
Art Appreciation – Study Sheet for Test 1
Note: You will need a scantron, some notebook paper, and your pen or pencil. Books, notes,
cell phones, computers, and other electronic devices should be turned off and put away.
Chapter 1 - A World of Art
Plates: 1-5, 1-6, 1-10, 1-17
Artists: Yukinori Yanagi, John Ahearn and Rigoberto Torres, Kane Kwei, Picasso
Vocabulary: aesthetic, animism
-Roles of Art (help us see the world in a new or innovative way; make a visual record of
the people, places and events of their time and place; make functional objects and structures
more pleasurable and elevate them or imbue them with meaning; give form to the immaterialhidden or universal truths, spiritual forces, personal feelings)
- Aesthetics/beauty
- Objective vs. Subjective
- Form and Function
-Seeing/perception (physical) vs. psychological conception
Chapter 2 – Developing Visual Literacy
Plates: Fig. 2-1, Fig. 2-21
Artists: Rene Magritte, Jan van Eyck
Vocabulary: calligraphy, iconoclast, sublime, representational/objective, abstract,
nonrepresentational/nonobjective, realistic, photorealistic, trompe l’oeil, naturalistic,
illusionistic, form, composition, content, ethnocentric, conventions, iconography
-Art and reality
-Form and content
-Words, images, and representation
Chapter 3 – Seeing the Value in Art
Plates: 3-4, 3-5, 3-7, 3-9
Artists: Chris Ofili, Edouard Manet, Marcel Duchamp, Maya Ying Lin
-Public Art
-Art and Controversy
-Art and Activism
Chapter 4 – Line
Plates: Fig. 4-3, Fig. 4-14, Fig. 4-22
Artists: Andy Goldsworthy, Vincent van Gogh, Hung Lui
Vocabulary: line, implied line, outline, contour, cross-contour, gesture, axial, edges, grid
-Actual vs. implied lines
-Contour vs. gesture
-Lines and movement
Chapter 5 – Space
Plates: Fig. 5-15, Fig. 5-20, Fig. 5-24
Artists: Leonardo da Vinci, Andrea Mantegna
Vocabulary: two-dimensional space, three-dimensional space, picture plane, shape, mass,
volume, positive and negative space/shapes, figure-ground reversal, overlap,
linear perspective (1-point, 2-point), horizon line/eye level, vanishing point,
axonometric projections, oblique projection, position/vertical location, monocular, binocular,
-2D space, 3D space, and the illusion of 3D space on a 2D surface
-Ways of suggesting 2D space on a 3D surface: scale, overlapping, linear perspective,
position, foreshortening
-Monocular vs. binocular vision
Chapter 6 – Light and Color
Plates: Fig. 6-4, Fig. 6-9, Fig. 6-36, Fig. 6-41
Artists: J. M. W. Turner, Michelangelo, Chuck Close, Claude Monet
Vocabulary: light, value, color, aerial/atmospheric perspective, modeling, chiaroscuro,
tenebrism, highlights, shading/shadow, cast shadow, reflected light, hatching,
cross-hatching, tint, shade, hue, intensity/saturation, spectrum, color wheel,
primary colors, secondary colors, tertiary/intermediate color, temperature (warm/cool),
analogous color scheme, complementary color scheme, simultaneous contrast,
pointillism, polychromatic, local color, perceptual color (optical, heightened), arbitrary color,
plein-air painting
-Light/color and space – aerial/atmospheric perspective, modeling
-Actual light vs. illusion of light
-Modeling and associated terms
-Properties of color (hue, value, intensity/saturation)
-Behavior of complements
-Reflected light (pigment, subtractive) vs. refracted/emitted light (additive)
-Symbolism, psychology, societal associations of color/value
Chapter 7 – Other Formal Elements
Plates: Fig. 7-1, Fig. 7-4, Fig 7-8, Fig. 7-13, Fig. 7-15
Artists: Alexander Calder, Manuel Neri, Bridget Riley, Jackson Pollock
Vocabulary: texture (actual/tactile, visual), impasto, frottage, pattern, time/motion, kinetic, Op art
-Ways of suggesting the passage of time and/or motion in a still image
-Media that use time and motion more concretely: film, TV, movies, kinetic works, art that
marks or records the passage of time, art that changes over time
Chapter 8 – The Principles of Design
Plates: Fig 8-3, Fig. 8-17, Fig. 8-20, Fig. 8-21, Fig. 8-27
Artists: Diego Velazquez, Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen, Hokusai, Jacob Lawrence
Vocabulary: balance, actual weight, visual weight, symmetry (absolute/formal, relieved/bilateral),
asymmetry, radial balance, overall balance, emphasis/focal point, scale, proportion, canon of
proportion, hieratic scale/hierarchical proportion, repetition, rhythm, unity, variety,
-Principles of design vs. elements
-What is visual design/composition?
-Balance: actual vs. visual, types of balance
-Scale and proportion
-Rhythm and Repetition
-Unity and Variety