
Art Appreciation – Study Sheet – Test 3 – Chapters 10-17
Chapter 9– Drawing
Plates: 9-4, 9-11, 9-14
Artists: Leonardo da Vinci, Kathe Kollwitz, Edgar Degas
Vocabulary: media/medium, cartoon, pigment, binder, fixative
Media: characteristics, materials, basic techniques
 Metalpoint – silverpoint, stylus, heightening
 Charcoal/chalk
 Graphite – pencil, conté crayon
 Pastel (chalk and oil/crayon)
 Oilstick
 Pen and Ink
 Wash and Brush
Chapter 10 – Printmaking
Plates: 10-12, 10-21
Artists: Kitagawa Utamaro, Albrecht Durer
Vocabulary: print, edition, matrix, proofs, registration, cancelling, printing press, planographic,
burin, ground, stopping out, burr, rocker
 Relief – woodcut, wood engraving, linocut
 Intaglio – engraving, etching, drypoint, aquatint, mezzotint
 Lithography
 Silkscreen/serigraph
 Monotypes
Chapter 11 – Painting
Plates: 11-10, 11-11, 11-14 Artists: Michelangelo Buonarroti, Sandro Botticelli, Robert Campin
Vocabulary: mimesis, solvent/vehicle, support, ground, gesso, trompe l’oeil, aqueous,
nonaqueous, glazing
 Fresco (true/buon, dry/secco)
 Encaustic
 Tempera
 Oil
 Watercolor
 Gouache
 Acrylic/synthetic media
 Mixed media
 Collage
Chapter 12 – Photography and Time-Based Media
Plates: 12-1, 12-11, 12-37
Artists: Eadweard Muybridge, Alfred Stieglitz, Nam June Paik
Vocabulary: camera obscura, daguerreotype, wet-plate collodian, negative, photojournalism,
editing (flashback, cross-cutting, montage), shot (full, medium, close-up, extreme
close-up, long shot, iris shot, pan, travelling shot), auteur, animation
Media (also know how these media impacted art and society)
 Film Photography (black and white, color)
 Film (motion pictures, cinema)
 Video
 Digital
Chapter 13 – Sculpture
Plates: 13-11, 13-19, 13-38 &39
Artists: Praxiteles, August Rodin, Nancy Holt
Vocabulary: additive, subtractive, relief (high/haut, low/bas), sculpture-in-the-round/freestanding,
Lost-wax casting, happening
Carving (wood, stone)
Modeling (clay)
Casting (metal)
Environment/Site-Specific Art: Installations and Earthworks
Performance Art
Chapter 14 – The Crafts as Fine Art
Plates: 14-6, 14-18, 414-27
Artists: Maria Montoya Martinez and Julian Martinez, Dale Chihuly, Faith Ringgold
Vocabulary: crafts, firing, kiln, glaze, slab construction, coiling, throwing, slip, potter’s wheel,
earthenware, stoneware, porcelain, silica, weaving, warp, weft/woof, tapestry,
embroidery, repousse, embossing
 Ceramics
 Glass
 Fiber
 Metal
 Wood
Chapter 15 – Architecture
Plates: 15-25, 15-37
Artists: Gustave Eiffel, Frank Lloyd Wright
Vocabulary: topography, shell system, skeleton-and-skin, tensile strength, column, capital,
Greek orders (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian), arch, dome, groin vault, barrel/tunnel vault, pointed arch,
flying buttresses, cantilever
 Load bearing
 Post-and-lintel
 Arch and Dome
 Cast Iron
 Wood frame/balloon frame
 Steel-and-reinforced concrete
Chapter 16 – The Design Profession
Plate: 16-9
Artist: Louis Comfort Tiffany
 Arts and Crafts Movement
 Art Nouveau
 Art Deco
 De Stijl
 Constructivism
 Bauhaus