1. Announcements K-State Invention Disclosure Process

Engineering Untenured Faculty Network Agenda & Announcements
January 28, 2015
1. Announcements
2. K-State Invention Disclosure Process
Presenter: Chris Brandt, Interim Vice President for Technology Transfer, KSU Research Foundation
For Your Calendar – Spring UFN Monthly Meetings
The Spring meetings will be 11:30 – 12:30, 2064 Rathbone (the Garmin Room in the former ECE offices) with
lunch provided. Upcoming meetings:
 Feb 4 - Tenure and Promotion, Dean Darren Dawson
 Feb 18 - Effective Advising and Evaluation of PhD Students
 Mar 24, Apr 28, May 26 - Topics to be announced
Feb 3 -- New Faculty Institute Luncheon
"Evaluation, Promotion and Tenure" will be the theme of the New Faculty Institute luncheon at 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 3, in the Flint Hills Room at the K-State Student Union. Featured speaker will be Provost April
Mason. For more information, contact Karen Large, New Faculty Institute coordinator, at kmlarge@k-state.edu,
or Jana Fallin, The Teaching & Learning Center director, at teachingandlearning@k-state.edu.
Feb 4 - Information Session -- Broader Impacts and Outreach - Using Existing K-State Programs to Meet these
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is hosting an information session on programs across campus
that can be leveraged to help meet the broader impacts and outreach requirements. The session will be held on
Thursday, February 4, at 3:00 p.m. in the Alumni Center's Lecture Room. Registration is required.
Feb 1 - Deadline for K-State Distinguished Lecturers Series Proposals
Deadline for submitting a proposal to the K-State Distinguished Lecturers Series is Feb. 1. The provost's office
sponsors the event for up to $6,000, and is looking forward to topics that highly impact the K-State campus.
Contact Bill Zhang for information, billz@ksu.edu
Feb 5 - The University Advising Committee Invites Applications for Professional Development Grant
Up to five awards of $700 are available to support K-State faculty and staff who wish to participate in an
academic advising professional development opportunity. Applications are due Friday, Feb. 5.
NSF Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) in Effect Beginning January 26, 2015
For NSF proposals submitted on or before January 26, 2015, the new GPG, NSF 16-1 (Part I of the PAPPG) will
apply. Editorial changes have been made to either clarify or enhance the intended meaning of a sentence or
section or ensure consistency with data contained in NSF systems or other NSF policy documents. Also see
Significant Changes to the PPAPPG Part I: Grant Proposal Guide (GPG).
NSF Grants Conference - Excellent Online Resource. On-demand viewing of sessions held at the National
Science Foundation Grants Conference in early November are available to the research community. Associated
presentation documents are also available at this site. This conference is primarily for new faculty; the agenda
included sessions such as “Introduction & NSF Overview,” “Proposal Preparation,” “Merit Review Process,” and
“Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program,” presented by Henry Warchall, Chair, CAREER
Coordinating Committee.
K-State Research Showcase - Spotlighting Research Capabilities, Facilities, and Resources - March 22, 2016
The K-State Research Showcase is slated for March 22, 2016, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the K-State Student Union with
a reception to follow at the KSU Foundation Office Park. The event will identify and promote campus expertise,
focus areas, and resources, facilitate strategic relationships and opportunities between K-State researchers and
industry partners, and explore opportunities to collaborate on transformative RSCAD, innovations, and
Fall 2015 UFN Meetings Available for Viewing Online. Handouts, links and videos are on the ERGP Untenured
Faculty Meetings site
 September – “Pacing Yourself as a New Faculty Member”
 October – “Sponsored Project Proposal Processes and New Vice President for Research (VPR) Policies”
 November – “Research Resources for Faculty”
 December – “The Basics of ABET Accreditation”
ORSP Workshops and Events Available Online. If you missed these fall sessions, you can find the recordings
online at http://www.k-state.edu/orsp/resources/calendar/previous/.
 NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program Information Session (Nov 30, 2015).
 Beyond Bullets and Bombs: Intro to the Department of Defense and Broad Agency Announcements
(Oct 21, 2015).
 Extension National Science Foundation and Broader Impacts (Oct 19, 2015).
Spring 2016 Calendar
Feb 4
UFN Meeting, Tenure and Promotion, 11:30-12:30, Garmin Room (2064 Rathbone)
Feb 4
Broader Impacts and Outreach Information Session - Using Existing K-State Programs to Meet these
Requirements, 3:00 PM, Alumni Center Lecture Room (registration required)
Feb 11
Hazardous Waste Awareness Training, 2:00-3:00 PM, 011 Edwards Hall (registration required)
Feb 15
OURCI Summer 2016 Research and Travel Applications due
Feb 18
UFN Meeting, Managing and Evaluating Graduate Students, 11:30-12:30, Garmin Room (2064
Mar 3
Hazardous Waste Awareness Training, 9:00-10:00 AM, 011 Edwards Hall (registration required)
Mar 22
K-State Research Showcase: Spotlighting Research Capabilities, Facilities and Resources
Mar 24
UFN Meeting, 11:30-12:30, Garmin Room (2064 Rathbone)
Apr 1
Engineering Hall Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, 3:00 PM
Apr 12-14 2016 DC Trip for University Untenured Faculty
Apr 15
Engineering Undergraduate Research Poster Forum, 10:30 - Noon
Apr 18
OURCI Fall 2016 Research and Travel Applications due
Apr 24
UFN Meeting, 11:30-12:30, Garmin Room (2064 Rathbone)
May 26
UFN Meeting, 11:30-12:30, Garmin Room (2064 Rathbone)
Things to Do in Manhattan
Looking for something to do outside of teaching and researching for yourself or your family? Here is a list of a few
activities Manhattan has to offer.
Manhattan Young Professionals (MYP) – Networking opportunities and social interactions to young
professionals in the Manhattan Area. http://www.manhattan.org/index.aspx?NID=62
Chamber of Commerce, http://www.manhattancvb.org/. To acclimate to the Manhattan area, try the
Manhattan Visitors Guide,
http://issuu.com/sunflower_publishing/docs/manhattan_cvb_2016_with_insert/1 . The site also includes
local, regional, and state events.
UFM Community Learning Center – Based on the philosophy that everyone can learn and everyone can
teach, UFM provides opportunities for lifelong learning and personal development. UFM serves as a forum
for the exchange of ideas and as a catalyst for new programs and services that enhance the quality of life for
all. Spring class catalog: http://www.tryufm.org/pdfsfordownload/Spring%202016%20Catalog%20%20FINAL%20-%20web.pdf
Manhattan Parks & Rec, http://www.mhkprd.com/
Tuttle Creek State Park, http://ksoutdoors.com/State-Parks/Locations/Tuttle-Creek, Facebook,
Little Apple Paddle. Kayak or canoe from Manhattan to St.
Wildwood Outdoor Adventures. Zip line park consists of seven zip lines with hiking trails between each line.
Get a birds-eye view of the Flint Hills. http://www.wildwoodoutdooradventurepark.com/
Lazy T Ranch Adventures. http://lazytranchadventures.com/events-parties.html