Study Guide Test #3- 449/549 THE FOLLOWING IS A COMPLETE LIST OF THE PROBLEMS THAT WILL APPEAR ON TEST #3 (Final Exam). ON THE DAY OF THE EXAM YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO DO ANY FIVE OF THE ROBLEMS LISTED BELOW. YOU WLL HAVE THE OPTION OF DOING UP TO FIVE ADDITIONAL PROBLEMS FOR EXTRA CREDIT. EACH EXTRA CREDIT PROBLEM WILL BE WORTH ONE HALF THE CREDIT OF A REQUIRED PROBLEM. Problem #1: (a) - Determine that the 2nd order partial differential equation a( x, y ) u xx 2b( x, y ) u xy c( x, y ) u yy d ( x, y )u x e( x, y )u y f ( x, y )u 0 is either parabolic, hyperbolic or elliptic on a given region in R 2 where the coefficients in the differential equation are given continuous functions of x and y . (b) - Find a (characteristic) coordinate transformation that reduces the given p.d.e. to an appropriate canonical form. (c) - Use the result of part (b) to calculate the coefficients of the second derive terms in the canonical form. That is if the canonical form of the given p.d.e. is ~ ~ ~ a~( , ) u~ 2b ( , ) u~ c~( , ) u~ d ( , )u~ e~( , )u~ f ( , )u~ 0 , ~ calculate a~ , b and c~ . Recall that if ( x, y ), ( x, y ) is a coordinate ~ transformation then a~ ( )T A , b ( )T A , c~ ( )T A where a b is the matrix of the principal part of the differential operator given above. A b c See Text #1: Problem 7.7 (page 143) ________________________________________________________________________ Problem #2: Do problem # 13.6 0n page 244 in Text #1. ________________________________________________________________________ Problem #3: (a)-Consider the Dirichlet problem on the exterior region R 2 B (0,1) {( x, y) : r 1} where B(0,1) {( x, y ) : r 1} .Use inversion with respect to the circle S (0,1) {( x, y ) : r 1} to derive Green’s function for from the Green’s function for B (0,1) . The formula for this Green’s function is given in problem (10.4) ( p. 231 of Text #1). (b)-Use the result of part (a), and the representation formula (9.11) (p. 224 of Text #1) to derive the Poisson integral (12.15) (p. 239 of Text #1). ________________________________________________________________________ CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Study Guide Test #3- 449/549 Problem #4: Derive an integral representation of the solution of the Dirichlet problem for the upper half of the xyz plane, i.e the region {( x, y, z ) : z 0} . Note that {( x, y, z ) : z 0} . Use formula (13.5) (p. 241 of Text #1), and formula (13.4) (p.240 of Text #1). _______________________________________________________________________________ Problem #5: (a)-Show that any coordinate transformation ( x, y ) , ( x, y ) from xy space to ξη space that satisfies the Cauchy-Reimann equations x ( x, y ) y ( x, y ), y ( x, y ) x ( x, y ) preserves Laplace’s Equation. (b) Show that the inverse x X ( , ) , y Y ( , ) of the coordinate transformation of part (a) satisfies the Cauchy-Reimann equations, i.e. X ( , ) Y ( , ), Y ( , ) X ( , ) . ______________________________________________________________________________ Problem #6: 1 Dimensional Wave Equation-(Fourier Transforms) (a) Show that the function u ( x, y, t ) e sin( ( x t )) d satisfies the wave equation 0 u xx utt 0 on R by differentiating under the integral sign. (b) Calculate u ( x, y , t ) , and show by direct substitution that this function satisfies the wave equation u xx utt 0 . _____________________________________________________________________ Problem #7: 1 Dimensional Wave Equation- (Separation of Variables ) Let u ( x, t ) be the solution of the following initial-boundary value problem: u xx utt 0 (0 x 1, t 0) 2 u(0, t ) 0, u x (1, t ) 0 (t 0) , u( x,0) x(1 x), ut ( x,0) 0 (0 x 1) . (a)-Show by direct substitution that the functions un ( x, t ) sin n x cos n t (n 1,2,3,...) ( 2 n 1 )π where λn satisfy u xx utt 0 on the region (0 x 1, t 0) . 2 (b)-Show that un ( x, t ) sin n x cos n t (n 1,2,3,...) satisfies the boundary conditions 2 u(0, t ) 0, u x (1, t ) 0 (t 0) . (c)-The solution of the given initial-boundary value problem can be expressed as u( x, t ) n1 an sin n x cos n t if a1 , a2 , a3 ,... are chosen so that u( x,0) x(1 x) n1 an sin n x . Calculate a1 , a2 , a3 ,... . See Chapter 8, Section 8 _______________________________________________________________________ CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Study Guide Test #3- 449/549 Problem #8: 2 Dimensional Wave Equation- (Separation of Variables ) (a)-Show by direct substitution that the functions umn ( x, y, t ) sin mx cos ny sin mn t (m 1, 2, 3, ..., n 0,1, 2, 3,...) where λmn ( m 2 n 2 )π 2 , satisfy the wave equation u xx u yy utt 0 on the region (0 x 1, 0 y 1, t 0) . (b)-Show that umn ( x, y, t ) sin mx cos ny sin mn t (m 1, 2, 3, ..., n 0,1, 2, 3,...) satisfies the boundary conditions u (0, y, t ) 0, u (1, y, t ) 0 (0 y 1, t 0) , u y ( x , 0 , t ) 0 , u y ( x , 1, t ) 0 ( 0 x 1, t 0 ) . (c)-The solution u ( x, y , t ) of the following initial-boundary value problem: u xx u yy utt 0 (0 x 1, 0 y 1, t 0) u (0, y, t ) 0, u (1, y, t ) 0 (0 y 1, t 0) , u y ( x , 0 ,t ) 0 , u y ( x , 1, t ) 0 ( 0 x 1, t 0 ) , u( x, y,0) 0, ut ( x, y,0) xy (0 x 1, 0 y 1) . can be expressed as n 0 m1 amn sin mx cos ny sin mn t (m 1, 2, 3, ..., n 0,1, 2, 3,...) if the amn (m 1, 2, 3, ..., n 0,1, 2, 3, ...) are chosen so that ut ( x, y,0) xy n0 m1 mn amn sin mx cos ny . Calculate amn (m 1, 2, 3, ..., n 0,1, 2, 3, ...) . See Chapter 8, section 9 ________________________________________________________________________ Problem #9: Use the method of characteristics to solve the following Cauchy problem: a ( x, y )u x b( x, y ) u y c( x, y )u d ( x, y ), u u ( x, y ) , u ( x 0 ( ), y0 ( )) u0 ( ) . where the coefficients a ( x, y ), b( x, y ), c( x, y ), d ( x, y ) , the initial curve x x0 ( ), y y0 ( ) , and the initial function u0 ( ) are given. ________________________________________________________________________ Problem #10: Use the method of characteristics to solve the Cauchy problem aux b u y c( x, y)u 2 0, u u( x, y) , u ( x, y( x)) u0 ( x) . where the constant coefficients a and b , the coefficient c ( x, y ) , the initial function u0 ( x) , and the initial curve y y (x ) are given. ________________________________________________________________________