Houston Community College CSME 1405- Fall 2012/Second Start Southeast Campus, Room 101 Fundamentals of Cosmetology Nicole L. Cartwright, Instructor Office Hours: By Appointment Email: nicole.cartwright1@hccs.edu Fundamentals of Cosmetology--25174 2 Lectures- 8 Lab Hours (160 contact hours) This class meets on Monday-Friday at 4:27PM - 7:13PM Course Description: A course in the basic fundamentals of cosmetology. Topics include service preparation, manicure, facial, chemical services, shampoo, haircut, wet styling, and comb out. Course Focus: The focus of this class is to introduce the student to the basic skills in brushing, hair and scalp analysis, shampooing and conditioning treatments, basic manicuring, pedicures, and a brief introduction to cosmetology salon management. The student is introduced to the rules and regulations of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (T.D.L.R.) pertinent to the practice of cosmetology. This course is a combination of 2 lecture and 8 lab hours (160 contact hours). Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be awarded four semester credit hours. End-of-Course Outcomes: Identify fundamental concepts related to skills required by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR); implement fundamental skills required by the TDLR. External accreditation standard is a passing score of 70% on state licensing examination administered by Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation on the first attempt. Pre-requisites: The student must meet the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation criteria for enrollment in a cosmetology operator program as well as the requirements for HCC. Academic Prerequisites: College ready reading Co-Requisites: CSME 1491, CSME 1410 and CSME 1453 1 CSME 1405-25174 Text and References: Milady Standard Textbook of Cosmetology 2012 Edition Cengage Learning ISBN# 13:978-1-4390-5930-2, Milady Standard Textbook of Cosmetology 2012 Edition Study Guide Cengage Learning ISBN#13: 978-1-4390-5924-1, Milady Standard Textbook of Cosmetology 2012 Edition Theory Workbook Cengage Learning ISBN#13-978-4390-5923-3, Milady Standard Textbook of Cosmetology 2012 Edition Practical Workbook Cengage Learning ISBN#13:9781-4390-5922-7, and the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Cosmetologist Rule Book STATEMENT OF FOUNDATION SKILLS AND WORKPLACE COMPETENCIES (SCANS) A study was conducted for the Department of Labor by the American Society for Training and Development which identified the seven skills United States employers want most in entry level employees. These skills are motivation to learn, basic skills, communication, teamwork, critical thinking, career development and leadership. HCCS is committed to preparing every student with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in today’s dynamic work environment. Towards this ends, the following skills will be included in this course. Testing and assessing these skills will vary according to the individual instructor. The following are examples of how these skills may be incorporated into this course. SCANS Matrix A. Three Part Foundation Basic Skills – Reads, writes, performs arithmetic and mathematical operations Listens and speaks Thinking Skills – Thinks creatively, makes decisions, solves problems, visualizes, Knows how to learn and reasons Personal Qualities – Displays responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-management And integrity and honesty B. Five Workplace Competencies Resources – Identifies, organizes, plans and allocates resources Interpersonal – Works with others Information – Acquires and uses information Systems – Understands complex inter-relationships Technology – Works with a variety of technologies 2 CSME 1405-25174 Yes No x x x x x x x x Course Competencies: This course is designed to assist the student in obtaining the following competencies: A. Draping, Shampooing and Scalp Massage. Drape patron for wet hair services, shampoo, and scalp treatments. Drape patron for dry hair services, brushing etc. Drape patron for comb out services. B. Analyze various scalp and hair conditions Identify various scalp and hair problems Shampoo and rinse the hair. Identify and describe the various types and chemistry of shampoo. Select and apply shampoo for specific patron. Draping, Shampooing and Scalp Manipulations Scalp Massage Theory Perform appropriate scalp manipulations while giving a shampoo. Apply specialized reconditioning, medicated cream and color rinses. Aromatherapy for the Scalp C. Know the theory and procedures for scientific brushing and scalp manipulations and hair and scalp treatments. Hair Evaluation Common Hair Conditions Common Scalp Conditions D. Infection Control and Safety Procedure Understand and utilize the required sterilization and sanitation procedures and processes Exhibit knowledge of and practice safety and sanitation methods at all times. Know the sanitation and safety regulations of the TDLR E. Exhibit the ability to complete four basic braiding techniques. Twists Knots Overlaps Braids F. Exhibit the ability to design hair styles using the principles of hair design. Concepts 3 CSME 1405-25174 Design System Solid Form- Straight Volume (Air Forming), Volume and Indentation, Curvature Volume, Straight and Curvature Volume G. The Study of Nail Nail Theory Natural Nail Care Infection Control and Safety Basic Manicure Basic Pedicure Artificial Nail Care Student Learning Outcomes: A. Identify fundamental concepts related to skills required by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR). B. Implement fundamental skills required by the TDLR. C. Demonstrate the proper procedure for draping a model or manikin for chemical, wet or dry cosmetic services following all safety and sanitation guidelines, with a minimum score of 80%. D. Demonstrate the proper procedure for analyzing the hair and scalp and applying scalp treatments, and shampooing the hair observing all safety and sanitation guidelines with a minimum score of 80%. E. Demonstrate four basic hair-braiding techniques, (knots, twists, overlapping braids and French braids) on either a manikin or model, observing all safety and sanitation guidelines with a minimum score of 80%. F. Demonstrate a basic manicure, a pedicure, and an artificial nail application, observing all safety and sanitation guidelines, with a minimum score of 80%. The Cosmetology Department does not guarantee that each student will acquire each learning competency nor acquire all the hours necessary to complete the program within a specified period of time. Courses are scheduled at the discretion of the department and the availability of qualified faculty. Course Topics include: a. Infection control and safety precautions b. T.D.L.R. Rules and regulations related to the practice of cosmetology c. Draping, Shampooing and Scalp Massage. d. Scientific brushing and scalp manipulations and hair and scalp treatments e. Basic braiding techniques. f. Principles of hair design. g. Manicuring and pedicuring 4 CSME 1405-25174 ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT COMPETENCIES: A. Practical examination B. Written Examinations C. Weekly progress achievement charts D. Individual or group class projects E. Situational observation by instructor (i.e. attendance, ethics, conduct and attitude). GRADE DETERMINATION: This is a suggested matrix, the instructor reserves the right to adjust or change accordingly to meet his/her needs or the needs to the class. Unit Exams ……………………………………15% Skill Objectives ………………………………15% Special Assignments ………………………..15% Mid –Term ….…………………………………10% Attendance ……………………………………30% Final Exam ……………………………………15% GRADE RANGE: A = 100- 90 B = 89 - 80: C = 79 - 70: D = 69 - 60: 59 and below = F FX (Failure due to non-attendance) IP (In Progress) W (Withdrawn) I (Incomplete) AUD (Audit) 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 points per semester hour points per semester hour points per semester hour point per semester hour points per semester hour points per semester hour points per semester hour points per semester hour points per semester hour points per semester hour IP: (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student must re-enroll to receive credit. COM (Completed) is given in non-credit and continuing education courses. FINAL GRADE OF FX: Students who stop attending class and do not withdraw themselves prior to the withdrawal deadline may either be dropped by their professor for excessive absences or be assigned the final grade of "FX" at the end of the semester. Students who stop attending classes will receive a grade of "FX", compared to an earned grade of "F" which is due to poor performance. Logging into a DE course without active participation is seen as nonattending. Please note that HCC will not disperse financial aid funding for students who have never attended class. Students who receive financial aid but fail to attend class will be reported to the Department 5 CSME 1405-25174 of Education and may have to pay back their aid. A grade of "FX" is treated exactly the same as a grade of "F" in terms of GPA, probation, suspension, and satisfactory academic progress. To compute grade point average (GPA), divide the total grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted. The grades "IP," "COM" and "I" do not affect GPA. Health Sciences Programs Grading Scales may differ from the approved HCC Grading Scale. For Health Sciences Programs Grading Scales, see the "Program Discipline Requirements" section of the Program's syllabi. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students are expected to attend class daily and be on time. Any students absent from class in excess of 12.5 percent of the hours of instruction will be dropped from the course (including lecture and laboratory time). Students arriving late to class will not be allowed to clock in. Ten points will be deducted for the first day absent from class and 5 for each day thereafter from the attendance grade WITHDRAWALS: It is the responsibility of the student to withdraw officially from a course to keep from receiving an "F" for the class. DRESS CODE: Students in the cosmetology operator candidate program are expected to be self-motivated individuals and to stay on task at all times. Students must be dressed professionally and appropriately in accordance with the department dress code and must wear a lab coat at all times. SCHOLASTIC DISHONETY AND CLASSROOM CONDUCT: Students are expected to conduct themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling the course requirements. Any student found cheating on a test, plagiarizing or in collusion will receive an "F" for the assignment. "Scholastic Dishonesty" includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. "Cheating" on a test includes: Copying from another student's test paper, using your phone, writing on a note pad/copying, and sharing photos that is not your work. Please refer to your student handbook for college policy on academic dishonesty and disciplinary problems. Make-up policy for missed assignments or tests: There will be no make-up for missed unit exams. Make-up for a missed midterm or final test will be permitted only if the student informs the instructor in advance. The student must make arrangements to take the missed test no later than 3 days after the original test date. It should be understood that the make-up test would not be the same as the test given to the student that took the test on the assigned date. 6 CSME 1405-25174 Canceling a Class Every effort is made to begin and hold class at the designated time. Each class is contingent of the required minimum number of students. Occasionally, extenuating circumstances arise requiring a cancellation or delay. In such cases, we attempt to notify all students by telephone. Make sure that the department has a current phone or an alternate number where you can be reached. Houston Community College reserves the right when necessary to cancel classes, alter schedules or substitute instructors. Students are not notified if a class has made. Students are contacted only in the event of a class cancellation or change. Classroom Behavior: This is a positive learning environment for each student and the instruction... let each one of us try to develop/maintain a schedule and tolerant for each other while enrolled in this class/college this semester. At this moment let’s make a point to respect your fellow classmate and their learner environment. Students with Disabilities The Disability Support Services (DSS) Office assists students with physical, learning or emotional disabilities in developing independence and self-reliance. Services include adaptive equipment and reasonable accommodations for admissions assistance, testing, and academic advising, registration and classroom instruction. Students with special needs or disabilities, which may affect their ability to succeed in college classes or participate in college/programs/activities, should contact the Disabilities Support Services (DDD) located at each college. Academic accommodations will be provided only after students have properly registered for services through designated disability services staff. The student is advised to contact the DSS Office at least 60 days prior to the beginning of the term. See additional procedures outlined in the HCCS Student Handbook. Disability support services can also be found online at these Web sites: http://www.rehab.state.tx.us http://www.ican.com The Protocol for the college in regards to issues, complaints or clarification that are directly related to the programs, courses and classes is for students to contact the instructor of their class first. If no resolution is reached they are to contact the Chair or Associate Chair of the department. Should the issue still not be resolved, they would the contact the Dean of the Division. 7 CSME 1405-25174 Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term. STUDENT INFORMATION: Related Web Sites Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation www.license.state.tx.us http://www.pivot–point.com http://hccs.cc.tx.us http://www.opi.com **Please Be Advised** Meningitis vaccination is required to attend HCC as of January 2012. If you are 30 years or older you are not required to get a vaccination to attend college. Cell phones and Electronic Devices: To be respectful to your learning environment, fellow classmates, and instructor please turn off your cell phones off or place on vibrate. DO NOT have any ringers or music coming from any device. Children: This is a learning facility and there are NO LIABILITIES for children if anything happens. Therefore, NO STUDENT is allowed to bring their child/children to class. Please DO NOT ask for your child/children to sit out in lobby, for it is prohibited. 8 CSME 1405-25174 CONTRACT This is a contract between I, ____________________________________and Ms. Cartwright. I fully understand the attendance policy and I am aware if I exceed three (3) absences I will be dropped on my fourth absence. Ms. Cartwright’s responsibility is to inform me of my attendance, my grade performance and to encourage my ability to learn the field of cosmetology. My responsibility as the student is to show up to class and to strengthen my education experience. By signing this contract I understand the rules and regulations of Houston Community College and Ms.Cartwright’s class. Sign: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________ 9 CSME 1405-25174 Fundamentals of Cosmetology Course Calendar- Fall 2012 Week 1 Rules and Regulations, Orientation, Receipt, Kit check, Bag check, Syllabus and Course Outline Sign Rules and regulations and page #9 of Syllabus Chapter 1: History and Career Opportunities Chapter 2: Life Skills Week 2 Chapter 3: Your Professional Image Chapter 4: Communicating for Success Chapter 5: Infection Control: Principles and Practices Week 3 TDLR Infection Control: Principles and Practices Week 4 Week 5 Chapter 11: Properties of the Hair and Scalp Chapter 15: Scalp Care, Shampooing & Conditioning Mid-Term Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Chapter 17: Hairstyling Wet Hairstyling Basics Finger Waving Roller Curls Comb-Out Techniques Hair Wrapping Ch. 17 Hairstyling Blow-dry Styling Thermal Hairstyling Thermal Hair Straightening (Hair Pressing) Styling Long Hair & Formal Styling Chapter 18: Braiding and Braid Extensions Week 9 Chapter 9: Nail Structure and Growth Chapter 10: Nail Disorders and Diseases Week 10 Week 11 Chapter 25:Manicuring Chapter 26:Pedicuring Week 12 Final Exam 10 CSME 1405-25174 Weekly Assignments Week 1: Sept. 24th-28th Week 2: Oct. 1st-5th Read Chapters 1 and 2 Workbook Theory Only Page 9 of Syllabus is Due Syllabus Quiz Chapter 1 and 2 Quiz Read Chapters 3 and 4 Workbook Theory Only Chapter 3 and 4 Quiz Week 3: Oct. 8th-12th Chapter 5 Workbook Theory and practical Week 4: Oct. 15th-19th Texas Cosmetology Law and Rules Book Week 5:Oct. 22nd-26th Chapters 11 and 15 Workbook, Theory and Practical Chapter 11 and 15 Quiz Student will apply knowledge of technique learned in Draping, Shampoo & scalp analyzing **Group Project** Week 6:Oct.29th-Nov.2nd Week 7:Nov.5th-Nov.9th Week 8:Nov.12th-16th Read Chapter 17: Practical Workbook Assignment and Chapter Quiz Student will apply knowledge of technique learned in Wet Styling Finger Waves Rollers Students will apply knowledge of techniques learned in: Blow-dry Styling Thermal Hairstyling Thermal Hair Straightening (Hair Pressing) Styling Long Hair & Formal Styling Chapter 18 Practical Workbook Students will apply techniques learned in Basic Braiding Techniques 11 CSME 1405-25174 Week 9: Nov.19th-23rd Week 10: Chapter 9, Workbook Theory Only and Quiz Chapter 10 Workbook Theory Only and Chapter 10 Quiz Nov.26th-30th Chapter 25, Workbook Practical Only, and Quiz Chapter 26 Workbook Practical Only, and Chapter 26 Quiz Dec.3rd-7th Complete Progress Chart Complete Portfolio Study for Final Exam Week 11: Week 12: Dec.10th-14th Portfolio Due Monday December 10, 2012 Final Exam 12 CSME 1405-25174 Special Assignment Portfolio You will display worked performed in this class Portfolio must include: Title Page Table of Content Your Mission Statement Why I Chose the Field of Cosmetology Two (2) Photos Before and After of Complete Styles All styles MUST be completed in class The following Styles are required for portfolio: Wet Set Finger Waves & Pin Curls Blow-Dry Styling Thermal Styling Long Hair & Formal Styling Cornrows Fishtail Braid French Braid Manicure/Pedicure 13 CSME 1405-25174