
Spring 2005
Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
Instructor: Prof. C. O. Bloom
Lectures: NSC 222, Mon., Wed., Fri., 11:00-11:50 A.M .
Office: 314 Math. Bldg.
Office Hours: Mon., Wed., 2-3:00 P.M. and by appointment
T.A.: Mr. Mark Joseph
Office: Room 125 Math. Bldg.
e-mail: mjosef@buffalo.edu
Phone: 645-6284 Ext. 161
Special Help Session for Test #1 on 2/16/05 at 4:00 PM in Room 125
Special Help Session for Test #2 on 2/23/05 at 4:00 PM in Room 125
Special Help Session for Test #3 on 4/203/05 at 4:00 PM in Room 125
Recitation D1:
First meeting : Wed., 1/26/05, 12:00-12:50 P.M., 213 OBRIAN
Subsequent meetings: Wed., 12:00-12:50 P.M., HOCHSTETTER 139
Recitation D2:
First meeting : Fri., 1/28/05, 10:00-10:50 P.M., 111 TALBERT
Subsequent meetings : Fri., 10:00-10:50 P.M., HOCHSTETTER 139
Syllabus (required text books, exam schedules, homework
assignments, math lab assignments, grading policy, general
Supplementary Notes:
Supplementary Notes 2: Logistic Equation
Supplementary Notes 3: Logistic Equation with Threshold
Links to Other Supplementary Materials:
Hassard's and Ringland's Guides to MTH 306
The Boston University Ordinary Differential Equations Project
The Brooks/Cole Diff EQ Resource Center