EL CAMINO COLLEGE COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE DATE: (month/year submitted to Curriculum Office) PROPOSAL FOR COURSE REVISION 1.0 IDENTIFICATION OF EXISTING COURSE: 1.1 Division: 1.2 Department: 1.3 Title and Number: 1.4 Descriptive Title: 1.5 Proposer: (Person to whom questions should be directed) 1.6 Division Curriculum Committee Approval Date: 2.0 PROPOSED COURSE REVISION(S): Inactivate Faculty Load Reactivate Units Course Review Lecture/Lab Hours New Distance Education Version Grading Method ______ Online ______ Other Credit Status Distance Education Update Transfer Status Prerequisite Catalog Description Corequisite Schedule Description Recommended Preparation A.A./A.S. General Education Requirement Enrollment Limitation CSU General Education Requirement Title and Number IGETC General Education Descriptive Title Other Specify: Discipline 3.0 COURSE SIMILARITIES: 3.1 Is this course similar to any existing course(s) based on proposed revisions to this course? ______ No _____ Yes If yes, explain why this revised course is necessary. 3.2 If the similar course exists in a different department, this revised course must be submitted to the department for review. Comments of Reviewer(s): Reviewers: Date: CCC Form 3, 5/2008 Page 1 of 3 PROPOSAL FOR COURSE REVISION 4.0 GENERAL EDUCATION: 4.1 If the course is submitted to satisfy a General Education requirement for the A.A./A.S. degrees, the CSU transfer pattern, and/or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC), specify the appropriate area(s): 4.2 In order to request General Education status for a course in an area associated with another division, it must be submitted to that division for approval. List division(s) and faculty consulted: Name of person contacted: Indicate response: 5.0 DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT STATUS: 6.0 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED REVISION(S): CCC Form 3, 5/2008 Page 2 of 3 PROPOSAL FOR COURSE REVISION 7.0 JUSTIFICATION: Revisions that have fiscal implications (such as an increase in lecture/lab hours, units, and/or faculty load) must have the written support of the College President prior to submission to the College Curriculum Committee. Requests for CSU transfer must include one of the following: 1) letter from appropriate department head indicating acceptability at a CSU campus; 2) copy of a CSU or California community college catalog page indicating parallel transfer course; or 3) comparable California community college outline indicating CSU transferability. For UC transfer, the Articulation Officer pursues transferability of course after approval by Board of Trustees. 8.0 ATTACH COURSE OUTLINE OF RECORD. CCC Form 3, 5/2008 Page 3 of 3