Application Fee Waiver ADULT EDUCATION Certificate

Office of Adult Education
Application Fee Waiver
Certificate No._____________
(To Be Completed by Adult Education Center)
This certificate waives the $20 application fee for Lanier Technical College.
Name__________________________ Student ID_____________
(To Be Completed by Admissions Office Only)
Expiration Date __________________
Instructor Signature ________________________
The student must staple this certificate to the front of the application form. No refunds
of application fees already paid will be issued. All other fees will be due at registration.
This certificate is non-transferable and has no cash value.
This waiver may be used for any student who has graduated with a GED designation or
who is in the Accelerating Opportunities Program and who wishes to enroll in the Lanier
Technical College Technical Certificate Programs as a joint enrollment student.
Revised 3/26/15