when they
will fill the CIO position. There’s also a decision to use enterprise software, 3rd party software, to
handle some of the things that we have problems with such as e-mail.
b) Meal and Rest Breaks: Part of the Affordable Care Act, part-time workers are now eligible for sick
time. If you work 30 hours you get one hour of sick time up to a maximum of three full days annually.
This also ties into the rest periods and breaks.
c) Smoke Free Campus Policy: We are an El Camino building and as of February 17th El Camino has
gone smoke free. That means there is no smoking on the campus or the college’s buildings or the
parking lots. That applies to us here. So you have to go out to the street. There is going to be a sign.
On campus the idea is to be supportive of people who want to quit. If you’re interested in quitting, you
can go to the Health Center to get help with smoking secession and you can get patches or gum.
They want to be helpful. The statement on the policy is on the campus home page.
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