AAP Art History Essay.doc

Art Appreciation – Art History Essay
Paper Due: March 29 (1 week later than what the calendar says)
Value: 100 points
Length: 1000 words, typed, double spaced (include word count)
1. Choose one of the following to develop into an essay:
a. We are always referring to art of the past, but how might a viewer react to art from the
future? Imagine you are an observer from one of the earlier periods of art history covered
in your text. You are confronted with a work of art from a later period in art history (up to
contemporary times). How do you react? Compare two works of art from your text, one
from “your time” and one from “the future”
i. While you can be creative and fanciful in writing from your assumed identity, your
essay should demonstrate an understanding of the piece you have chosen and the
art of your chosen time.
ii. Your essay should also demonstrate some knowledge about the “future” piece,
although you may express dismay, confusion, amazement, or other emotions in
your assumed “olden days” persona.
b. Art history continues to influence what we see in the present day. Find contemporary
examples of this from popular culture. Write an essay explaining the references to art
history, and the possible reasons the references are used. If you use several examples,
your essay should connect them in a logical way. You should demonstrate knowledge
about the specific art historical source(s).
2. Research:
 You probably need to do some research in order to write your essay in an informed way. This
can include traditional print sources, internet, and media sources such as movies, videos, TV,
etc. You can also conduct interviews, which should be included in your bibliography (name of
person, job title or other qualification, date of interview, contact information).
 Be sure to properly cite all works, using quotes where appropriate. Your bibliography should
list all sources consulted, not just those directly cited. Include a printout of the first page of all
internet sources consulted.
3. College level writing is expected. Your paper should be well written and well organized. You
should have a clear unifying idea, and should present your information logically.
Check your spelling and grammar. You may write in the first person, especially if you choose
option (a).
4. Submit the body of your written paper to www.turnitin.com:
Class Number12138552
Password: iconography
Do this well in advance so you can look at your originality report and word count – you can
fix any issues and resubmit the essay until the due date. The turnitin.com website has a Help
section that can help you enroll, submit your essay, view your originality report, etc. If you have
trouble submitting your paper, bring it in on a flash drive and I will help you.
5. If you are at all unclear about what constitutes plagiarism, speak to me for clarification BEFORE
turning in your paper.
1. Paper itself – hard copy
3. First page of all internet sources
Paper Checklist
2. Bibliography/works cited page
4. Turnitin submission
Date Paper was turned in:_________
Art Appreciation
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Art History Essay
Needs Improvement